Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Church planting conference is scheduled for May 2008.

A church planting conference will convene from Thursday through Saturday, May 15-17, 2008, in Richmond, Ind. Early registration and pre-conference activities are scheduled for May 14.

The conference will contribute to new church development in the Church of the Brethren by providing training for church planters, supportive networks, and coaches; enriching spiritual resources through revitalizing worship and focused prayer; promoting synergistic conversation and strategic cooperation among individuals, districts, and agencies; and assessing individual and organizational capacities for leadership.

A series of worship and prayer experiences, speakers, workshops, outreach opportunities, and small group conversations will make up the conference. The event is sponsored every other year by the New Church Development Committee of the Church of the Brethren in partnership with the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership and hosted by Bethany Theological Seminary.

Committee members guiding the planning are Carrie Cortez of Pacific Southwest District, Lynda DeVore of Illinois and Wisconsin District, Don Mitchell of Atlantic Northeast District, David Shumate of Virlina District, Steve Gregory of the General Board’s Congregational Life Teams staff, and Jonathan Shively, director of the Brethren Academy.

Detailed information will be available by mid-September, and registration materials will be available Jan. 1, 2008. Direct inquiries to

Source: 8/15/2007 Newsline Extra

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