A few of the courses listed below are not available to the general population (ISU experiences) but are included here as information about the educational experiences the academy and its partners regularly make available to students of ministry.
The Brethren Academy is a joint ministry of Bethany Seminary and the Church of the Brethren. Courses are open to Training in Ministry students, pastors (who earn 2 continuing education units), and all interested participants. Course are held online, or at the seminary campus in Richmond, Ind., or at another location including the SVMC on the campus of Elizabethtown (Pa.) College.
To register for SVMC classes contact Amy Milligan at 717-361-1450 or svmc@etown.edu or go to www.etown.edu/svmc.
For other courses, find information and registration at www.bethanyseminary.edu/academy or contact academy@bethanyseminary.edu or 800-287-8822 ext. 1824. Enrollment numbers on the date of each registration deadline will determine whether the course will be held.
Upcoming courses:
“Introduction to Pastoral Care,” Feb. 23 and March 9 and 23, from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., a course held at Conemaugh (Pa.( Church of the Brethren, with instructor Horace Derr (SVMC).
“Reflections on the Care of Creation from the Perspective of the Hebrew Bible,” March 18 from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., is a continuing education event with Robert Neff at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College in the Susquehanna Room. Cost is $50, plus $10 for continuing education units. A light lunch and refreshments are included. Register by March 6 (SVMC).
An SVMC course called “Teaching and Learning in the Church” is offered in a number of locations in March and April:
- March 18, April 1, 8, 22, and 29, from 6:30-9:30 p.m., with instructor Audrey Finkbiner, at Ephrata (Pa.) Church of the Brethren
- March 23, April 6, May 4 from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., with instructor Jan King, at Dranesville Church of the Brethren
- March 18, April 1, 8, 22, and 29, from 6:30-9:30 p.m., with instructor Donna Rhodes, at the Middle Pennsylvania District Center
- March 16, April 13 and 27, from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., with instructor Gerry Godfrey, at the Southern Pennsylvania District Office
“Brethren Life and Thought,” April 6 and 20 and May 4, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., is held at the Western Pennsylvania District Office, with instructor Ron Beachley (SVMC).
“Evangelism: Both Now and Not Yet,” April 8-May 31, an online course with instructor Tara Hornbacker, Bethany Seminary professor of Ministry Formation. Registration deadline: March 11.
“Introduction to Pastoral Care,” May 2-5, at two locations: onsite with instructor Anna Lee Hisey Pierson at McPherson (Kan.) College, and via webcast onsite in St. Petersburg, Fla. Registration deadline: April 1.
“Journey Through the Bible,” a 12-day trip to the Holy Land (Israel and Palestine) beginning June 3, led by Dan Ulrich, Bethany Seminary professor of New Testament Studies, and TRIM coordinator Marilyn Lerch. Starting price is $3,198, including round-trip international airfare from John F. Kennedy airport in New York, hotels, guided sightseeing, entrance fees, breakfast and dinner daily, and more. Students in TRIM and Education for Shared Ministry (EFSM) may earn course credit for this trip. Ordained ministers may earn 4 continuing education units. The trip is open to all interested travelers. Requirements will include preparatory reading and journaling during the trip. All travelers need to have a passport that extends through the end of 2013.
“Annual Conference Directed Independent Study Unit (ISU)” for TRIM and EFSM students is offered June 28-29 in conjunction with the Ministers' Association pre-Annual Conference continuing education event in Charlotte, N.C. “Faithful Christian Leadership in the 21st Century” is the topic, led by L. Gregory Jones. The ISU is planned and led by Julie Hostetter, executive director of the Brethren Academy. Requirements include pre-conference reading, a one-hour session before and after the Ministers’ Conference, and attendance at the entire Ministers’ Association event. A follow-up project will be expected. There is no tuition fee for this ISU, however participants must register and pay for the Ministers' Association event and reserve lodging in Charlotte for the night of June 28. Express interest by contacting Hostetter at hosteju@bethanyseminary.edu.
An Independent Study Unit (ISU) for TRIM and EFSM students is available in conjunction with the Fifth Brethren World Assembly on July 11-14 in the Dayton/Brookville area of Ohio. TRIM students wishing to attend this event and receive credit should work on an ISU with their district TRIM coordinator. EFSM students wanting to use this event as part of their Basic Brethren Beliefs learning unit should contact Hostetter. Continuing education units are available for ordained clergy. Students are responsible for their own registration fee, travel, and expenses during the assembly.
For additional information please contact the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership at academy@bethanyseminary.edu or see the website at www.bethanyseminary.edu/academy.
Source: 2/21/2013 Newsline
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