Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Borderlands reflection: ‘What did you go out to the desert to see?’ Luke 7:26

By John Heid

This reflection is from a Christian Peacemaker Teams release published on CPTnet on Dec. 1:

“Our work is done for today,” Joel yelled across the wash as he waved his arms emphatically. I was puzzled. We were still a good four miles from our destination, Red Tail water tank. Joel shouted again. “We're done! Come over here!” As I approached, no further words were needed. A few feet in front of him lay a sun-bleached human skull, eyeless sockets looking south, resting starkly among the coal black volcanic rocks strewn across this ancient plain.

Yes, our work was done for the day in that mid-afternoon moment of Thanksgiving eve. I took off my hat and sat in silent prayer. Joel called 911.

Joel, director of operations for Humane Borders, a Tucson-based humanitarian aid organization, and I were conducting the annual assessment of water tanks in the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge and replacing the weathered blue flags that prominently identify each tank. The person whose skull we came upon had missed the nearest tank by a few miles. S/he was the eleventh set of human remains recovered in the Tucson sector of the US-Mexico borderlands since Oct. 1, 2014.

I knew this day would probably come. I expected it as much as I dreaded it. Given the political and economic realities of our times, my finding human remains, sooner or later was inevitable. This man or woman was likely on his or her way to reunite with family. Or simply on the way to find work. All that ended weeks or months ago in the austere terrain of the Growler valley a few miles from El Camino del Diablo (Devil's Highway).

The ancient Advent query in Luke 7:24-26 rises anew. What reason did this one have to come to the desert? Why do I? Why do any of us walk the Way we do?

-- Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), originally begun by the Historic Peace Churches including the Church of the Brethren, has the mission of building partnerships to transform violence and oppression, and the vision of a world of communities that together embrace the diversity of the human family and live justly and peaceably with all creation. Find out more about CPT at www.cpt.org.

Source: 12/2/2014 Newsline

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