NOAC is a Spirit-filled gathering of adults who love learning and discerning together, exploring God’s call for their lives and living out that call by sharing their energy, insight, and legacy with their families, communities, and the world. NOAC is sponsored by the Older Adult Ministry of Congregational Life Ministries. Kim Ebersole serves as NOAC coordinator and director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministries. Serving as NOAC assistant for 2015 is Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) worker Laura Whitman of Palmyra, Pa.
Preaching for NOAC 2015 will be
- Robert Neff, associate for Resource Development at the Village at Morrisons Cove, a Church of the Brethren retirement community in Pennsylvania, president emeritus at Juniata College, and a former general secretary of the Church of the Brethren
- Chris Smith, a minister in the Covenant Baptist Church in Wickliffe, Ohio, and author of “Beyond the Stained Glass Ceiling: Equipping and Encouraging Female Pastors,” who was a popular speaker at the Intercultural Ministries Luncheon at this year’s Annual Conference
- LaDonna Sanders Nkosi, “global pastor” and public poet, and pastor of First Church of the Brethren in Chicago, Ill.
- Ken Medema, a Christian musician who for four decades has inspired people through storytelling and music, with a unique ability to capture the spirit of the moment in word and song. Though blind from birth, he sees and hears with heart and mind.
- Brian McLaren, a well known author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. A former college English teacher and pastor, he is an ecumenical global networker among innovative Christian leaders.
- Deanna Brown, founder and facilitator of Cultural Connections, an international pilgrimage connecting women from the USA with women in India (and more recently in Turkey).
Musical and dramatic performances will be given by Terra Voce, a cello and flute duo, and comedian Bob Stromberg.
For more information about NOAC 2015, and an original poem inspired by the theme titled “then Jesus” by NOAC planning team member Jim Kinsey, go to . More information will be added to this website as planning progresses. Registration materials will be available in Spring 2015.
Source: 10/28/2014 Newsline
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