Thursday, September 24, 2009

Western Plains District focuses on ‘all things new.’

The Western Plains District Conference convened July 31-Aug. 2 at McPherson, Kan. The 229 registered participants included 65 delegates from 30 congregations, 18 youth, and 17 children. District moderator Leslie Frye led the conference under the theme from Rev. 21:5, "Behold, I Make All Things New!"

Speakers for the worship services included Frye, of Monitor Church of the Brethren; Shawn Flory-Replogle of McPherson (Kan.) Church of the Brethren and current Annual Conference moderator; and Chris Bowman, pastor of Oakton Church of the Brethren in Vienna, Va. Conference offerings totaled $6,247.

A pre-conference workshop on "Faith, Family, and Finances: How to Live Faithfully within Your Means and Keep Peace in the Family" was led by Steve Bob, director of the Church of the Brethren Credit Union, and Bob Gross, executive director of On Earth Peace.

Twelve ministers were recognized for "Milestones in Ministry": Dean Farringer, Merlin Frantz, and Charles Whitacre were recognized for 65 years of ordination; Lyall Sherred for 50 years; John Carlson for 40 years; Francis Hendricks and Jean Hendricks for 30 years; Edwina Pote for 20 years; Stephen Klinedinst for 15 years; and Sonja Griffith, Lisa Hazen, and Tom Smith for 10 years.

In conference business sessions, Robert W. Dell was elected moderator-elect. Those elected to the District Board included Becki Bowman, Kip Coulter, Eldon Luker, Joe McFadden, Catherine Price, Richard Schmalzreid, and Les Shenefelt. Re-elected for second terms were Rita Suiter and Andy Ullom. David Smalley was elected to the Nominating Committee and Cheryl Mishler was elected for a second term on the District Conference Planning Committee.

The District Board reorganized as follows: Lisa Hazen, chair; Emilie Dell, vice-chair;

George Hinton, chair of Church Development and Renewal; Phil Adams, chair of Ministry; Beverly Minnich, chair of Nurture; Andy Ullom, chair of Outdoor Ministry; Lauren Worley, chair of Stewards; Darrell Barr, chair of Witness.

District Board proposals of a 2010 operating budget of $126,939 and 2010 budget for restricted-invested funds of $36,175 were approved by the delegates. The board brought a proposed structure revision for discussion. Delegates will take the proposal to their congregations for discussion, and it will come to the 2010 District Conference for action.

Following the Friday evening worship service The Cedars retirement community hosted an ice cream social with music provided by Guitars, Etc. of Monitor Church of the Brethren, the Funk Sisters of Quinter Church of the Brethren, and Roger Cooper and Tom Harrison of Eden Valley Church of the Brethren. The Projects Unlimited Auction netted $3,278.50 for various projects.

Next year’s Western Plains District Conference will be held in McPherson, Kan., on July 30-Aug. 1 with moderator Keith Funk, pastor of Quinter Church of the Brethren.

-- Elsie Holderread is co-district executive for Western Plains District.

Source: 9/24/2009 Newsline

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