- Church of the Brethren responds to disasters with grants totaling $117,000.
- Children, elderly dying from dysentery in Myanmar, says CWS.
- InterAgency Forum discusses work of denominational agencies.
- Brethren Volunteer Service older adult unit completes orientation.
- Brethren bits: Correction, personnel, jobs, Annual Conference, more.
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Friday, May 23, 2008
Church of the Brethren responds to disasters with grants totaling $117,000.
The Church of the Brethren has responded to recent disasters around the world, and to the world hunger crisis, with grants totaling $117,000. The grants focus on response to the China earthquake and the cyclone in Myanmar. The grants were given from the denomination’s Emergency Disaster Fund and Global Food Crisis Fund.
In other disaster news, a Church of the Brethren congregation in Windsor, Colo., has escaped all but minor damage from a devastating tornado that hit the town yesterday, May 22.
The two funds--Emergency Disaster Fund and Global Food Crisis Fund--each provided a grant of $30,000 to support Church World Service (CWS) and its partner agency Amity Foundation following the massive earthquake in China. The initial response by CWS and Amity Foundation includes immediate relief supplies of food, quilts, and shelter materials. A longterm response will include the rebuilding of homes, schools, hospitals, and safe water supplies.
The Global Food Crisis Fund gave a grant of $30,000 to support CWS hunger development work in Myanmar following the cyclone. The money will help purchase rice seed that is urgently needed for this planting season. Another allocation of $15,000 from the Global Food Crisis Fund supports Heifer International designated hunger development work in Myanmar, assisting 1,700 families toward achieving sustainable food sources and income over the next three years.
A grant of $7,000 from the Emergency Disaster Fund responds to spring storms in the United States, given to a CWS appeal following a severe outbreak of tornados and flooding. The money will help provide material aid, staff deployment, training, and financial support for longterm recovery groups in parts of Georgia, Maine, Missouri, and Virginia.
An allocation of $5,000 from the Global Food Crisis Fund assists with distribution of 250,000 packets of seeds in Liberia. The logistics for the project are handled by Church Aid Inc., Liberia, a Global Food Crisis Fund partner.
In other news, members of Northern Colorado Church of the Brethren in Windsor escaped harm and serious damage to their homes, and the church building received only minor damage in yesterday’s tornado. The church building is on the northwest side of town, and the area decimated by the storm was on the southeast side of Windsor. "We were out of the path," said pastor John Carlson. "We do need to be in prayer for the people who have lost so much," he added. News reports this morning said that 100 or more homes were severely damaged or completely destroyed in Windsor, a town of some 19,000 people. One person was killed.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
The Church of the Brethren has responded to recent disasters around the world, and to the world hunger crisis, with grants totaling $117,000. The grants focus on response to the China earthquake and the cyclone in Myanmar. The grants were given from the denomination’s Emergency Disaster Fund and Global Food Crisis Fund.
In other disaster news, a Church of the Brethren congregation in Windsor, Colo., has escaped all but minor damage from a devastating tornado that hit the town yesterday, May 22.
The two funds--Emergency Disaster Fund and Global Food Crisis Fund--each provided a grant of $30,000 to support Church World Service (CWS) and its partner agency Amity Foundation following the massive earthquake in China. The initial response by CWS and Amity Foundation includes immediate relief supplies of food, quilts, and shelter materials. A longterm response will include the rebuilding of homes, schools, hospitals, and safe water supplies.
The Global Food Crisis Fund gave a grant of $30,000 to support CWS hunger development work in Myanmar following the cyclone. The money will help purchase rice seed that is urgently needed for this planting season. Another allocation of $15,000 from the Global Food Crisis Fund supports Heifer International designated hunger development work in Myanmar, assisting 1,700 families toward achieving sustainable food sources and income over the next three years.
A grant of $7,000 from the Emergency Disaster Fund responds to spring storms in the United States, given to a CWS appeal following a severe outbreak of tornados and flooding. The money will help provide material aid, staff deployment, training, and financial support for longterm recovery groups in parts of Georgia, Maine, Missouri, and Virginia.
An allocation of $5,000 from the Global Food Crisis Fund assists with distribution of 250,000 packets of seeds in Liberia. The logistics for the project are handled by Church Aid Inc., Liberia, a Global Food Crisis Fund partner.
In other news, members of Northern Colorado Church of the Brethren in Windsor escaped harm and serious damage to their homes, and the church building received only minor damage in yesterday’s tornado. The church building is on the northwest side of town, and the area decimated by the storm was on the southeast side of Windsor. "We were out of the path," said pastor John Carlson. "We do need to be in prayer for the people who have lost so much," he added. News reports this morning said that 100 or more homes were severely damaged or completely destroyed in Windsor, a town of some 19,000 people. One person was killed.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
Children, elderly dying from dysentery in Myanmar, says CWS.
In cyclone-stricken areas of Myanmar (Burma), the second wave of disaster is beginning to wash over survivors with the fewest resources to cope. The elderly and children are beginning to die of dysentery because of a lack of clean drinking water, according to reports from staff of Church World Service (CWS) and local organizations working in the region.
From their Asia Pacific Region offices in Bangkok, CWS staff said May 21 that aid workers in a remote village in the country reported seeing a four-year-old child and a 70-year-old man die due to severe diarrhea. "They were wasting away and they died," said a spokesman for the local organization, which cannot be named for security reasons. "There will be another wave of deaths from cholera from drinking dirty water. People are telling us it is already starting to strike," he said.
CWS and other aid agencies who are members of the Action By Churches Together (ACT) alliance are supporting and coordinating with local organizations who are delivering desperately needed clean water, water containers, and water purification supplies, along with emergency shelter and food to survivors. One of the local organizations in Myanmar is providing clean water for 25,000 people a day. Now working in hundreds of the hardest-hit villages in the Irrawaddy Delta, the group is focusing on areas where no aid has arrived since cyclone Nargis hit May 2-3.
CWS says the local aid teams are delivering lightweight, 975-liter water baskets that are made of plastic and easy to make and transport. Each "basket," when filled with purified water or rainwater, can provide drinking water for 450 people a day.
"We often arrive in a village and we are the first ones there. We see people who are very ill and who have injuries from the cyclone," the aid worker said. "People are drinking contaminated water from ponds or rivers."
CWS Emergency Response Program director Donna Derr said local organizations have been delivering relief supplies so far, even in the face of challenges, "with materials either purchased within Myanmar or that had been pre-positioned in the country prior to the disaster." To deliver those supplies, one local partner’s teams walked five miles through the mud to reach one village. They estimate that in a week they do three days of work, and the rest traveling and dealing with logistics. When traveling by boat, they wear life jackets because many of them do not know how to swim.
"Only if you have worked on the moon, will you know what it is like to work in Burma," one of the aid team members said. "It is a totally different context here."
"People in the delta area were vulnerable before the cyclone," said Derr. "Now they are over the edge of forbearance."
Most Burmese on the Irrawaddy, considered the agricultural rice bowl of the country, are landless laborers who live in fragile shacks in the fields. "They are the ones who were worst hit by the storm," said Derr.
CWS is warning against an impending and longterm food security crisis in the affected areas of Myanmar. "If communities don't get rice seeds in the ground within the next month, there may not be rice crops for several years to come," said Derr, "It's critical that we ensure that this major disaster doesn't turn into an ongoing catastrophe."
"But by all counts, the relief phase is not over," she added. "We’ve just gotten another report from one of the worst-hit villages that people are still not able to bury the dead because the ground is still so waterlogged."
Does that mean that CWS and other humanitarian agencies are still urging contributions from donors? "Absolutely," said Derr.
--This report is from a press release by Church World Service and Action by Churches Together alliance member Christian Aid, dated May 22. Donna Derr is a former staff member of the Church of the Brethren General Board.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
In cyclone-stricken areas of Myanmar (Burma), the second wave of disaster is beginning to wash over survivors with the fewest resources to cope. The elderly and children are beginning to die of dysentery because of a lack of clean drinking water, according to reports from staff of Church World Service (CWS) and local organizations working in the region.
From their Asia Pacific Region offices in Bangkok, CWS staff said May 21 that aid workers in a remote village in the country reported seeing a four-year-old child and a 70-year-old man die due to severe diarrhea. "They were wasting away and they died," said a spokesman for the local organization, which cannot be named for security reasons. "There will be another wave of deaths from cholera from drinking dirty water. People are telling us it is already starting to strike," he said.
CWS and other aid agencies who are members of the Action By Churches Together (ACT) alliance are supporting and coordinating with local organizations who are delivering desperately needed clean water, water containers, and water purification supplies, along with emergency shelter and food to survivors. One of the local organizations in Myanmar is providing clean water for 25,000 people a day. Now working in hundreds of the hardest-hit villages in the Irrawaddy Delta, the group is focusing on areas where no aid has arrived since cyclone Nargis hit May 2-3.
CWS says the local aid teams are delivering lightweight, 975-liter water baskets that are made of plastic and easy to make and transport. Each "basket," when filled with purified water or rainwater, can provide drinking water for 450 people a day.
"We often arrive in a village and we are the first ones there. We see people who are very ill and who have injuries from the cyclone," the aid worker said. "People are drinking contaminated water from ponds or rivers."
CWS Emergency Response Program director Donna Derr said local organizations have been delivering relief supplies so far, even in the face of challenges, "with materials either purchased within Myanmar or that had been pre-positioned in the country prior to the disaster." To deliver those supplies, one local partner’s teams walked five miles through the mud to reach one village. They estimate that in a week they do three days of work, and the rest traveling and dealing with logistics. When traveling by boat, they wear life jackets because many of them do not know how to swim.
"Only if you have worked on the moon, will you know what it is like to work in Burma," one of the aid team members said. "It is a totally different context here."
"People in the delta area were vulnerable before the cyclone," said Derr. "Now they are over the edge of forbearance."
Most Burmese on the Irrawaddy, considered the agricultural rice bowl of the country, are landless laborers who live in fragile shacks in the fields. "They are the ones who were worst hit by the storm," said Derr.
CWS is warning against an impending and longterm food security crisis in the affected areas of Myanmar. "If communities don't get rice seeds in the ground within the next month, there may not be rice crops for several years to come," said Derr, "It's critical that we ensure that this major disaster doesn't turn into an ongoing catastrophe."
"But by all counts, the relief phase is not over," she added. "We’ve just gotten another report from one of the worst-hit villages that people are still not able to bury the dead because the ground is still so waterlogged."
Does that mean that CWS and other humanitarian agencies are still urging contributions from donors? "Absolutely," said Derr.
--This report is from a press release by Church World Service and Action by Churches Together alliance member Christian Aid, dated May 22. Donna Derr is a former staff member of the Church of the Brethren General Board.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
InterAgency Forum discusses work of denominational agencies.
"How to relate and work together to move the denomination forward toward fulfilling its identity and mission," might well summarize the spirit and discussion during the meeting of the Church of the Brethren InterAgency Forum, on April 23-24 in Elgin, Ill.
The InterAgency Forum consists of the Annual Conference executive and officers, a representative from the Council of District Executives, and the executives and board chairs of the five Annual Conference agencies. The immediate past Annual Conference moderator is the chair.
Present for the annual meeting were chair Belita Mitchell, moderator of the 2007 Annual Conference; Conference officers moderator Jim Beckwith, moderator-elect David Shumate, secretary Fred Swartz; Lerry Fogle, executive director of Annual Conference; Allen Kahler, representing the district executives; Stan Noff singer, general secretary of theGeneral Board; Tim Harvey, chair of the General Board; Kathy Reid, executive director of the Association of Brethren Caregivers; Eddie Edmonds, ABC board chair; Ruthann Knechel Johansen, president of Bethany Theological Seminary; Ted Flory, Bethany board chair; Wil Nolen, president of Brethren Benefit Trust; Harry Rhodes, BBT board chair; Bob Gross, executive director of On Earth Peace; and Verdena Lee, board chair of On Earth Peace.
The InterAgency Forum was begun 10 years ago to provide a setting in which the denominational agencies could work at common goals, avoid duplication of services, and facilitate cooperation in presenting denominational mission. The validity of that purpose was authenticated in the conversation at this year’s meeting. Topics included the stewardship of time at Annual Conference, the work of several agencies to create strategic plans founded on the needs of congregations and that have relevance to the issues of the time, the opportunity for working at a more unified program through the proposed Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board, and how districts and agencies can establish closer lines of communication and relationship to enhance the interpretation of denominational program.
Other items on the agenda were an evaluation of the 2007 Annual Conference and a preview of this year’s Conference and 300th Anniversary. Each agency gave a brief report of significant achievements and current activities. The forum noted that the proposed denominational Leadership Team will assume the functions of the Annual Conference Council, under whose auspices the forum was assigned by the 2001 Annual Conference. The members of the forum will send to the Leadership Team affirmations of the value of the forum and recommend that it continue to function.
--Fred Swartz is the secretary of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
"How to relate and work together to move the denomination forward toward fulfilling its identity and mission," might well summarize the spirit and discussion during the meeting of the Church of the Brethren InterAgency Forum, on April 23-24 in Elgin, Ill.
The InterAgency Forum consists of the Annual Conference executive and officers, a representative from the Council of District Executives, and the executives and board chairs of the five Annual Conference agencies. The immediate past Annual Conference moderator is the chair.
Present for the annual meeting were chair Belita Mitchell, moderator of the 2007 Annual Conference; Conference officers moderator Jim Beckwith, moderator-elect David Shumate, secretary Fred Swartz; Lerry Fogle, executive director of Annual Conference; Allen Kahler, representing the district executives; Stan Noff singer, general secretary of theGeneral Board; Tim Harvey, chair of the General Board; Kathy Reid, executive director of the Association of Brethren Caregivers; Eddie Edmonds, ABC board chair; Ruthann Knechel Johansen, president of Bethany Theological Seminary; Ted Flory, Bethany board chair; Wil Nolen, president of Brethren Benefit Trust; Harry Rhodes, BBT board chair; Bob Gross, executive director of On Earth Peace; and Verdena Lee, board chair of On Earth Peace.
The InterAgency Forum was begun 10 years ago to provide a setting in which the denominational agencies could work at common goals, avoid duplication of services, and facilitate cooperation in presenting denominational mission. The validity of that purpose was authenticated in the conversation at this year’s meeting. Topics included the stewardship of time at Annual Conference, the work of several agencies to create strategic plans founded on the needs of congregations and that have relevance to the issues of the time, the opportunity for working at a more unified program through the proposed Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board, and how districts and agencies can establish closer lines of communication and relationship to enhance the interpretation of denominational program.
Other items on the agenda were an evaluation of the 2007 Annual Conference and a preview of this year’s Conference and 300th Anniversary. Each agency gave a brief report of significant achievements and current activities. The forum noted that the proposed denominational Leadership Team will assume the functions of the Annual Conference Council, under whose auspices the forum was assigned by the 2001 Annual Conference. The members of the forum will send to the Leadership Team affirmations of the value of the forum and recommend that it continue to function.
--Fred Swartz is the secretary of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
Brethren Volunteer Service older adult unit completes orientation.
Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) Unit 279, an older adult unit, has completed orientation. The unit orientation was held at the New Windsor (Md.) Conference Center on the campus of the Brethren Service Center, from April 21-May 2.
The volunteers, their home congregations or hometowns, and placements are: Larry and Elaine Balliet of South Thomaston, Maine, project placement pending; Michael Colvin of La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren, to serve with On Earth Peace in New Windsor, Md.; Peter and Kay Hagert of Mooresville (W.Va.) Church of the Brethren, to serve at HRDC in Havre, Mon.; and Roz Jeremiah, of Middlesex, England, to Innisfree in Crozet, Va.
While in Maryland, the volunteers had several opportunities to serve, including at the Brethren Nutrition Program in Washington, D.C., and visited the Young Center in Elizabethtown, Pa., and the Ephrata Cloisters.
For more information contact the BVS office at 800-323-8039 or visit www.brethrenvolunteerservice.org.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) Unit 279, an older adult unit, has completed orientation. The unit orientation was held at the New Windsor (Md.) Conference Center on the campus of the Brethren Service Center, from April 21-May 2.

While in Maryland, the volunteers had several opportunities to serve, including at the Brethren Nutrition Program in Washington, D.C., and visited the Young Center in Elizabethtown, Pa., and the Ephrata Cloisters.
For more information contact the BVS office at 800-323-8039 or visit www.brethrenvolunteerservice.org.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
Brethren bits: Correction, personnel, jobs, Annual Conference, more.
- In a correction to the Newsline Extra of May 7, "Mohler Lecture considers ‘War, God, and Inevitability’" was written by Robert Dell, a retired Church of the Brethren minister living in McPherson, Kan. In another correction, the length of service of Darryl Deardorff as treasurer for the Church of the Brethren General Board was mistated, he worked for the General Board from 1987 to his hiring at Brethren Benefit Trust in 1997. In a correction to the Newsline of May 7, the University of La Verne (Calif.) is located east, not west, of Los Angeles.
- Linda Newman has accepted the position of assistant to the director of Buildings and Grounds for the Church of the Brethren General Board in Elgin, Ill. She brings more than 26 years of experience managing multiple office facilities through moves, remodeling, repairs, and construction phases. She holds an office administration certificate from Elgin Community College, and will begin work on June 2.
- Dustin Winstead-Marks began April 14 as a baler for the Material Resources program of the Church of the Brethren General Board at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. He is working through a youth employment program from the Business and Employment Resource Council.
- Shannon McNeil will begin a one-year internship at the Brethren Historical Library and Archives on June 2. In May, McNeil graduated from Bridgewater (Va.) College with a degree in international studies. Her home is in Dunlap, Ill. As the official repository of the Church of the Brethren, the archives collects, preserves, and organizes Brethren materials and is located at the church’s General Offices in Elgin, Ill.
- Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) has announced the opening of the position of director of Credit Union Operations. Applicants should have a minimum of five years of experience in credit union or banking management and/or corporate financial management, and have a CPA Certificate or strong financial background. The portfolio will include supervision, operational management, loans, deposits, asset management, operation management, compliance reporting, new products development, marketing, financial and Board reporting. This position will be located in Elgin, Ill. By June 27, applicants should submit a letter of interest, resume, and three references to Donna March via e-mail at dmarch_bbt@brethren.org or by fax or mail to Donna March, Director of Office Operations, Church of the Brethren Benefit Trust, 1505 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120; fax 847-742-6336.
- Bethany Theological Seminary has announced an opening for the fulltime position of director of admissions, with a starting date in September. This is an opportunity for a creative professional to serve the church, helping to identify and encourage leaders to develop their gifts through graduate theological education. The director of admissions will be responsible for a wide range of student recruitment activities, including taking the lead to implement a recruitment plan, working as a team member in recruitment activities, representing the seminary at off-campus events, developing relationships with prospective students, and conducting interviews. The work will include significant travel to visit students, attend camps and conferences, etc. Applicants should hold a bachelor's degree; a seminary degree is preferred. Familiarity with and an understanding of the Church of the Brethren is required. Two to five years of professional experience in a field working with people is valuable. Applicants should demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills, listening skills, organizational skills, ability to help individuals discern vocational calling, and eagerness to work as part of a team. Experience in communications technology and multicultural recruitment is a plus. Submit a letter of application and resume to the Executive Director of Student and Business Services, Bethany Theological Seminary, 615 National Rd. W., Richmond, IN 47374. Application review will begin on June 6. Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Bethany Theological Seminary is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from those who can further enhance the breadth and diversity of educational community.
- McPherson (Kan.) College seeks a director of marketing and communications. McPherson College is seeking an outgoing, organized, energetic, self-motivated person who understands the benefits of a small-college education. This person will oversee the timely production of all college marketing materials, manage the college's marketing plans and strategies in recruiting and development, oversee website development, provide leadership for college promotions, cultivate and maintain relationships with media representatives, manage the college's corporate identity/image program, coordinate news releases, and coordinate materials production when necessary. Send a cover letter, resume, and references to Lisa Easter, Human Resources, P.O. Box 1402, 1600 E. Euclid, McPherson, KS 67460; or e-mail easterl@mcpherson.edu. No phone calls please. Applications are accepted until the position is filled. EOE. McPherson College is committed to diversity, and encourages applications from women and people from traditionally underrepresented groups.
- The Material Resources program of the Church of the Brethren General Board, located at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., seeks a person to fill an hourly, fulltime position reporting to the director of Material Resources and working closely with the office manager. Responsibilities are to ensure the timely and accurate collection of information, and the transfer of information to various reports, people, and tracking systems related to all shipping matters. This is a clerical position with responsibility for typing correspondence, handling telephone inquiries, preparing stencils, shipping instructions, loading sheets, activity reports, invoices and billing records. This position also handles all interaction by telephone with pier contacts, meetings with transportation related salespersons, and ensures that volunteer work groups are appropriately recognized and thanked. The position requires a high degree of accuracy, well developed organizational skills, ability to provide excellent customer service, ability to multitask, meet deadlines, and work with minimal supervision. The person must demonstrate competent user status with Word, Excel, Quickbooks, and Access. Patience and perseverance are essential to coping with many tasks and interactions. High school graduation or equivalent is required, some college preferred. The application period closes June 4. Candidates should contact Joan McGrath, Office of Human Resources, via e-mail at jmcgrath_gb@brethren.org, via telephone at 410-635-8780, or via mail at Office of Human Resources, Brethren Service Center, 500 Main St., Box 188, New Windsor, MD 21776.
- Online registration will be available through May 30 for the 2008 Annual Conference in Richmond, Va., which will be held from July 12-16. After May 30, those who want to attend the Conference will need to register onsite in Richmond for an increased fee. Go to the Annual Conference website at www.brethren.org/ac to register.
- The airport bus shuttle has been canceled for Annual Conference in Richmond. Due to insufficient demand for bus shuttle service between the airport and hotels in Richmond, airport shuttle service has been canceled, reported the Annual Conference Office. The bus company will contact those who signed up for the service and suggest alternate transportation. This cancellation only applies to airport service and all hotel bus shuttles will be fully operational and complimentary.
- The summer issue of "A Guide for Biblical Studies," the adult Bible study curriculum from Brethren Press, focuses on the theme, "Images of Christ." The book offers weekly Bible studies for small groups or individual study, for the months of June, July, and August. Donald Fitzkee is the author of the lessons. He serves as a free minister at Chiques Church of the Brethren near Manheim, Pa., and as development and interpretation coordinator for COBYS Family Services. Frank Ramirez, pastor of Everett (Pa.) Church of the Brethren, writes the "Out of Context" feature. This summer’s issue reviews a variety of biblical images of Christ, including Christ as God's Son, intercessor, redeemer, leader, teacher, healer, servant, Messiah, and "the Eternal Christ," as well as "Images of Christ in Us," such as disciples, doers of the Word, and prayerful community, among others. Order from Brethren Press for $2.90 per copy, or $5.15 per copy for large print, plus shipping and handling. Call 800-441-3712 or go to www.brethrenpress.com.
- Neighborhood Church of the Brethren in Montgomery, Ill., will celebrate its 50 years in Boulder Hill with a Homecoming Celebration on Oct. 11-12. Go to the website at www.ourneighborhoodchurch.com for more information.
- Heidelberg Church of the Brethren has been selected for the 2008 Best of Myerstown (Pa.) Award in the "Mennonite Brethren Churches" category by the US Local Business Association (USLBA). In recognition of the achievement, a 2008 Best of Myerstown Award plaque has been designed for display at the church. The USLBA "Best of Local Business" award recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country, according to an announcement.
- Sea-Going Cowboy Sunday will be held at Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren in Littleton, Colo., on June 29. The event will honor the "sea-going cowboys" who served after World War II to deliver relief animals. Paul Rohrer, Prince of Peace member, and his father, Glenn Rohrer, who was a seagoing cowboy, will lead the 10 a.m. worship service. A western-style lunch will follow, with an informal time for all seagoing cowboys in attendance to share their experiences. "All seagoing cowboys are warmly invited to join us in this 300th Anniversary celebration of a memorable part of our Brethren History," said an invitation from the church. Contact princeofpeacecob@gmail.com or 303-797-1536.
- Chaplain Dana Statler of Brethren Village, a Church of the Brethren retirement community in Lancaster, Pa., will be leading a tour to Germany as a part of the 300th Anniversary celebration of the Church of the Brethren. The tour will take place the first two weeks of August. For more information, contact Statler at 717-569-2657.
- The Children’s Aid Society supported by Brethren in Pennsylvania, is holding its Annual Dinner on May 29 at Nicarry Meeting House at the Brethren Home in New Oxford, Pa. Contact 717-624-4461 or mind@cassd.org.
- Camp Koinonia is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a Fundraising Breakfast on May 31, for $40 per person. Breakfast begins at 9:30 a.m. in the newly renovated lodge, followed by a silent auction and site tour. At 11:30 a.m. the camp will dedicate the lodge.
- Pinecrest Community, a Church of the Brethren retirement community in Mount Morris, Ill., is holding its Annual Good Samaritan Banquet on June 8. This year with the addition of a new Community Center, the banquet is becoming more creative, according to a release. The event will be an early afternoon dinner theater, where lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. and the show "All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" will be performed by Mount Morris Performing Arts Guild beginning at 2 p.m. (Contact Ferol Labash at 815-734-4103 ext. 273 for reservations or more information). The 16,000 square foot Pinecrest Grove Community Center has been completed and the public is invited to view it at a series of events June 5-13. The facility includes a Wellness Center, coffee shop/deli, reading room, computer/education/business room, and a 180-seat auditorium. The Grand Opening starts June 5-7 with staging of "All I Really Need to Know...," June 12 is "Church of the Brethren Day" with 300th Anniversary presentations, and a bronze sculpture titled "The Spirit of Compassion" sculpted by artist Jeff Adams commissioned for the Community Center will be unveiled at 3 p.m. on June 13.
- Klare Sunderland has received the John C. Baker Award for Exemplary Service from Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa. He is a former chair of the Juniata College board of trustees and president of Sun Enterprises Inc., Sun Investments Inc., and a variety of imported car dealerships.
- Juniata College assistant professor of history Douglas Stiffler has been named a Fulbright Research Fellow for 2008-09. He will research the relationship between Communist China and the Soviet Union from 1949-60 as a scholar-in-residence at Capital Normal University in Beijing. He will examine how China used Soviet financial aid during the 1950s, in preparation for a book titled "Socialist Modernity Under Soviet Tutelage."
- Bridgewater (Va.) College honored five alumni during Alumni Weekend on April 18-19. Siblings John S. Flory Jr. (class of 1932) and Margaret Flory Wampler Rainbolt (1937) received the 2008 Ripples Society Medals. John R. Milleson (1978) received the 2008 Distinguished Alumnus Award. The 2008 Young Alumnus Award was presented to A. David Ervin (1991). David R. Radcliff (1975) received the West-Whitelow Award for Humanitarian Service.
- Manchester College in North Manchester, Ind., has awarded a record $9.9 million in academic scholarships for the 2008-09 school year, according to a release. The college also offers aid based on financial need. The total scholarship amount sets a record for the college. "Interest in Manchester has been extraordinary this year," said David McFadden, executive vice president. "Applications are up more than 50 percent and nearly twice as many students participated in our academic scholarship interviews."
- Eric Sader Jr., a student at McPherson (Kan.) College, successfully broke the Guinness world record of "longest individual drum roll" recently. Sader set a record of 1 hour, 22 minutes, 5 seconds in the student union at 5:30 p.m. on April 29. Guinness said nobody had ever set a record for the longest individual drum roll, a release from the college reported. "They do have on record the longest group drum roll," Sader said. "It was over 12 hours. Every 10 to 15 minutes they would rotate out and get different drummers." Sader's record now leaves it open for someone to break it. "As of yet, his record still stands!" the release said.
- The "Brethren Voices" June program tells the story of the Brethren Service Cups with Bill Puffenberger of Elizabethtown (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. The June program presents an interview with Puffenberger, who researched the history of the Brethren Service Cups and shares about the cups exhibited at the Young Center of Elizabethtown College, as well as the prized Brethren Service stamps. In July, the program will feature an interview with Annual Conference moderator James Beckwith, pastor of Annville (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. Brethren Voices is a program for Church of the Brethren congregations to share with their communities via public access cable television, and is a project of Portland (Ore.) Peace Church of the Brethren. For more information, contact Ed Groff, producer, at groffprod1@msn.com. Individual programs are available for as little as an $8 donation or $100 per year.
- Welcoming Church Trainings have been announced by the Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests (BMC). La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren hosts the first 2008 training, on June 6-8. Trainings also are offered on Sept. 19-21 at Wake Forest Divinity School in Winston-Salem, N.C.; Oct. 24-26 at Assembly Mennonite Church in Goshen, Ind.; and in November in Washington, D.C. Topics include change theory, church conflict and resolution, storytelling as public narrative, biblical exegesis, and strategizing for change, according to a release from BMC. Continuing education credits for pastors are available. Go to www.welcomingresources.org or www.bmclgbt.org. The ecumenical training is made possible through an Arcus Foundation grant awarded to BMC and three ecumenical partner organizations.
- Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) has announced its first delegation to the Kurdish region of Iraq, on July 31-Aug. 14. CPT has had a presence in Iraq since Oct. 2002, first in Baghdad, and since Nov. 2006 in the Kurdish north of the country. Participants are expected to raise $3,000 for the trip. For more information or to apply, contact CPT, P.O. Box 6508, Chicago, IL 60680; 773-277-0253; delegations@cpt.org; or see www.cpt.org. Applications must be received by June 9.
- Geneva B. White of Vinton (Va.) Church of the Brethren received the "Valiant Woman Award" from Church Women United of the Roanoke (Va.) Valley for 2008. The award was given May 2. Geneva has served as president and vice president of the group.
Dennis Kingery resigns as director of credit union.
Dennis Kingery has resigned from his position as director of Credit Union Operations with Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) effective Aug. 8. He has been accepted to the University of Denver (Colo.) Graduate School of International Studies where he will seek a masters degree in international development.
Kingery began working for BBT in Feb. 2004, when it began providing third-party administrative services for the Church of the Brethren Credit Union. He brought energy and strong technical skills to the position, and recently provided leadership in launching two new Credit Union products--debit cards and checking accounts.
Prior to working for BBT, he worked for the Church of the Brethren General Board as controller from 1998-2004. He also is an elected member of the McPherson (Kan.) College Board of Trustees and serves as treasurer for Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
Dennis Kingery has resigned from his position as director of Credit Union Operations with Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) effective Aug. 8. He has been accepted to the University of Denver (Colo.) Graduate School of International Studies where he will seek a masters degree in international development.
Kingery began working for BBT in Feb. 2004, when it began providing third-party administrative services for the Church of the Brethren Credit Union. He brought energy and strong technical skills to the position, and recently provided leadership in launching two new Credit Union products--debit cards and checking accounts.
Prior to working for BBT, he worked for the Church of the Brethren General Board as controller from 1998-2004. He also is an elected member of the McPherson (Kan.) College Board of Trustees and serves as treasurer for Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
Julie Hostetter named as director of Brethren Academy.
Julie Mader Hostetter has been named director of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, a ministry training partnership of Bethany Theological Seminary and the Church of the Brethren General Board. She will begin on July 1. The Brethren Academy offices are located at the seminary in Richmond, Ind.
Hostetter is currently director of academic and student services at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. She previously worked for the General Board as coordinator of Congregational Life Team Area 3, with specific focus on small membership and urban/ethnic congregations. She has been a member of the Pastoral Ethics Committee and the Church Extension Committee in Virlina District, and has been a pastor and a minister of music in Brethren congregations. She also has served as interim executive director of Metropolitan Churches United in Dayton, and has edited and written numerous Christian education resources.
She is a graduate of Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pa. and United Theological Seminary, and currently is enrolled in a doctor of ministry program through the Center for Ministry and Leadership Development at Union-PSCE in Richmond, Va.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
Julie Mader Hostetter has been named director of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, a ministry training partnership of Bethany Theological Seminary and the Church of the Brethren General Board. She will begin on July 1. The Brethren Academy offices are located at the seminary in Richmond, Ind.
Hostetter is currently director of academic and student services at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. She previously worked for the General Board as coordinator of Congregational Life Team Area 3, with specific focus on small membership and urban/ethnic congregations. She has been a member of the Pastoral Ethics Committee and the Church Extension Committee in Virlina District, and has been a pastor and a minister of music in Brethren congregations. She also has served as interim executive director of Metropolitan Churches United in Dayton, and has edited and written numerous Christian education resources.
She is a graduate of Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pa. and United Theological Seminary, and currently is enrolled in a doctor of ministry program through the Center for Ministry and Leadership Development at Union-PSCE in Richmond, Va.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
‘Manual del Pastor’ offers Brethren worship manual in Spanish.
"Manual del Pastor" disponible en Brethren Press, 800-441-3712. Porciones escogidas del libro "For All Who Minister," manual de adoración para La Iglesia de los Hermanos. Espiral. Lexotone negro con letras dórales. $13.95. Los gastos de enviar será adicional.
A new book from Brethren Press, "Manual del Pastor," offers a Spanish language minister’s manual for Church of the Brethren pastors. "Manual del Pastor" offers selected services from "For All Who Minister," the Church of the Brethren worship manual in English, published by Brethren Press. The new book is spiral bound, with a black lexotone cover with gold stamping. Cost is $13.95 plus shipping and handling, order from www.brethrenpress.com or call 800-441-3712.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
"Manual del Pastor" disponible en Brethren Press, 800-441-3712. Porciones escogidas del libro "For All Who Minister," manual de adoración para La Iglesia de los Hermanos. Espiral. Lexotone negro con letras dórales. $13.95. Los gastos de enviar será adicional.
A new book from Brethren Press, "Manual del Pastor," offers a Spanish language minister’s manual for Church of the Brethren pastors. "Manual del Pastor" offers selected services from "For All Who Minister," the Church of the Brethren worship manual in English, published by Brethren Press. The new book is spiral bound, with a black lexotone cover with gold stamping. Cost is $13.95 plus shipping and handling, order from www.brethrenpress.com or call 800-441-3712.
Source: 5/23/2008 Newsline
Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board, cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260. Chrystal Bostian, Lerry Fogle, Mike Garner, Ed Groff, Mary K. Heatwole, Barbara Kienholz, Jon Kobel, Jeri S. Kornegay, Karin Krog, Donna March, Joan McGrath, Ken Shaffer, Marcia Shetler, Callie Surber, John Wall contributed to this report.
Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board, cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260. Chrystal Bostian, Lerry Fogle, Mike Garner, Ed Groff, Mary K. Heatwole, Barbara Kienholz, Jon Kobel, Jeri S. Kornegay, Karin Krog, Donna March, Joan McGrath, Ken Shaffer, Marcia Shetler, Callie Surber, John Wall contributed to this report.
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