Thursday, July 01, 2010

On Earth Peace announces last year of Living Peace Church reports.

This is the last year for Living Peace Church Reports at the Annual Conference, according to an announcement from On Earth Peace. The intent of the annual open microphone time slot during Conference business sessions has been to encourage the development of a living peace tradition in the Church of the Brethren.

Guided by the 2003 paper, "Call to Be a Living Peace Church," the Annual Conference officers provided a time of open sharing at the microphones for people to report on "efforts to seek and develop a living peace tradition, in order to strengthen and encourage one another." This year, 2010, is the last time for such reporting as mandated by the 2003 paper.

The Living Peace Church reports are scheduled for Monday, July 5, beginning at 3:25 p.m. during the business session in the Convention Center Hall A. Matt Guynn, On Earth Peace program director, will introduce the time of sharing.

Guynn "may bring one or two pre-planned reports to prime the pump, but the bulk of this time will be open sharing from the microphones," the announcement said. "If you or your congregation have a story to tell about seeking and building a living Christian peace tradition, we would love for you to be ready to share it with the delegate body....

"Share about the way God is moving in your congregation and the kinds of ministries that are developing. Maybe you will share one particular story that has moved you, or something else that expresses this living Christian peace tradition, which we are creating together with God in our generation."

Source: 7/1/2010 Newsline

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