Also new from Brethren Press: “Behind the Drama: The Old Testament You Missed,” a Covenant Bible Study by Eugene F. Roop.
To purchase any of these products from Brethren Press call 800-441-3712 or go to . A shipping and handling fee will be added to the listed price.
- “Behind the Drama: The Old Testament You Missed” is a Covenant Bible Study by Old Testament scholar and former Bethany Seminary president Eugene F. Roop. “Our reading of the Old Testament is colored by dramatic texts in which God acts in extraordinary ways, calling and saving God’s people through fire and flood,” explains a description of this new Bible study. “But too often we focus on these familiar stories alone and ignore the seemingly unimportant parts, or avoid altogether the hard parts we don’t understand. This study explores a few of these scriptures--some overlooked, some troubling--and shows how God works in and through everyday situations and conflicts to bring hope and faith to ordinary lives.” Covenant Bible Studies are relational Bible studies for small groups. Each contains 10 sessions that promote group interaction and open discussion about practical aspects of the Christian faith. “Behind the Drama” is available for $7.95 per copy, plus shipping and handling.

- Summer Gather ’Round: The final four-year cycle of Gather ’Round comes to a close this summer. “Stories of God’s People” is the summer theme for multiage (grades K-5), preschool (ages 3-4, with tips for 2s), and youth (grades 6-12). Lessons cover the weeks of June 1-Aug. 24. Stories focus on people around Jesus--Matthew, Mary, Martha, Zacchaeus, Nicodemus, Peter, John--and leaders in the early church--Paul and Ananias, Barnabus, Philip and the Ethiopian, Lydia, Aquila, Priscilla. Call Brethren Press at 800-441-3712 for pricing details.
- A Guide for Biblical Studies: “The People of God Set Priorities” is the summer theme of this Bible study for adults, written by Al Hansell. The quarter uses texts from Haggai and 1 and 2 Corinthians to study the people of God in community. The first unit focuses on the call to community through the rebuilding of the temple. The second and third units turn to the New Testament and look at the church at Corinth in order to learn how to build and maintain community among believers. The lessons give emphasis to prayer, forgiveness, love, cooperation, and sharing. Order for $4.25 per copy or $7.35 for large print.
- Vacation Bible School: “Give and Receive God's Great Love” (MennoMedia) is the Vacation Bible School curriculum available from Brethren Press for this summer. It highlights Bible stories about God's people who showed hospitality, inviting children to learn about God who welcomes each one of us. The curriculum is organized around five stories adaptable to a daily program, or a midweek or club plan. Stories are drawn from Genesis, 1 Samuel, Luke, and Acts. The curriculum offers worship resources, games, crafts, and a drama of each story. A starter kit may be purchased for $159.99.
Source: 4/22/2014 Newsline
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