Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bethany Emphasis Sunday focuses on discipleship.

Bethany Theological Seminary has announced Sept. 9 as Bethany Emphasis Sunday for the Church of the Brethren. The theme, "Go Deeper: Cost of Discipleship," is based on Luke 14:25-33, a lectionary reading for that day. Worship materials and resources offered for congregational celebrations were created by faculty, students, and graduates of the seminary.

Resources include a benediction by the seminary’s new president Ruthann Knechel Johansen; an invocation prayer by Jonathan Shively, director of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership; an adult Sunday school lesson by Amy Ritchie, director of Student Development; a youth Sunday school lesson by Tracy Stoddart; a meditation by student Elizabeth Keller; a call to worship by student Anna Lisa Gross; an offertory statement by Kelly Meyerhoeffer; a "scripture jam" by Elizabeth Keller; and a children's story by Barb Dickason. A bulletin insert includes a litany by Dawn Ottoni Wilhelm, associate professor of Preaching and Worship, and comments by students and graduates about the importance of the congregation in encouraging them to consider ministry.

Also offered are a PowerPoint of Bethany's logo, resource people for "Minute for Mission" presentations, and guest speakers. Congregations should have received a letter from Bethany that includes a postcard to order materials or invite a guest speaker. Printed resources and the logo are available at Bethany invites congregations to celebrate the emphasis on another date if Sept. 9 is not possible.

Source: 8/15/2007 Newsline Extra

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