Thursday, September 09, 2010

Brethren worship resources for the anniversary of Sept. 11.

The following worship resources are offered for use this weekend by congregations marking the anniversary of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The resources are written by Josh Brockway, the Church of the Brethren’s director of Spiritual Life and Discipleship.

Litany of Mourning and Commitment
Leader: Lord of Hope, as we gather we remember.
People: We remember the fear descending from the blue sky.
Leader: We remember,
People: The selfless acts of all who needlessly perished that September day.
Leader: We mourn.
People: We mourn those who died then, and those who continue to face violence every day.
Leader: We mourn,
People: The loss of innocence and grace in this fallen world.
Leader: We confess,
People: That we, as your followers, have too often reacted in fear rather than hope.
Leader: We confess,
People: That we have too often been silent in the face of violence throughout the world.
Leader: We commit,
People: To living as people of your peace, providing a witness to this world.
Leader: We commit,
People: To speaking truth in love, trusting in the nonviolent witness of the Cross.
God of Abraham, you have created all peoples from dust, even still we seek to violently return your creation to that same dust in your name. Forgive us, we pray, for the violence we commit in both word and deed and embolden us as your people secure in the hope of your Kingdom of Peace, that we may seek and witness to ways which make for peace and life. In the name of the One who witnessed to your way, even to death, Jesus the Risen Christ, AMEN.
Source: 9/9/2010 Newsline Special

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