John M. Mueller has accepted the call to serve as district executive
minister of Atlantic Southeast District in a half-time position
beginning July 1. Most recently he has served as co-pastor of
Jacksonville (Fla.) Church of the Brethren with his wife Mary, and
previously was a regional director for Brethren Disaster Ministries.
Mueller has been a self-employed building contractor/inspector since
1981. He and his wife served with Brethren Disaster Ministries in the
area of New Orleans, La., from 2007-11, where they helped supervise
rebuilding following Hurricane Katrina. In previous pastoral ministry,
he co-pastored Christ the Servant Church of the Brethren 2004-07, where
he was ordained in 2004. He began serving as co-pastor of the
Jacksonville Church in January this year.
He is a graduate of Silver Lake College in Manitowoc, Wis., where he
earned a bachelor’s degree in business management. He holds a Training
in Ministry (TRIM) certificate from the Brethren Academy for Ministerial
Leadership, a ministry training partnership of the Church of the
Brethren and Bethany Theological Seminary.
Mueller plans to continue to live and serve in Jacksonville. The
Atlantic Southeast District office will be located at 1352 Holmes
Landing Dr., Fleming Island, FL 32003; Telephone contact information is forthcoming.
Source: 5/30/2013 Newsline
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