ten business items to come to the Church of the Brethren Annual
Conference in St. Louis, Mo., on July 7-11 are now available online.
Also online is a delegate briefing featuring Annual Conference moderator
Tim Harvey and secretary Fred Swartz. The series of short videos
reviews information that delegates should know before arrival at the
Conference. Find videos and links to business items at
The two items of unfinished business are “Query: Guidelines for
Implementation of the Congregational Ethics Paper” and “Query: Guidance
for Responding to the Changing of Earth’s Climate.”
Eight items of new business will be brought: “Query: Annual
Conference Elections,” “Query: More Equitable Representation on the
Mission and Ministry Board,” “Church of the Brethren Vision Statement
2012-2020,” a plan for “Revitalization of Annual Conference,” a revision
to the denomination’s Ministerial Leadership paper, revisions to
denominational polity on districts, updating of the structure for the
Program and Arrangements Committee of Annual Conference, and an item
related to Church of the Brethren ecumenical witness.
Query: Guidelines for Implementation of the Congregational Ethics Paper
The Congregational Life Ministries staff charged with revising the
Ethics for Congregations document requests more time to complete the
revision, and offers a timeline. The timeline includes a hearing at this
year’s Annual Conference. In 2013 an accountability process will be
outlined with the Council of District Executives, a first draft of a
revised document will be completed, hearings will be held at Annual
Conference, and revision of the document will continue based on that
feedback and discussion. In 2014 a revised document will be presented to
the Conference for final approval.
Query: Guidance for Responding to the Changing of Earth’s Climate
Peace Witness Ministries and a working group brought together to
respond to this query are requesting an additional year to prepare an
answer. Since the query was brought in 2011, the working group’s
response has included examining the spiritual, ethical, and scientific
implications of climate change; initiating a collaboration among Peace
Witness Ministries, New Community Project, and the Outdoor Ministry
Association to sponsor an exhibit at this year’s Annual Conference;
examining ways that individuals, congregations, and the denomination can
respond to climate change, and noting actions already being taken. The
working group includes Jordan Blevins, Chelsea Goss, Kay Guyer, Greg
Davidson Laszakovits, Carol Lena Miller, David Radcliff, and Jonathan
Query: Annual Conference Elections
The query is brought by La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren and
Pacific Southwest District. Citing previous Annual Conference statements
upholding gender equality, but a voting record showing men more likely
to be elected to denominational office than women, it asks, “How will
Annual Conference ensure that our ballot preparation and election
process support and honor gender equality in all elections?”
Query: More Equitable Representation on the Mission and Ministry Board
This query was formulated by the Southern Pennsylvania District
Board. Citing inequitable representation in relationship to percentage
of membership in the five areas of the denomination, it asks, “Should
the bylaws of the Church of the Brethren be amended to more equitably
apportion Mission and Ministry Board representation with the membership
of the church?”
Church of the Brethren Vision Statement 2012-2020
The following Vision Statement is proposed for the Church of the
Brethren this decade: “Through Scripture, Jesus calls us to live as
courageous disciples by word and action: To surrender ourselves to God,
To embrace one another, To express God’s love for all creation.” The
full document includes an introduction the statement, an expanded
description of each phrase in the statement plus related biblical texts,
and a section on “Living into the Vision.” The full Vision Committee
has included Jim Hardenbrook, Bekah Houff, David Sollenberger, and
Frances Beam, all named by the Standing Committee of district delegates;
Steven Schweitzer representing Bethany Theological Seminary; Donna
Forbes Steiner representing Brethren Benefit Trust; Jordan Blevins and
Joel Gibbel representing On Earth Peace; and Jonathan Shively
representing the Church of the Brethren denominational staff.
Revitalization of Annual Conference
A task force creating in 2010 has been charged with making a
recommendation about the mission and core values of Annual Conference
and analyzing whether the meeting should remain in its present form or
recommend alternatives. Based on findings from studies and surveys, four
recommendations are made (given here in brief): to maintain the present
timing and length of the Conference, release Program and Arrangements
Committee from the requirement of holding the event from Saturday
evening to Wednesday morning, release polity requirements for a strict
geographical rotation to allow focus instead on locations that maximize
stewardship and minimize costs, and incorporate by 2015 the
recommendations of the 2007 “Doing Church Business” paper regarding
management of business sessions and use of discernment groups. A “New
Vision” section explains and elaborates on the recommendations and the
group’s hopes for increasing the meaningfulness and inspiration of the
annual meeting. The task force has included Becky Ball-Miller, Chris
Douglas (Conference director), Rhonda Pittman Gingrich, Kevin Kessler,
and Shawn Flory Replogle.
Revision to Ministerial Leadership polity
The proposal is to approve this document as a study paper, to come
back for final adoption by the delegates in a future year. The paper
contains the polity and procedures for calling and credentialing of
ministerial leadership for the Church of the Brethren. The proposed
revision would replace the 1999 Ministerial Leadership Paper and all
previous polity documents. Included is some revision to the categories
of ministerial leaders, outlining of several “circles of ministry”
emerging from the larger circle of the priesthood of all baptized
believers, a new section of “Scriptural Theological Perspective,” new
expectations for the continuing support for and accountability of
ministers, and a glossary of terms, among others.
Revisions to polity on districts
For several years the Council of District Executives has been working
on revisions that will reflect the updating of districts. Revisions
relate to a polity document that dates back to 1965, and are relevant to
Section I, District Organization and Function of Chapter 3 of the
denomination’s “Manual of Organization and Polity.”
Updating structure for Program and Arrangements Committee
This brief item recommends that polity be amended to remove a
requirement for the Church of the Brethren Treasurer to be on the Annual
Conference Program and Arrangements Committee.
Church of the Brethren ecumenical witness
This report comes from a study committee that has been reviewing the
history of ecumenism in the Church of the Brethren and reviewing the
work of the Committee on Interchurch Relations (CIR), in place since
1968 to carry forward conversations and activities with other church
communions and encourage cooperation with other religious traditions.
The recommendation, “given the changing nature of ecumenism,” is to
discontinue the CIR and “that the church’s ecumenical witness be
expressed by the staff and the church at large.” An additional
recommendation is that the Mission and Ministry Board and denominational
Leadership Team appoint a committee to write a “Vision of Ecumenism for
the 21st Century.” The study committee includes general secretary
Stanley J. Noffsinger as chair, Nelda Rhoades Clarke, Pamela A. Reist,
and Paul W. Roth.
Go to for links to the full text of business items.
Source:5/3/2012 Newsline
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