Photo by courtesy of Visit Charlotte, Patrick Schneider Photography |
A view of the city skyline of Charlotte, N.C. |
Following is initial planning for the 2013 Annual Conference in
Charlotte, N.C., on June 29-July 3. See below for information about the
theme, leadership, location and facilities, fees, hotel costs, and a
special day set aside for spiritual renewal. Additional information will
be posted at
www.brethren.org/ac as it becomes available.
in Our Midst” is the theme for the 2013 Annual Conference, taken from
lyrics written by the late Brethren poet and hymnwriter Ken Morse. This
Conference falls in the 100th anniversary year of Morse’s birth, in
The following daily themes have been announced:
- Saturday June 29, “Move in Our Midst,” Philippians 2:13, 2 Chronicles 7:14
- Sunday, June 30, “Touch Us,” Ezekiel 36:26-27
- Monday, July 1, “Teach Us,” Ephesians 4:11-13
- Tuesday, July 2, “Transform Us,” Ephesians 4:30-32
- Wednesday, July 3, “Transport Us,” Matthew 9:38, Luke 4:18-19
Find the moderator’s reflection on the theme below in this Newsline, or go to
www.brethren.org/ac/theme-2013.html .
Robert Krouse, pastor of Little Swatara Church of the Brethren in
Bethel, Pa., will lead the Conference assisted by moderator-elect Nancy
Sollenberger Heishman, interim co-pastor at West Charleston Church of
the Brethren in Tipp City, Ohio. James M. Beckwith, pastor of Annville
(Pa.) Church of the Brethren, is the Annual Conference secretary.
Serving on the Program and Arrangements Committee alongside the three
Conference officers and Conference director Chris Douglas are Eric
Bishop of La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren, Cindy Laprade
Lattimer of the pastoral staff at Lancaster (Pa.) Church of the
Brethren, and Christy Waltersdorff, pastor of York Center Church of the
Brethren in Lombard, Ill.
Volunteer coordinators include:
- Site coordinators Dewey and Melissa Williard of Winston-Salem, N.C.
- Registration coordinator Nancy Hillsman of Durham, N.C.
- Hospitality coordinator Teresa Broyles of Roanoke, Va.
- Usher coordinators Linda and Buddy Crumpacker of Blue Ridge, Va.
- Ticket sales coordinator Karen Haynes of Roanoke, Va.
- Unloading/loading coordinator C.D. Lyons of Concord, N.C.
- Early childhood services coordinators Pat Mullins of Little River, S.C., and Suzanne Rhoades of Daleville, Va.
- Children’s activities coordinator, Kindergarten-2nd grades, Stephanie Naff of Bassett, Va.
- Children’s activities coordinator, 3rd-5th grades, Lynette Harvey of Roanoke, Va.
- Junior high activities coordinator Clara Nelson of Blacksburg, Va.
- Senior high activities coordinator Mike Elmore of Salem, Va.
- Young adult activities coordinator Emily LaPrade of Boones Mill, Va.
- Singles/Night Owl activities coordinator Dava Hensley of Roanoke, Va.
A day of renewal
June 30, is being set aside as a special day for Conference-goers to
“refocus, restore, renew,” with no business scheduled until Monday
morning. This is in response to the item of business that came to the
2012 Conference highlighting a need to revitalize the Annual Conference
Sunday will feature three worship events:
- a morning worship service on the theme “Grace, Grace, and More
Grace” with speaker Philip Yancey, a popular Christian writer and author
of “What’s So Amazing About Grace?” and “The Jesus I Never Knew”;
- an afternoon worship service on the theme, “The Pathway to God Is
Paved with Prayer,” led by Mark Yaconelli, a writer, speaker, spiritual
director, and co-founder and program director for the Center for Engaged
Compassion at Claremont (Calif.) School of Theology; and
- an evening “Concert of Prayer” inviting all to an experience of personal prayer and guided corporate prayer.
After each worship service will be a session of “Equipping Workshops”
offering deeper insights into various areas of faith such as how we
experience God, servant leadership, spiritual formation, and more.
Preaching on Saturday evening, June 29, will be moderator Robert Krouse.
Philip Yancey, author of “What’s So Amazing About Grace?” and “The
Jesus I Never Knew,” will give the Sunday morning sermon on June 30.
That same day, Mark Yaconelli of the Center for Engaged Compassion at
Claremont (Calif.) School of Theology will preach for a special
afternoon worship service.
Paul Mundey, pastor of Frederick (Md.) Church of the Brethren, will preach Monday evening, July 1.
For worship on Tuesday evening, July 2, a dialogue sermon will be
given jointly by Pam Reist of the pastoral staff at Elizabethtown (Pa.)
Church of the Brethren, and Paul W. Brubaker, a minister at Middle Creek
Church of the Brethren in Lititz, Pa.
Suely Inhauser of Igreja da Irmandade, the Church of the Brethren in
Brazil, will give the closing sermon of the Conference on Wednesday
morning, July 3.
Location and facilities
Charlotte Convention Center opened in 1995 and has 280,000 square feet
of meeting/exhibit space, 46 meeting rooms, and a food court featuring
some popular restaurant and café chains. Since 2007 it has been
implementing “Going Green” procedures such as recycling, water
conservation, use of bio-degradable paper products, and environmentally
sensitive cleaning supplies.
The hotel block in downtown Charlotte includes five hotels: the
Westin Charlotte and the Hilton Charlotte Center City--closest to the
convention center and considered co-headquarter hotels--as well as the
Omni Charlotte, the Charlotte Marriott City Center, and the Hampton Inn.
Go to
for more about the historic city of Charlotte, founded in 1769, and a
list of sites of interest in the area such as the NASCAR Hall of Fame
and the Billy Graham Library.
Registration fees
registration: $285 for early registration until Feb. 19, 2013; $310 for
advance registration from Feb. 20-June 4, 2013; $360 for on-site
registration in Charlotte.
Adult non-delegate registration: $105 for online advance registration
from Feb. 20-June 4; $140 on-site. For those not planning to attend the
full Conference, an adult daily rate of $35 is available in advance,
going up to $45 onsite.
Brethren Volunteer Service worker discount: active BVSers may register for $30 in advance, or $50 onsite.
Children, youth, and young adults ages 12-21: $30 for the full
Conference if registered in advance, $50 onsite. A daily rate is
available of $10 for advance registration, or $15 onsite.
Children under 12: registration is free, but children are still
required to register using the online process or to register onsite on
arrival in Charlotte.
Hotel costs
Westin Charlotte: $145 per room per day, $18 per day for parking
Hilton Charlotte Center City: $139 per room per day, $18 per day for parking
Omni Charlotte: $130 per room per day, $15 per day for parking
Charlotte Marriott City Center: $139 per room per day, $14 per day for parking
Hampton Inn: $134 per room per day, $10 per day for parking
Video resource
promotional video about the 2013 Conference in Charlotte has been
created by Brethren videographer David Sollenberger and is available to
view at
www.brethren.org/ac .
More information and resources will be posted at
www.brethren.org/ac as they become available, including a logo for the Conference, a business agenda, a ballot, and more.
Source: 10/04/2012 Newsline