Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Newsline Extra: Resources from Brethren Press
Ken Morse text published in anthem.

A poem written by well-known Brethren writer and editor Kenneth I. Morse is the text for "Listen to the Sunrise," a choral anthem just published by Alliance Music Publications, Inc. Sheet music is available through Brethren Press for $1.70 each, plus shipping and handling. The voicing is SATB with children's choir a capella.

The anthem, by Canadian composer Eleanor Daley, was commissioned by the Master Chorale of Tampa Bay and premiered in 2003. That concert is available on "Cathedral Classics," a CD from the Master Chorale (

The text comes from the title poem of "Listen to the Sunrise," a book of poetry by Morse and published by Brethren Press in 1991, and is combined with words from St. Francis of Assisi.

The poem made its way to the Master Chorale through Robert N. Durnbaugh, publisher of Brethren Press in the 1980s and later executive director of the Elgin Choral Union. He became acquainted with Richard Zielinski, who spent a year with the choral union before becoming music and artistic director of the Master Chorale in Tampa Bay. When the Master Chorale was preparing to commission the work, Zielinski asked Durnbaugh for suggestions of texts; "Listen to the Sunrise" was one of the suggestions.

The sheet music can be ordered from Brethren Press by calling 800-441-3712 or visiting (find "Listen to the Sunrise" at

Source: 12/13/2006 Newsline
Fourth volume of Brethren Encyclopedia is available from Brethren Press.

The fourth volume of the "Brethren Encyclopedia," published by Brethren Encyclopedia Inc., is available from Brethren Press for $80 plus shipping and handling.

The long-awaited volume has been in the works since at least 2001. Carl Bowman, professor of sociology at Bridgewater (Va.) College, and the late Brethren historian Donald Durnbaugh, served as co-editors (Durnbaugh served as editor of the first three volumes, published in 1983-84). The Brethren Encyclopedia board of directors conducted a financial campaign to support the publishing project. The 816-page book contains an extensive index for all four volumes of the encyclopedia, new articles, additions and corrections, an updated bibliography, photos, and more.

To place an order call 800-441-3712 or go to (for "The Brethren Encyclopedia, Vol. 4," go to

Source: 12/13/2006 Newsline
History 'source book' tells story of Brethren during the world wars.

Brethren Press has published another in its series of Brethren history "source books," titled "The Brethren During the Age of World War: The Church of the Brethren Encounter with Modernization, 1914-1950 " by Stephen L. Longenecker. The hard-bound book may be ordered for $25.95 plus shipping and handling.

Longenecker, who is professor of history and chair of the Department of History and Political Science at Bridgewater (Va.) College, addresses how the plain, rural, sectarian Brethren handled the challenges of the first half of the 20th century--including two world wars, the modern industrial economy, the Great Depression, the rise of popular culture, the changing role of women, increasing secularization, and growing individualism. "The Brethren During the Age of World War" uses documents, books from the period, articles, Annual Conference deliberations and decisions, interviews, letters, diaries, and the writer's own observations to show how Brethren rose to these challenges, absorbed them, or fought them.

Among the many people Longenecker credits with helping and influencing him is Durnbaugh, who wrote the first two source books, "European Origins of the Brethren" and "The Brethren in Colonial America." Roger Sappington wrote the other two books in the series, "The Brethren in the New Nation" and "The Brethren in Industrial America."

To place an order call 800-441-3712 or go to (for "The Brethren During the Age of World War" go to

Source: 12/13/2006 Newsline
Lenten devotional for 2007 focuses on 'Growing Fruit.'

A Church of the Brethren daily devotional booklet for the season of Lent 2007 focuses on the theme, "Growing Fruit." The devotions by Rhonda Pittman Gingrich lead in a prayerful effort to tend and cultivate the seeds planted by the Holy Spirit, so that readers may grow and bear nourishing spiritual fruit.

Daily devotions are offered for Ash Wednesday through Easter, and include a scripture reading, short meditation, and prayer for each day.

The 2007 Lenten devotional booklet may be ordered from Brethren Press for $2 each, plus shipping and handling. Those who order by Dec. 15 will receive a special pre-publication price of $1.50 per copy, plus shipping and handling. Call 800-441-3712 or go to (find the devotional at

Source: 12/13/2006 Newsline
Pre-publication orders for 300th anniversary devotional are being taken.

Brethren Press is taking pre-publication orders for a daily devotional commemorating the 300th anniversary of the Brethren movement in 2008, to be titled "Fresh from the Word." Publication date is scheduled for July 1, 2007; the book will offer daily devotions from Jan.1 through Dec. 31, 2008.

The hardback book will feature 366 daily devotions written by members of all the Brethren bodies, including the Church of the Brethren, the Brethren Church, the Old Order German Baptist Brethren, and other Brethren groups. In addition to a short daily devotion, the book will offer a scripture reading and a prayer for each day of the year from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. Devotions will not be linked to the day of the week in 2008, so the book also is suitable for repeated use in following years.

Regular price for the devotional will be $20, plus shipping and handling. Groups or congregations save 40 percent on orders of 10 or more copies before March 15, 2007, with pre-publication price of $12 per copy plus shipping and handling. Individuals who place orders before March 15 receive a pre-publication price of $15 per copy plus shipping and handling. A packet describing the prepublication special will be mailed to congregations in January.

Call Brethren Press at 800-441-3712 to place pre-publication orders of "Fresh from the Word."

Source: 12/13/2006 Newsline
Two Vacation Bible School programs on sale through Brethren Press.

Two Vacation Bible School programs may be ordered through Brethren Press for summer programs in 2007: "Be Bold! God Is with You" and "Great Bible Reef: Dive Deep into God's World."

"Be Bold! God Is with You" (published by Mennonite Publishing House, order starter kit from Brethren Press for $129.99 plus shipping and handling) focuses on God's call to be boldly faithful at all times, even when children are faced with fearful situations such as a family move, a natural disaster, or the need to stand up to a bully. The program tells stories from the Old and New Testaments--including the stories of Jeremiah, Ruth, Mary and Joseph, Peter, and Ananias who aided Paul after he was blinded by his encounter with the risen Christ. It also offers 10 interactive "Courage Connection" stations, challenging children ages 4 through grade 8 to put their trust in the steadfast God whose message is always the same, "Do not be afraid, for I am with you." Each day's worship time introduces a new Bible story through lively drama and singing. Bible memory, creative activities, and active learning combine to make this a bold, unforgettable VBS experience.

"Great Bible Reef: Dive Deep into God's World" (published by Augsburg Fortress, order starter kit from Brethren Press for $65.99 plus shipping and handling) enables children to experience Bible stories through an underwater adventure. The program is a combination of music, art, science, games, worship, and drama. Dive into the "Great Bible Reef" to have children "swimming with delight as they explore all of God's creation under the sea." The starter "aquatic pack" kit includes a variety of resources such as a preview DVD and song sampler, "Coral Crafts Guide," "Great Barrier Games Guide," "Reef Rhythm Guide," "Seawater Science Guide," "Deep Sea Storytelling Guide," "Reef Tunes Songbook," other fun activities, Bible books, age-group leaders guides, and director's guide.

Call 800-441-3712 to order starter kits and additional materials, or go to (find Vacation Bible School starter kits at and

Source: 12/13/2006 Newsline

Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board, or 800-323-8039 ext. 260. Wendy McFadden and Jeff Lennard contributed to this report.