Wednesday, November 02, 2011

New Bible studies, Yearbook available from Brethren Press.

Two new Bible studies are now available from Brethren Press: a Covenant Bible Study on "Miracles of Jesus," and the Winter quarter of "A Guide for Biblical Studies" on the theme "God Establishes a Faithful People." The 2011 Advent Devotional also is now available, along with a special Christmas card featuring a colorful graphic from the devotional cover. In addition, the Church of the Brethren Yearbook for 2012 may be purchased on CD.

"Miracles of Jesus" by James Benedict examines the role of miracles in the ministry of Jesus. The study designed for small groups includes 10 sessions, and promotes discussion of how the signs, wonders, and works of power that Jesus performed help us better understand him and what it means to be his disciples. $7.95 per copy.

"God Establishes a Faithful People" offers a weekly Bible study from Dec. 4 through Feb. 26, 2012. The author for the quarter is Tom L. Zuercher, with Frank Ramirez writing the "Out of Context" feature. Scripture texts are from Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Galatians. $4.25 each or $7.35 for large print.

The Advent Devotional, "In the Beginning Was the Word," is by David W. Miller. This pocket- sized paperback offers a devotion, scripture, and prayer for each day of Advent. It is suitable for congregations to provide to their members as a spiritual resource for the season. $2.50 each or $5.95 for large print.

New Christmas cards from Brethren Press feature calligraphy of the phrase "In the Beginning Was the Word" by Gwen Stamm. The 5 inch by 7 inch cards are sold in packs of 10 with the inner message, "And the Word became flesh and lived among us. Behold the glory of Christ." $8.99 per pack.

"Church of the Brethren Yearbook: 2011 Directory, 2010 Statistics" may be ordered in CD format. It is an essential resource for Church of the Brethren information, offered on a disc format that is searchable, easy to navigate, and contains contact information for congregations, districts, pastors, ministers, moderators, and church agencies. $21.50, order one per user.

Shipping and handling charges will be added to prices listed above. Order resources by calling Brethren Press at 800-441-3712 or go to

Source:11/2/2011 Newsline

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