Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New from Brethren Press: Devotionals, study of Hebrews, Talkabout decoder wheel.

New resources from Brethren Press include a Lent and Easter devotional booklet, a Covenant Bible study on Hebrews, and a Talkabout decoder wheel from the Gather ’Round curriculum, among others.

"He Set His Face," the devotional booklet for Lent and Easter 2008 by James L. Benedict, pastor of Union Bridge (Md.) Church of the Brethren, is available from Brethren Press for $2.25 each, plus shipping and handling; call 800-441-3712. Through reflection and prayer, two pillars of the Lenten observance, the daily devotions from Ash Wednesday through Easter encourage renewal of our understanding of discipleship and deepening commitment to being followers of Jesus. Each day’s devotion includes a scripture, meditation, and prayer.

More than 14,000 copies of the 300th Anniversary devotional "Fresh from the Word" have already sold in anticipation of the 300th anniversary year, which begins Jan. 1, 2008. This historic collection draws from each of the six Brethren bodies and is perpetually dated so it can be enjoyed for years to come. Readers will join together with thousands of Brethren in daily meditation, lifting up God's word fresh for each day of the 300th anniversary year. Copies are still available from Brethren Press for $20 plus shipping and handling, and orders of 10 or more may be made for $15 each copy plus shipping and handling.

"Hebrews: Beyond Christianity 101" is the new Covenant Bible Study from Brethren Press, written by Edward L. Poling, pastor of Hagerstown (Md.) Church of the Brethren. It is available for $6.95 plus shipping and handling. Covenant Bible Studies are relational Bible studies for small groups. Each book contains 10 sessions that promote group interaction and encourage open discussion about practical aspects of the Christian faith. This study takes a look at the book of Hebrews, written to believers who were ready to walk away from their communities of faith. The study aims to help readers revitalize their faith and move beyond elementary beliefs into deeper waters, providing a model of Christian discipleship full of meaning and hope.

The Spring 2008 Talkabout from the Gather 'Round curriculum is a "Decoder Wheel" (available for $5.95 each plus shipping and handling). Gather ’Round is published jointly by Brethren Press and the Mennonite Publishing House. The Talkabout is a Sunday school take-home piece to help connect the themes of Christian education with family life at home. Using the "Talkabout Decoder Wheel," family members will take turns answering questions about the weekly Bible stories they learn in Sunday school by unscrambling words and decoding hints. Discussion starters, prayers, and activity suggestions will bring the Bible home.

"Living the Good News Together" is the theme for the Spring 2008 quarter of Gather 'Round, taken from the Easter text of Jesus' resurrection that also includes the great commission, a call to the disciples to "go and teach." Many Gather 'Round teachers experience God's call to mission as they share the stories of Jesus and the early church with children, junior high, youth, and parents/caregivers classes. A variety of curriculum materials are available; view Gather 'Round materials online at

To order Gather ’Round curriculum or any other Brethren Press resource, call 800-441-3712.

Source: 12/19/2007 Newsline Extra

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