- Ohio church burns on Christmas Eve, district calls for prayer.
- Anabaptist leaders visit New Orleans.
- Association of Brethren Caregivers sets budget for next two years.
- Advocate Bethany Hospital seeks donations of prayer shawls.
- Outdoor Ministries Association hears from denominational leaders.
- Portland Brethren begin offering programs for community cable.
- Brethren bits: Corrections, personnel, Nigeria love offering, more.
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Ohio church burns on Christmas Eve, district calls for prayer.
Black River Church of the Brethren in Spencer, Ohio, burned to the ground near midnight on Christmas Eve. The fire broke out some time after the congregation’s Christmas Eve service was over, but preliminary reports are that the fire was not related to the candlelight service.
"We’re all okay. We’re looking ahead to rebuild," said pastor Mark Teal. "The real church is the people," he added.
"Please keep pastor Mark Teal and the congregation in your prayers as they faithfully look to the future," said John Ballinger, executive minister of Northern Ohio District. The congregation of about 80 on a Sunday morning is "a vibrant, very healthy congregation," said Ballinger. "They have a very good spirit about them. They are going to recover."
The congregation is meeting in a building of Chatham Community Church, a neighboring church just a couple of miles away, Teal said. They have received a lot of support from the community and the district, he said, and received a supportive visit from General Board staff member Brad Bohrer and his family last Sunday.
The fire was a shock for the congregation, which celebrated its 150th anniversary last year, Teal said. Black River weathered a disaster not many years ago in 2001, when its roof was damaged by a tornado. The church then had to do extensive remodeling because of water damage.
Now that sanctuary is completely gone, Teal said. All that is left standing is a "bump out" that used to be the entrance to the building, and two walls. "It’s a complete loss," he said.
The official report of the fire has not yet been issued, but is due at any time, Teal said. He said preliminary reports are that the fire was not set deliberately and most probably was an electrical fire, but the exact cause has been difficult to determine.
An e-mail communication from the district responded to those who have asked how they can help. Teal said that volunteers will not be needed for clean up from the fire, which will need to be done professionally with heavy machinery. However, when the church begins to rebuild, the congregation hopes to hire a contractor who will allow volunteer labor, Teal said.
The limits of the church’s insurance will not cover the building of a comparable sized church, Teal said, and so the congregation will seek help from volunteers, and donations from companies and individuals to make up the difference. Love offerings are being received at First Merit Bank, made out to the "Black River Church of the Brethren Rebuilding Fund."
God’s gift of faith is what is keeping Black River going. Pastor Teal has received "the gift of calm, the gift of peace," he said. "I’ve felt encouraged that God is going to do something bigger and better. God is already blessing and using his people to bless us."
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Black River Church of the Brethren in Spencer, Ohio, burned to the ground near midnight on Christmas Eve. The fire broke out some time after the congregation’s Christmas Eve service was over, but preliminary reports are that the fire was not related to the candlelight service.
"We’re all okay. We’re looking ahead to rebuild," said pastor Mark Teal. "The real church is the people," he added.
"Please keep pastor Mark Teal and the congregation in your prayers as they faithfully look to the future," said John Ballinger, executive minister of Northern Ohio District. The congregation of about 80 on a Sunday morning is "a vibrant, very healthy congregation," said Ballinger. "They have a very good spirit about them. They are going to recover."
The congregation is meeting in a building of Chatham Community Church, a neighboring church just a couple of miles away, Teal said. They have received a lot of support from the community and the district, he said, and received a supportive visit from General Board staff member Brad Bohrer and his family last Sunday.
The fire was a shock for the congregation, which celebrated its 150th anniversary last year, Teal said. Black River weathered a disaster not many years ago in 2001, when its roof was damaged by a tornado. The church then had to do extensive remodeling because of water damage.
Now that sanctuary is completely gone, Teal said. All that is left standing is a "bump out" that used to be the entrance to the building, and two walls. "It’s a complete loss," he said.
The official report of the fire has not yet been issued, but is due at any time, Teal said. He said preliminary reports are that the fire was not set deliberately and most probably was an electrical fire, but the exact cause has been difficult to determine.
An e-mail communication from the district responded to those who have asked how they can help. Teal said that volunteers will not be needed for clean up from the fire, which will need to be done professionally with heavy machinery. However, when the church begins to rebuild, the congregation hopes to hire a contractor who will allow volunteer labor, Teal said.
The limits of the church’s insurance will not cover the building of a comparable sized church, Teal said, and so the congregation will seek help from volunteers, and donations from companies and individuals to make up the difference. Love offerings are being received at First Merit Bank, made out to the "Black River Church of the Brethren Rebuilding Fund."
God’s gift of faith is what is keeping Black River going. Pastor Teal has received "the gift of calm, the gift of peace," he said. "I’ve felt encouraged that God is going to do something bigger and better. God is already blessing and using his people to bless us."
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Anabaptist leaders visit New Orleans.
Leaders of five Anabaptist denominations who are part of the Council of Moderators and Secretaries visited New Orleans and other communities in Louisiana in late 2006. The group was there to support communities in an ongoing struggle following hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Belita D. Mitchell, moderator of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, and Stan Noffsinger, general secretary of the Church of the Brethren General Board, are part of the nine-member council that traveled to Louisiana from Nov. 29 to Dec. 2, 2006. The council is a gathering of the leaders of the Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Brethren, Brethren in Christ, and Conservative Mennonite Conference. They meet annually to discuss common concerns among Anabaptist denominations.
The council visited devastated New Orleans neighborhoods, worshiped with an Anabaptist congregation in nearby Metairie, and attended the dedication of a house built by Mennonite Disaster Service in the southern Louisiana community of Pointe-aux-Chenes. They also heard from Roy Winter, director of Emergency Response for the Church of the Brethren General Board, and met with local pastors and aid workers.
Enormous challenges still facing Gulf Coast communities as a result of the hurricanes, the group learned. Among the challenges, hundreds of thousands of people who evacuated have not returned. In many cases, they continue to live in trailers or other temporary housing arrangements in unfamiliar communities far from family, churches, and jobs.
Delays in restoring city services have slowed the return of evacuees, according to Tim Barr, Gulf Coast disaster response coordinator for Mennonite Central Committee. Additionally, many evacuees lack the basic resources they need to make the transition home. "The hope is that a lot of people are going to come back to New Orleans, but the reality is that many people can't," Barr said.
Bob Zehr, a retired Mennonite pastor, thanked aid agencies for their assistance to churches and communities in the Gulf Coast, but added that many needs remain. He said many members of his congregation, Lighthouse Fellowship in Plaquemines Parish, have not yet qualified for housing assistance for various reasons. He fears that some people, such as those in his congregation, are "falling through the cracks."
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Leaders of five Anabaptist denominations who are part of the Council of Moderators and Secretaries visited New Orleans and other communities in Louisiana in late 2006. The group was there to support communities in an ongoing struggle following hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Belita D. Mitchell, moderator of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, and Stan Noffsinger, general secretary of the Church of the Brethren General Board, are part of the nine-member council that traveled to Louisiana from Nov. 29 to Dec. 2, 2006. The council is a gathering of the leaders of the Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Brethren, Brethren in Christ, and Conservative Mennonite Conference. They meet annually to discuss common concerns among Anabaptist denominations.
The council visited devastated New Orleans neighborhoods, worshiped with an Anabaptist congregation in nearby Metairie, and attended the dedication of a house built by Mennonite Disaster Service in the southern Louisiana community of Pointe-aux-Chenes. They also heard from Roy Winter, director of Emergency Response for the Church of the Brethren General Board, and met with local pastors and aid workers.
Enormous challenges still facing Gulf Coast communities as a result of the hurricanes, the group learned. Among the challenges, hundreds of thousands of people who evacuated have not returned. In many cases, they continue to live in trailers or other temporary housing arrangements in unfamiliar communities far from family, churches, and jobs.
Delays in restoring city services have slowed the return of evacuees, according to Tim Barr, Gulf Coast disaster response coordinator for Mennonite Central Committee. Additionally, many evacuees lack the basic resources they need to make the transition home. "The hope is that a lot of people are going to come back to New Orleans, but the reality is that many people can't," Barr said.
Bob Zehr, a retired Mennonite pastor, thanked aid agencies for their assistance to churches and communities in the Gulf Coast, but added that many needs remain. He said many members of his congregation, Lighthouse Fellowship in Plaquemines Parish, have not yet qualified for housing assistance for various reasons. He fears that some people, such as those in his congregation, are "falling through the cracks."
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Association of Brethren Caregivers sets budget for next two years.
The Association of Brethren Caregivers (ABC) Board approved budgets for the agency during a conference call on Dec. 12, 2006. The board approved budgets of $570,360 for 2007 and $617,320 for 2008.
Board members expressed concern that overall giving has decreased each year since 2004, though ABC’s programs are in demand and well received. ABC’s executive director Kathy Reid noted that the agency’s expenses have been kept to a minimum with the only increases occurring in medical insurance and rent.
Eddie Edmonds, chair-elect of the board, commented that donations for 2006 may be lower by as much as $60,000 from donations received in 2004. This continues to be an issue because less than one-third of all Brethren congregations include ABC in their annual budgets. As an independent ministry, ABC does not receive funds from any other denominational agencies and relies on congregational and individual donations for its programs.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
The Association of Brethren Caregivers (ABC) Board approved budgets for the agency during a conference call on Dec. 12, 2006. The board approved budgets of $570,360 for 2007 and $617,320 for 2008.
Board members expressed concern that overall giving has decreased each year since 2004, though ABC’s programs are in demand and well received. ABC’s executive director Kathy Reid noted that the agency’s expenses have been kept to a minimum with the only increases occurring in medical insurance and rent.
Eddie Edmonds, chair-elect of the board, commented that donations for 2006 may be lower by as much as $60,000 from donations received in 2004. This continues to be an issue because less than one-third of all Brethren congregations include ABC in their annual budgets. As an independent ministry, ABC does not receive funds from any other denominational agencies and relies on congregational and individual donations for its programs.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Advocate Bethany Hospital seeks donations of prayer shawls.
For many years, the Church of the Brethren has supported an effort to bring health and healing to one of the poorest neighborhoods in Chicago. The ministry started by the Church of the Brethren continues today through Advocate Bethany Hospital.
Many congregations have supported the hospital’s ministry by donating handmade baby blankets and layettes. Last year, the hospital changed its caregiving focus and babies are no longer born there. As a result, the Association of Brethren Caregivers (ABC) is asking congregations to change the nature of their support by making and sending prayer shawls to patients receiving care there.
Last fall Advocate Bethany Hospital became the first and only specialty hospital on Chicago’s west side to provide comprehensive care for patients with complex medical conditions who require an extended hospital stay. Advocate Bethany is not a nursing home, skilled nursing facility, or rehabilitation facility. As a specialty hospital, it provides comprehensive care for patients suffering from complex medical conditions including heart disease, respiratory conditions, stroke, kidney disease, and severe wounds. Patients’ average stays are of at least 25 days, with the ultimate goal of returning home. By providing extensive and individualized care, Advocate Bethany is a vital part of the continuum of care, particularly as society ages and health conditions that require a longer duration of treatment become more common, ABC reported.
To support this health ministry, ABC is encouraging congregations and individuals to send prayer shawls--also called "comfort shawls" or "peace shawls"--symbolizing shelter, peace, and spiritual sustenance so that the hospital staff can give the gift of care and comfort to all patients. Several ecumenical organizations already have donated hand-knitted and crocheted shawls for those in need.
"The Church of the Brethren Prayer Shawl ministry to Advocate Bethany Hospital is a simple, universal and enduring message of caring," said the invitation from ABC. "The creation and presentation of a prayer shawl, like all acts of generosity, enriches the giver as well as the recipient. Compassion and the love of knitting and crocheting have been combined into a prayerful way of passing on love and joy. Many blessings are prayed into every shawl."
Shawls have many uses for patients, and may be used during prayer or meditation, while undergoing medical procedures, during an illness and recovery, while ministering to others, and as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress or bereavement. They also may be used for birthday, anniversary, and holiday gifts.
"Made in prayer, the shawls are passed on hand-to-hand and heart-to-heart," ABC said. Suggestions for groups making shawls include to pass the work in progress around a circle, asking each person to add some stitches to the shawl, or to hold a shawl for a moment to add prayers and good wishes. Before giving it away, shawl makers are invited to say a prayer over each shawl, remembering the one who will receive the gift. It also is suggested to enclose an explanation and prayer in the package as shawls are sent to Advocate Bethany Hospital.
Prayer shawls can be mailed to Bethany Advocate Hospital, Attn: Latrice Jackson, 3435 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL 60624; 773-265-7700
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
For many years, the Church of the Brethren has supported an effort to bring health and healing to one of the poorest neighborhoods in Chicago. The ministry started by the Church of the Brethren continues today through Advocate Bethany Hospital.
Many congregations have supported the hospital’s ministry by donating handmade baby blankets and layettes. Last year, the hospital changed its caregiving focus and babies are no longer born there. As a result, the Association of Brethren Caregivers (ABC) is asking congregations to change the nature of their support by making and sending prayer shawls to patients receiving care there.
Last fall Advocate Bethany Hospital became the first and only specialty hospital on Chicago’s west side to provide comprehensive care for patients with complex medical conditions who require an extended hospital stay. Advocate Bethany is not a nursing home, skilled nursing facility, or rehabilitation facility. As a specialty hospital, it provides comprehensive care for patients suffering from complex medical conditions including heart disease, respiratory conditions, stroke, kidney disease, and severe wounds. Patients’ average stays are of at least 25 days, with the ultimate goal of returning home. By providing extensive and individualized care, Advocate Bethany is a vital part of the continuum of care, particularly as society ages and health conditions that require a longer duration of treatment become more common, ABC reported.
To support this health ministry, ABC is encouraging congregations and individuals to send prayer shawls--also called "comfort shawls" or "peace shawls"--symbolizing shelter, peace, and spiritual sustenance so that the hospital staff can give the gift of care and comfort to all patients. Several ecumenical organizations already have donated hand-knitted and crocheted shawls for those in need.
"The Church of the Brethren Prayer Shawl ministry to Advocate Bethany Hospital is a simple, universal and enduring message of caring," said the invitation from ABC. "The creation and presentation of a prayer shawl, like all acts of generosity, enriches the giver as well as the recipient. Compassion and the love of knitting and crocheting have been combined into a prayerful way of passing on love and joy. Many blessings are prayed into every shawl."
Shawls have many uses for patients, and may be used during prayer or meditation, while undergoing medical procedures, during an illness and recovery, while ministering to others, and as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress or bereavement. They also may be used for birthday, anniversary, and holiday gifts.
"Made in prayer, the shawls are passed on hand-to-hand and heart-to-heart," ABC said. Suggestions for groups making shawls include to pass the work in progress around a circle, asking each person to add some stitches to the shawl, or to hold a shawl for a moment to add prayers and good wishes. Before giving it away, shawl makers are invited to say a prayer over each shawl, remembering the one who will receive the gift. It also is suggested to enclose an explanation and prayer in the package as shawls are sent to Advocate Bethany Hospital.
Prayer shawls can be mailed to Bethany Advocate Hospital, Attn: Latrice Jackson, 3435 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL 60624; 773-265-7700
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Outdoor Ministries Association hears from denominational leaders.
How many outdoor ministry/camp enthusiasts does it take to have a good time? Probably only two or three, but about 40 met at Camp Bethel near Fincastle, Va., Nov. 17-19, 2006, for the Outdoor Ministries Association National Conference.
The event, held biennially to bring together those who work in or have a passion for outdoor ministry in the Church of the Brethren, focused on "Fostering Leadership." Bethany Theological Seminary president Eugene Roop provided keynote leadership, while General Board staff Chris Douglas and Janis Pyle and former Annual Conference moderator Paul Grout led other sessions.
Douglas started things off Friday evening by holding up Jesus as "a master of leadership development who really becomes our model" and looking at partnerships in the Church of the Brethren through which leadership development occurs. Pyle followed Saturday morning by examining "daily mission-mindedness" and stressing the need for intentionality and self-care in carrying out Christ’s work.
Grout, now director of A Place Apart, an intentional community project in Vermont, identified the basic spiritual needs he has heard from every age group--being able to slow down, find meaningful work, not to be afraid, and to find a place of belonging. "In terms of our longing, we’re all pretty much the same," Grout said. He encouraged camps to be "heart centers" for the denomination.
Roop spoke twice later Saturday, providing an overview of generational differences in leadership during his first presentation, and holding together the "two worlds" of God-given creation on one hand and human ingenuity on the other in his second. Using the "cadence of creation" found in Genesis 1, Roop said camps could be places that teach people to live authentically in both worlds. "There’s no place else in the church where that’s the mission," he said. That principle of offering something that "adds value" to people’s lives and meets their passion is key, Roop added.
Veteran camp directors Rex Miller and Jerri Heiser Wenger closed out the formal sessions Sunday morning, leading a roundtable discussion on leadership development through outdoor ministry. Other camp staff shared concerns and ideas, especially looking at leadership needs for summer staff.
The weekend also included numerous worship and singing times, a tour of the camp, and time for fellowship and connecting. Camp directors and managers spent several days meeting in retreat at Brethren Woods near Keezletown, Va., prior to the conference.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
How many outdoor ministry/camp enthusiasts does it take to have a good time? Probably only two or three, but about 40 met at Camp Bethel near Fincastle, Va., Nov. 17-19, 2006, for the Outdoor Ministries Association National Conference.
The event, held biennially to bring together those who work in or have a passion for outdoor ministry in the Church of the Brethren, focused on "Fostering Leadership." Bethany Theological Seminary president Eugene Roop provided keynote leadership, while General Board staff Chris Douglas and Janis Pyle and former Annual Conference moderator Paul Grout led other sessions.
Douglas started things off Friday evening by holding up Jesus as "a master of leadership development who really becomes our model" and looking at partnerships in the Church of the Brethren through which leadership development occurs. Pyle followed Saturday morning by examining "daily mission-mindedness" and stressing the need for intentionality and self-care in carrying out Christ’s work.
Grout, now director of A Place Apart, an intentional community project in Vermont, identified the basic spiritual needs he has heard from every age group--being able to slow down, find meaningful work, not to be afraid, and to find a place of belonging. "In terms of our longing, we’re all pretty much the same," Grout said. He encouraged camps to be "heart centers" for the denomination.
Roop spoke twice later Saturday, providing an overview of generational differences in leadership during his first presentation, and holding together the "two worlds" of God-given creation on one hand and human ingenuity on the other in his second. Using the "cadence of creation" found in Genesis 1, Roop said camps could be places that teach people to live authentically in both worlds. "There’s no place else in the church where that’s the mission," he said. That principle of offering something that "adds value" to people’s lives and meets their passion is key, Roop added.
Veteran camp directors Rex Miller and Jerri Heiser Wenger closed out the formal sessions Sunday morning, leading a roundtable discussion on leadership development through outdoor ministry. Other camp staff shared concerns and ideas, especially looking at leadership needs for summer staff.
The weekend also included numerous worship and singing times, a tour of the camp, and time for fellowship and connecting. Camp directors and managers spent several days meeting in retreat at Brethren Woods near Keezletown, Va., prior to the conference.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Portland Brethren begin offering programs for community cable.
Ed Groff of Portland (Ore.) Peace Church of the Brethren since July 2005 has been producing a monthly half-hour community television program "to get the word out about the Church of the Brethren and who we are and what we are all about." Now he is beginning exploration of a video project to provide other local communities with a Church of the Brethren program each month.
Rachael Waas Shull has been the host of the Peace Church program, and is often joined by her husband Nate Shull. Since its beginnings, the program--which is broadcast three times each month in Portland, Ore., and Vancouver, Wash., on channels 11 and 21--has dealt with various subjects including alternative Christmas giving, peace and justice, and Heifer International. The programs are produced using volunteer time given by Groff and members and friends of Peace Church.
Groff and others from Peace Church who are involved in the project want to offer such programs to other Brethren congregations that arrange programming with cable television in their communities. Brethren congregations or individuals from across the country would be provided a half-hour program each month, focused on the Church of the Brethren and its values.
Congregations or individuals may contact Groff or Peace Church to share their interest in participating, and to receive information about details such as how to arrange time with a local-access community cable television station, what kinds of contracts or fees may be required, and how delivery of the programs will be carried out. Groff anticipates the cost for a congregation to participate will be $100 for the year.
The project plans to begin offering video programs March 1, with the first in the series mailed in mid-February. The first three months of programs include "Food and Clothing, Cattle and Love: Brethren Service in Europe after World War II," an On Earth Peace video by David Sollenberger, provided with permission from On Earth Peace. Another program focuses on countering military recruitment, using video resources of the American Friends Service Committee and On Earth Peace. Ten volunteers from the Pacific northwest are making a trip to Mississippi to assist with Hurricane Katrina relief, through Brethren Disaster Response; a third program will show the efforts of the Church of the Brethren as it continues to serve Katrina survivors.
Contact Ed Groff at Groffprod1@msn.com or 360-256-8550. Contact Portland Peace Church of the Brethren at peacecob@3dwave.com or 503-254-6380.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Ed Groff of Portland (Ore.) Peace Church of the Brethren since July 2005 has been producing a monthly half-hour community television program "to get the word out about the Church of the Brethren and who we are and what we are all about." Now he is beginning exploration of a video project to provide other local communities with a Church of the Brethren program each month.
Rachael Waas Shull has been the host of the Peace Church program, and is often joined by her husband Nate Shull. Since its beginnings, the program--which is broadcast three times each month in Portland, Ore., and Vancouver, Wash., on channels 11 and 21--has dealt with various subjects including alternative Christmas giving, peace and justice, and Heifer International. The programs are produced using volunteer time given by Groff and members and friends of Peace Church.
Groff and others from Peace Church who are involved in the project want to offer such programs to other Brethren congregations that arrange programming with cable television in their communities. Brethren congregations or individuals from across the country would be provided a half-hour program each month, focused on the Church of the Brethren and its values.
Congregations or individuals may contact Groff or Peace Church to share their interest in participating, and to receive information about details such as how to arrange time with a local-access community cable television station, what kinds of contracts or fees may be required, and how delivery of the programs will be carried out. Groff anticipates the cost for a congregation to participate will be $100 for the year.
The project plans to begin offering video programs March 1, with the first in the series mailed in mid-February. The first three months of programs include "Food and Clothing, Cattle and Love: Brethren Service in Europe after World War II," an On Earth Peace video by David Sollenberger, provided with permission from On Earth Peace. Another program focuses on countering military recruitment, using video resources of the American Friends Service Committee and On Earth Peace. Ten volunteers from the Pacific northwest are making a trip to Mississippi to assist with Hurricane Katrina relief, through Brethren Disaster Response; a third program will show the efforts of the Church of the Brethren as it continues to serve Katrina survivors.
Contact Ed Groff at Groffprod1@msn.com or 360-256-8550. Contact Portland Peace Church of the Brethren at peacecob@3dwave.com or 503-254-6380.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Brethren bits: Corrections, personnel, Nigeria love offering, more.
- Correction: In an addition to the short list of people related to the Church of the Brethren who are working in Antarctica (see the Newsline of Dec. 20, 2006), David Haney also is "on the ice." Haney’s membership is at Goshen (Ind.) City Church of the Brethren.
- Correction: In the Dec. 20 issue of Newsline, the publisher of "A Passion for Victory," a book about Sam Hornish Jr., was incorrect. The book was not published by the "Bryan Times," but by Hornish’s hometown newspaper the "Crescent-News," in Defiance, Ohio. The book can be ordered at www.crescent-news.com.
- The New Windsor (Md.) Conference Center is saying farewell to Maria Capusan, a member of the food service staff for 20 years, who retired at the end of 2006. The conference center is a ministry of the Church of the Brethren General Board. "On behalf of the Brethren Service Center employees and volunteers we extend our appreciation for her hard work and commitment to the New Windsor Conference Center," said an announcement from director Kathleen Campanella.
- Walter Trail began fulltime employment with the Food Service Department of the New Windsor (Md.) Conference Center on Dec. 13. He has extensive professional food service experience after working for CI Foodservice, Eurest Dining Services, and Sbarro, Inc.
- Amy Waldron began with the Church of the Brethren General Board on Dec. 18, joining the Global Mission Partnerships team in Nigeria though Brethren Volunteer Service. She will teach at the Comprehensive Secondary School of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). She is from Lima, Ohio, and previously worked at Quest Academy.
- In a year-end update on the love offering for Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria following the destruction of churches in interfaith violence in Maiduguri earlier this year, a total of $43,652.63 has been sent to the Nigerian church. EYN president Filibus Gwama responded to communications of concern from Merv Keeney, executive director of the board’s Global Mission Partnerships, with this note: "Many greetings and thanks for your prayers and help for EYN. Maiduguri churches appreciated your love very much. May God bless you and the entire members of Church of the Brethren." The love offering was initiated by the Church of the Brethren General Board at its March meeting. Keeney observed that "this generous and caring response to sisters and brothers in Nigeria reflects our sense of community as members of the global Church of the Brethren."
- Mission workers Brandy and Paul Liepelt will visit churches and camps in Pennsylvania to share about their work in Nigeria with the Global Mission Partnerships of the Church of the Brethren General Board. The Liepelts teach Bible and Christian doctrine at Kulp Bible College in Mubi, where they help train pastors for Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). On Jan. 7 they will speak at New Enterprise Church of the Brethren, and Cherry Lane Church of the Brethren in Clearville; on Jan. 9-10 at Woodbury Church of the Brethren; on Jan. 14 at Holsinger Church of the Brethren in New Enterprise, and Yellow Creek Church of the Brethren in Hopewell; on Jan. 17 at Hollidaysburg Church of the Brethren; on Jan. 18 at Stone Church of the Brethren in Huntingdon; on Jan. 20 at Camp Blue Diamond for a Senior High Retreat; and on Jan. 21 at Dunnings Creek Church of the Brethren in New Paris. For more information about these speaking engagements, please contact the host congregations.
- A March on Washington to End the Iraq War is scheduled for Jan. 27. Brethren are invited to join in the march by the Brethren Witness/Washington Office of the Church of the Brethren General Board. The event is organized by United for Peace and Justice. An action alert from the office said, "This march will call for the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and demand that Congress pass legislation that will put an end to the Iraq war." Several Chicago-area peace organizations are co-sponsoring a Chicago area mobilization and bus trip to the march, leaving in the late afternoon of Friday, Jan. 26 (for more information send an e-mail with "DC Bus" subject line to wsfpc@comcast.net). For more information about Brethren participation in the march contact the Brethren Witness/Washington Office, 800-785-3246, washington_office_gb@brethren.org. For more about the event go to www.unitedforpeace.org.
- The Cross Cultural Ministries Steering Committee has set a date for the Church of the Brethren’s annual Cross Cultural Consultation and Celebration in 2008: April 24-27, in Elgin, Ill. This year’s consultation is planned for New Windsor, Md., on April 19-22; for registration information go to www.brethren.org/genbd/clm/clt/CrossCultural.html.
- Hammond Avenue Brethren Church of Waterloo, Iowa, collected a ton of food--literally--for the local Salvation Army in Nov. 2006. The congregation is jointly affiliated with the Church of the Brethren and the Brethren Church. Through the "Together We Can Bag Hunger" project members and friends invited their neighbors to join them in providing food by distributing bright yellow bags identified with the phrase, "Small things done with great love will change the world." The church also held a food drive at a local grocery. A total of 2,725 pounds of food was collected. Pastor Ronald W. Waters said an additional goal of the project was to provide an easy way for members of the church to meet and connect with neighbors. "As they collected the food, they also offered to pray for their neighbors about any needs in their family." --Ronald W Waters
- The Steering Committee for the John Kline Homestead Preservation project is planning a meeting for pastors of congregations in Shenandoah District and surrounding districts on Jan. 11 at 2 p.m. at Bridgewater (Va.) Church of the Brethren. Elder John Kline was a Brethren leader and martyr during the Civil War; his historic home has recently become available for purchase. The meeting will provide information about the homestead and efforts to preserve this Brethren heritage site.
- Indianapolis Peace House’s new executive director Kim Overdyck began work on Jan. 2. Laura J. Harms begins as associate director on Jan. 8. The Indianapolis Peace House is an undergraduate residency in peace studies sponsored by the Plowshares consortium of the historic peace church colleges in Indiana: Manchester, Goshen, and Earlham. Overdyck has been leading the University of Notre Dame’s Take Ten program that serves more than 1,200 inner-city children to break the cycle of violence and promote nonviolent conflict resolution in schools in South Bend; previously she spent 13 years investigating crimes against children for the South African Police Service. Harms has been resident services manager of AHC Inc, a private nonprofit developer of housing communities; she is a 1995 peace and global studies graduate of Earlham. For more go to www.plowsharesproject.org/php/peacehouse.
- McPherson (Kan.) College Department of Music is presenting a concert of music for organ and brass on Sunday, Jan. 14, at 3 p.m. in Brown Auditorium. Participating in the program are the adult choirs of McPherson Church of the Brethren and Trinity Lutheran Church. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. There is no admission charge.
- A major campus expansion including a second Harmony Ridge apartment building, a wellness center, and a community center addition has been approved for construction at Cross Keys Village, at the Brethren Home Community in New Oxford, Pa. The Wellness Center will be named in honor of Harvey S. Kline, who was administrator and then president of the Brethren Home from 1971-89.
- Camp Bethel was represented among dozens of "green" vendors and information booths at the 7th Annual Green Living and Energy Expo in Roanoke, Va., Dec. 1-2, 2006. The camp presented its Master Site Plan as a case study in "green" thinking and "green" planning. More at www.campbethelvirginia.org.
- Clarence Priser spent his 100th birthday preaching at New Haven Church of the Brethren in Sparta, N.C., on Nov. 12, 2006, according to a front page article in "The Alleghany News." The article said New Haven was the first congregation in the county in which Priser began preaching about 20 years ago--he served the church as pastor for about 10 years. Priser is an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren, and also has worked as a teacher and photographer. Of reaching the century mark he said, "I want to be ready when God calls whether it’s tonight or tomorrow or whatever. As long as I can do something for Him in this world, I’ll stay and do it."
- Jodi Johnson was honored as "Citizen of the Year" for 2006 by the Cambridge City (Ind.) Kiwanis Club. She has been a member of Nettle Creek Church of the Brethren in Hagerstown, Ind., for 48 years.
- For the first time, a Greater Gift/SERRV sales exceeded $2 million in one month, reported president Bob Chase. "Preliminary November (2006) sales were approximately $2,040,000, compared with $1,836,000 last November (2005), for an increase of $204,000 or 11 percent," he said. As of Dec. 1, 2006, sales for the year had exceeded total sales for all of 2005, Chase said. The overall increase included sales of more than $112,000 for November at the store at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., and an increase in sales of 55 percent at the Greater Gift shop in Madison, Wis. "The staff, particularly the New Windsor crew, worked very, very hard to achieve this goal," Chase said. For more go to www.agreatergift.org.
- The 2007 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be celebrated from Jan. 18-25, on the theme "Break the Silence" from Mark 7:37. The observance is jointly sponsored by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Roman Catholic Church. This year’s theme has its origins in the experience of Christian communities in the South African region of Umlazi, near Durban, a region affected by unemployment, poverty, and HIV/AIDS, with an estimated 50 percent of residents infected with the virus. Resources include an introduction to the theme, suggested ecumenical worship service, biblical reflections, prayers, and an overview of the situation in South Africa. Go to http://wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/faith/wop-index.html.
- A $150,000 grant by the Arcus Foundation of Kalamazoo, Mich., has been awarded to the Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests (BMC) and its three collaborative partners, the Association of Affirming and Welcoming Baptists, Gay and Lesbian Affirming Disciples (Christian Church, Disciples of Christ), and the Welcoming Community Network (Community of Christ). A release from BMC said the grant will fund a three-year project to increase the number of congregations that are publicly affirming of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people through the work of a faith-based community organizer. For more information contact BMC at 612-343-2060 or bmc@bmclgbt.org.
Lubbs-De Vore to lead church planting in Illinois and Wisconsin.
Lynda Lubbs-DeVore has been named as "apostle" for the New Church Development Board in Illinois and Wisconsin District, beginning Dec. 1, 2006. The "apostle" position is responsible for leadership of new church planting efforts and the education and calling out of new church planters.
Lubbs-DeVore is co-pastor of Christ Connections Community Church of the Brethren Fellowship in Montgomery, Ill., along with her husband Tom DeVore. The congregation is the most recent fellowship in the district.
She brings seven years of experience in licensed ministry to the position, including three years of experience in new church development with the fellowship, and numerous ministry experiences through Neighborhood Church of the Brethren in Montgomery, dating back to 1989.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Lynda Lubbs-DeVore has been named as "apostle" for the New Church Development Board in Illinois and Wisconsin District, beginning Dec. 1, 2006. The "apostle" position is responsible for leadership of new church planting efforts and the education and calling out of new church planters.
Lubbs-DeVore is co-pastor of Christ Connections Community Church of the Brethren Fellowship in Montgomery, Ill., along with her husband Tom DeVore. The congregation is the most recent fellowship in the district.
She brings seven years of experience in licensed ministry to the position, including three years of experience in new church development with the fellowship, and numerous ministry experiences through Neighborhood Church of the Brethren in Montgomery, dating back to 1989.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
First denominational Service Sunday to be celebrated on Feb. 4.
A new annual observance of Service Sunday begins Feb. 4. The recognition is sponsored by ministries of the Church of the Brethren General Board, and will be held annually on the first Sunday of February. The text for the observance comes from 1 Peter 4:10b: "Serve one another...with whatever gift each of you has received."
The ministries sponsoring the observance are the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md.; Brethren Volunteer Service; Emergency Response/Service Ministries; and the Youth and Young Adult Workcamps program.
The observance encourages Church of the Brethren congregations to "celebrate those who serve in our communities and throughout the world; discover opportunities to serve through the Church of the Brethren ministries; explore possibilities to serve in our local communities; and be transformed by serving one another in the name of Christ."
Resources for Service Sunday are available at www.brethrenvolunteerservice.org and include a bulletin insert, a downloadable flyer, ideas for special events, sermon thoughts, scripture suggestions, and worship resources including prayers, litanies, and recommended hymns.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
A new annual observance of Service Sunday begins Feb. 4. The recognition is sponsored by ministries of the Church of the Brethren General Board, and will be held annually on the first Sunday of February. The text for the observance comes from 1 Peter 4:10b: "Serve one another...with whatever gift each of you has received."
The ministries sponsoring the observance are the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md.; Brethren Volunteer Service; Emergency Response/Service Ministries; and the Youth and Young Adult Workcamps program.
The observance encourages Church of the Brethren congregations to "celebrate those who serve in our communities and throughout the world; discover opportunities to serve through the Church of the Brethren ministries; explore possibilities to serve in our local communities; and be transformed by serving one another in the name of Christ."
Resources for Service Sunday are available at www.brethrenvolunteerservice.org and include a bulletin insert, a downloadable flyer, ideas for special events, sermon thoughts, scripture suggestions, and worship resources including prayers, litanies, and recommended hymns.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Annual Conference logo proclaims the power of God.
By Becky Goldstein
While reading over the theme concept for the 2007 Annual Conference, "Proclaim the Power of God" (Psalm 68:34-35), I came upon a few words that really stood out for me. I pondered those words for my design concept.
To me, words are like paintings that lend themselves to a person’s own personal interpretation. Words are like paintings that are in the process of completion. The painting begins to have meaning when the minds’ eye takes the spoken word, adds a splash of color, and before long the painting begins to have meaning. The light that shines within is revealed to those who truly see and listen.
The words that were a part of my thought process for the design were "together," "inclusion," "prayer," and "telling." From these words I formed the 2007 Annual Conference logo.
The 2007 logo embraces a world where boundaries are disappearing (inclusion). The Holy Spirit is alive within the descending dove and the vibrant flame that brings the gift of faith in Jesus (cross) to everyone everywhere (green leaf). The Holy Spirit (flame) is continually cleansing and sanctifying, while letting us know that He is always with us and ever will be, because life in Him is eternal.
The 2007 logo is displayed at the center of the Annual Conference home page: view it online at www.brethren.org/ac.
--Becky Goldstein of Boise, Idaho, designed the logo for the 2007 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren.
For this statement in Spanish, and the Spanish version of the logo, go to www.brethren.org/genbd/newsline/2006/dec1206.htm. Para ver la traducción en español de este artículo, "El Logo de la Conferencia Anual Proclama El Poder de Dios," vaya a www.brethren.org/genbd/newsline/2006/dec1206.htm.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
By Becky Goldstein
While reading over the theme concept for the 2007 Annual Conference, "Proclaim the Power of God" (Psalm 68:34-35), I came upon a few words that really stood out for me. I pondered those words for my design concept.

The words that were a part of my thought process for the design were "together," "inclusion," "prayer," and "telling." From these words I formed the 2007 Annual Conference logo.
The 2007 logo embraces a world where boundaries are disappearing (inclusion). The Holy Spirit is alive within the descending dove and the vibrant flame that brings the gift of faith in Jesus (cross) to everyone everywhere (green leaf). The Holy Spirit (flame) is continually cleansing and sanctifying, while letting us know that He is always with us and ever will be, because life in Him is eternal.
The 2007 logo is displayed at the center of the Annual Conference home page: view it online at www.brethren.org/ac.
--Becky Goldstein of Boise, Idaho, designed the logo for the 2007 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren.
For this statement in Spanish, and the Spanish version of the logo, go to www.brethren.org/genbd/newsline/2006/dec1206.htm. Para ver la traducción en español de este artículo, "El Logo de la Conferencia Anual Proclama El Poder de Dios," vaya a www.brethren.org/genbd/newsline/2006/dec1206.htm.
Source: 1/3/2007 Newsline
Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board, cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260. Mary Dulabaum, Kathy Reid, Tim Shenk, and Walt Wiltschek contributed to this report.
Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board, cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260. Mary Dulabaum, Kathy Reid, Tim Shenk, and Walt Wiltschek contributed to this report.
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