- Correction: The editor apologizes for omitting
the full name of Common Spirit Church of the Brethren fellowship, when
it was welcomed into the denomination at Annual Conference. “Being
identified as part of the Church of the Brethren is very important to us
as a fellowship and we appreciate our full name being used,” wrote
church board chair John Willoughby. “Most of the membership are
life-long members of the Church of the Brethren and all of our members
value our heritage and place within the Church of the Brethren.”
Anne Haynes Price Fike |
- Remembrance: Anne Haynes Price Fike, a
psychotherapist with the Saddleback Pediatric Medical Group in Mission
Viejo, Calif., and a leader with the Church of the Brethren program
Children’s Disaster Services (CDS), died on July 17. She passed away at
her home at Brethren Hillcrest Homes, a Church of the Brethren
retirement community in La Verne, Calif. The only child of George Nash
and Mildred Haynes, she was born May 31, 1936, in Bassett, Va. She
earned a bachelor of arts degree from Bridgewater (Va.) College, a
master’s degree in community clinical psychology at California State
University at Long Beach, and a doctorate in psychology from the
University of California, Irvine. She met Stan Price in 1961 at the
Annual Conference in Long Beach, Calif., and they were married in 1962.
Their nearly 50 years of marriage ended when he died on Dec. 24, 2010.
She was a licensed marriage and family therapist, and practiced with
Saddleback Pediatric Medical Group for 15 years as an adjunct
psychotherapist in parenting, learning disability evaluations, and
primary intervention. Early in her career she served at La Verne Church
of the Brethren as Christian education director, and as dean of women at
La Verne College, which is now the University of La Verne. She
volunteered for many years providing leadership in training and
childcare response for Children’s Disaster Services. One of her most
significant cases involved working with the children of 9/11 as a
critical incident responder. In 2006, she was presented the
West-Whitelow Award from the Bridgewater College Alumni Association
acknowledging her tireless dedication and commitment to humanity. She is
survived by her husband of two years, Earle Fike, Jr., and her two sons
Doug and Mike Price, and grandsons. A service to celebrate her life was
held July 26 at La Verne Church of the Brethren. Memorial gifts are
received to Children’s Disaster Services, c/o La Verne Church of the
Brethren, 2425 E Street, La Verne, CA 91750.
- The Church of the Brethren’s Pacific Southwest District
seeks a district executive to fill a full-time position available Jan.
1, 2015. Pacific Southwest District includes 26 congregations and 1
church plant in California and Arizona. It is geographically,
ethnically, and theologically diverse, with several Spanish-speaking
congregations. In addition to a district executive, the district staff
also includes a youth advisor, an administrative assistant, and a
secretary. The district office is located in La Verne, Calif., 30 miles
east of Los Angeles. Responsibilities of the district executive include
collaborating with the District Board of Administration in shaping,
articulating, and promoting the vision of the district; administering
and overseeing the work of the district office; overseeing and
supporting the Ministerial Leadership Program of the district; uplifting
the vision and mission of the congregations and nurturing relationships
with congregational leaders; upholding and promoting the core values of
faith and practice of the Church of the Brethren in areas of ministry,
congregational life and relationships, and practices of the church.
Qualifications include a clear commitment to Jesus Christ demonstrated
by a vibrant, mature spiritual life; a commitment to New Testament
values; a commitment to Church of the Brethren faith and heritage;
passion about the potential of the Church of the Brethren and openness
to the leading of the Holy Spirit; 10 years of pastoral experience;
administrative, management, and budget skills; staff and team management
skills demonstrating flexibility working with staff, volunteers,
pastors, and lay leadership; experience dealing with the dynamics of
growth and change; ability to listen and build relationships across
cultural, theological, and geographical diversity. A master of divinity
or equivalent theological degree is preferred. English and Spanish
bilingual skill is advantageous. Apply by sending a letter of interest
and a resume via e-mail to OfficeofMinistry@brethren.org. Applicants are requested to contact three or four people to provide
letters of reference. Upon receipt of resume a Candidate Profile will be
provided, which must be completed and returned before the application
is considered complete. The application deadline is Sept. 22. Learn more
about the ministries of Pacific Southwest District at www.pswdcob.org.
- Resources for a week of prayer and fasting for Nigeria on Aug. 17-24 will be made available soon at www.brethren.org
. In the works is a webpage offering ideas and guidance for the
spiritual discipline of fasting, renewed links to Nigeria prayer
resources in English and Spanish as well as Haitian Kreyol, and a survey
for congregations, groups, and individuals to register their
commitment. The survey also will offer a way to share prayers and
encouragement with others who are taking on this commitment, and to find
a congregation or group near you with whom to join in prayer and
fasting. The call to fasting and prayer for Nigeria comes from the 2014
Annual Conference resolution in solidarity with Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a
Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) as the Nigerian
Brethren endure turmoil in their country. Among other things, the
resolution commits the church to a week of fasting and prayer on Aug.
17-24, and invites the worldwide community of the Brethren to join in
that commitment. Find the resolution at www.brethren.org/news/2014/delegates-adopt-nigeria-resolution.html. Check back in to www.brethren.org later in the week for helpful resources.
- On Earth Peace has begun sharing plans for the
2014 International Day of Prayer for Peace on Sunday, Sept. 21. “Will
you pray with us?” said an invitation and announcement in this week’s
Peacebuilder newsletter. “Inspired by the book of Acts, we invite groups
to ask God for ‘Visions and Dreams of Building Peace.’ Can we dream of
overcoming violence and sharing God's love with all? This is the heart
of the Gospel. Will you find a vision of how you and your congregation
can build peace with justice? Dream and pray with us!” A Peace Day
worship service may include personal sharing, prayers, a topical sermon,
special music, and a related children's story, the invitation said. On
Earth Peace already is gathering sample plans from congregations and
groups who are taking part. For more information or to register a Peace
Day event, go to http://peacedaypray.tumblr.com.
- The World Hunger Auction
will be held at Antioch Church of the Brethren in Rocky Mount, Va., on
Saturday, Aug. 9, starting at 9:30 a.m. The event will be a culmination
of a year of fund-raising activities to address hunger, and includes
sales of crafts, quilts, toys, produce, baked and canned goods, special
services, and more. “Come early for the best selection,” said an
announcement from Virlina District. The district newsletter adds, “The
sale will include a Washington Nationals baseball experience which will
include admission to the Diamond Club.” Also to be auctioned: three
pieces of antique furniture which are said to have once been in the
Virginia governor's mansion. See www.worldhungerauction.org for more information.
- Aug. 9 also is the date of a Camping and Retreat Commission Golf Outing
in Southern Ohio District. The event takes place at Beechwood Golf
Course, with profits designated for the Camp Scholarship Fund that will
be used to help individuals to attend district camping programs in the
future. Prizes will be awarded for a variety of golf achievements
determined by the Golf Outing Committee. “The committee's goal is to
make this a fun day for renewing or creating new relationships. You do
not have to be a great golfer to participate. Everyone is invited who
desires to support the camping program and campers,” said an invitation.
Download a registration form from http://media1.razorplanet.com/share/511272-2452/resources/607673_GolfOutingCRC20141.pdf.
- The Southern Ohio District holds its 8th Ice Cream Social Fundraiser
for Brethren Disaster Ministries on Sunday, Aug. 2, from 4-7 p.m. at
Happy Corner Church of the Brethren in Clayton, Ohio. “There will be
great food, great fellowship, and lots of ice cream!” said a district
announcement. “Come enjoy music by Happy Corner, Eversole, and Eaton COB
musicians. There will be a silent auction which will include a plaster
cast of the Lord's Supper. Bring the coins you've been saving, or pick
up a coin collection jar for the upcoming year.”
- Several district conferences will be held in the
next few weeks: On Aug. 1-3 Northern Plains District will be meeting at
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Brethren/Baptist Church, Cedar Rapids. On Aug. 7-8,
the Southern Plains District Conference takes place at Antelope Valley
Church in Billings, Oklahoma. On Aug. 15-17, Michigan District
Conference is planned for Camp Brethren Heights, Rodney, Mich.
- The World Council of Churches (WCC) is offering a seminar
on migration and theological education, to take place Sept. 1-5 at the
Ecumenical Institute Bossey in Switzerland, where the WCC has its
headquarters. “How should the growing phenomenon of migration affect
training for ministry?” said a release explaining the goals of the
seminar, which will focus on evaluating experiences and devising new
approaches to theological education that can help churches understand
migration as an opportunity of “being the church together.” Titled
“Evaluation of Ecumenical Theological Education Programs for Migrant
Church Leaders,” it will bring together some 20 participants from
migrant churches, Christian organizations, and non-governmental
organizations. Participants will come from diverse ethnic backgrounds
and from countries such as Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Togo, and Guyana,
while they serve Christian ministries in European countries. “Migration
constitutes a global reality,” said Amélé Ekué, the seminar organizer
and faculty member at the Ecumenical Institute. “People leave their
countries of origin due to situations of war, environmental factors, and
persecution. Churches have become increasingly aware of these
movements, as they call for the protection of migrants’ rights and care
for their needs in situations of vulnerability.... The presence of
migrant church communities in all parts of the world has given rise to a
fascinating new terrain for ecumenical encounters. The time is ripe for
reflection on and analysis of different initiatives in ecumenical
theological education related to migration.” For more information go to https://institute.oikoumene.org/en.
- Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is requesting prayer
for the Christians of Mosul, Iraq, as well as the Turkmen, Shabak,
Yeziki, and Shia Muslim people of Mosul, who are being driven from their
homes by militants. “ISIS militants have driven them from their homes
in Mosul and confiscated their possessions. Give thanks for Iraqi
Muslims who are speaking out against this violence and injustice,” said
today’s “Epixel” and Prayer for Peacemakers from CPT. Find the full
prayer concern and “Epixel” at www.cpt.org/cptnet/2014/07/30/prayers-peacemakers-july-30-2014.
Source: 7/30/2014 Newsline
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