The logo for the 2012 Annual
Conference offers a new take on the Church of the Brethren "tagline"
that has been chosen as the theme of the Conference: Continuing the Work
of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together. Logo design by Paul Stocksdale
working with Brethren Press publisher Wendy McFadden |
At a recent meeting, the Program and Arrangements Committee of the
Church of the Brethren Annual Conference made a number of decisions
including approval of all applications for booth space in the exhibit
hall at the 2012 Conference. Among applicants was the Brethren Mennonite
Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests (BMC).
Other decisions announced by Conference moderator Tim Harvey include a
new set up for business sessions that will seat delegates at round
tables, a "Continuing the Work of Jesus Wall" to stand in the business
and worship hall, a service project to benefit the city of St. Louis,
and the naming of Robert Neff as leader of an all-Conference Sunday
school session prior to Sunday morning worship. Also, a new logo
illustrating the theme, "Continuing the Work of Jesus. Peacefully.
Simply. Together," has been unveiled (see image at right).
The Program and Arrangements Committee, which includes the three
Annual Conference officers, three elected members, and the Conference
director as an ex-officio member, made its decision to grant BMC booth
space as part of an evaluation of the 30-plus applications from
church-related groups requesting space in the exhibit hall, Harvey said
in a telephone interview.
The decision on BMC's application “was based on the decision of the
2011 Annual Conference,” he said, referring to the 2011 delegate body's
action that “reaffirmed the entire 1983 Statement on Human Sexuality
from a Christian Perspective, and voted to continue deeper conversations
concerning human sexuality outside of the query process.” Harvey
specifically cited the delegates' reaffirmation of the entire 1983
paper, which includes instruction to the church to challenge fear,
hatred, and harassment of homosexual persons, and decision to continue
conversation in venues outside the query process that brings items of
business to the Conference. “It is the belief of Program and
Arrangements Committee that conversation and understanding of the
ministries represented in the exhibit hall does take place and is
affirmed as a value of the exhibit hall,” Harvey said.
Instruction for the Program and Arrangements Committee to make an
evaluation of all the applications it received for exhibit space at the
2012 Conference came from the Standing Committee of district delegates,
Harvey said. None of the applications were rejected, he said.
There has been lobbying in the church about the granting of a booth
to BMC, Harvey acknowledged. "We received some correspondence both for
and against," he said. He stated firmly, however, that none of that
correspondence was discussed at the Program and Arrangements Committee
meeting. "We were deliberately trying to get out of the political
realm...which is why we went back to what the Annual Conference said."
He added that as moderator, he hopes to help the church figure out "a
better way to talk with each other." The decision to seat delegates at
round tables is another step in that direction. "I'm pretty excited
about it," Harvey said. "It's an idea that has been around for awhile."
The concept dates back to a 2007 Conference item on "Doing Church
Business" that was received by the delegates and referred to the Annual
Conference Officers for implementation. Several recommendations in the
document have found life over the years, Harvey noted. He hopes for some
business items in 2012 to include time for small group discussion
around the tables, including the reports from the Annual
Conference-related agencies of the church. He also hopes delegates will
sit with people they do not know, and the officers will create
opportunities for delegates to find out about each other's congregations
and what is going on in churches beyond their own areas. The round
tables will "really build these community groups around the hall," he
Cost for the table set up is "budget neutral" he said. However, since
extra cost would be incurred to change seating arrangements
mid-Conference, the round tables also will be in place for worship
services held in the same hall as business sessions. Due to space
limitations, the tables will be provided only for delegate seating
(during the business sessions), with non-delegates seated in rows of
In the business and worship hall will be the new "Continuing the Work
of Jesus Wall." The wall will be a bulletin board for participants to
post affirmations in the following three categories: things they are
thankful for in their own congregations, "shout outs" to Brethren
ministries they are impressed with, and the names of people who should
be called to ministry. Program and Arrangements Committee also hopes to
set up some electronic means for people to submit affirmations and
potential leadership.
The Sunday school session in advance of worship on July 12 will be
led by Neff, an Old Testament scholar who is a former general secretary
of the denomination, a frequent contributor to Brethren Press, and in
recent years a popular speaker at National Older Adult Conference.
Harvey said he hopes Neff will be able to take advantage of table groups
to foster discussion and make the Bible study an interactive experience
for the whole Conference.
Information about the witness to the city of St. Louis will be shared
as it is available, Harvey said. The project will be in keeping with
the 2008 Annual Conference query ‘Conference Witness to the Host City.”
The 2012 Annual Conference takes place in St. Louis, Mo., on July 7-11
next year. For more about the Conference go to
Source:11/30/2011 Newsline