Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Travel seminar takes students to visit Brethren in Brazil.

On a recent travel seminar to Brazil, students of Bethany Theological Seminary and the Training in Ministry (TRIM) program engaged the question of what it means to be Anabaptists planting churches in today's diverse world. The seminar was jointly sponsored by the Global Mission Partnerships of the Church of the Brethren General Board, and the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership.

Led by Jonathan Shively, director of the Brethren Academy, and accompanied by General Board member Vickie Samland, the seminar traveled in Brazil from May 17-June 2. They shared learnings with leaders of Igreja da Irmandade-Brasil (the Church of the Brethren in Brazil), participated in language school, experienced Brazilian culture, and worshiped in several congregations.

Participants included Virginia Bandy of Homeworth, Ohio; Jim and Elaine Gibbel of Lititz, Pa.; Carla Gillespie of Richmond, Ind.; Haley Goodwin of Richmond, Ind.; Jason Kreighbaum of Richmond, Ind.; Matt and Becky McKimmy of Richmond, Ind.; David and Cheryl Mishler of Sabetha, Kan.; and Christine Sheller of Wichita, Kan.

For more from the Brazil seminar, see the feature reflection by Haley Goodwin at the end of this Newsline. For an online photo album, go to

Source: 8/15/2007 Newsline

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