- Northern Ohio District Conference celebrates ‘Life, Heart, Change.’
- Northern Plains District Conference theme states, ‘Here I Am Lord.’
- Western Plains District Conference centers on joy.
- Michigan District Conference opens with Love Feast.
- Northern Indiana District holds 149th recorded conference.
- Delegates speak out at Southern Pennsylvania District Conference.
- Mid-Atlantic District holds its 42nd annual conference.
- Atlantic Southeast District holds a second Family Peace Camp.
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Northern Ohio District Conference celebrates ‘Life, Heart, Change.’
"Life, Heart, Change" was the theme for the 144th Northern Ohio District Conference. Delegates and other district members gathered from July 25-27 at Ashland University for worship, business, fellowship, and information-gathering. Moderator Doug Price, associate pastor of Dupont Church of the Brethren, presided over the business session.
Registration for the weekend totaled 297 people, including 82 delegates, and a total of $2,426.30 was received in offerings during worship. A Silent Auction received $1,838.85, and a "multiply your talents" collection received $544 for a Peace Endowment Fund.
Daily worship services were held. A service was provided by the Senior Performing Arts Camp. "Undo" brought the Gospel message of salvation through drama and song. Moderator Price presented a monologue on the Sermon on the Mount. Sunday morning worship was led by Jonathan Reuel, founder of the Charlottesville Project Micro Church in Virginia, presenting the "DMX Zone and Transition." Holly Hottel directed the Junior Performing Arts musical, "Life Song," a humorous look at working together for God’s Kingdom.
The district’s Anniversary Committee asked each congregation to bring a poster to the conference with a history and photos of the churches in the Northern Ohio District. Twenty-eight churches were represented through posters.
In the business session, delegates representing 44 congregations met to fellowship, receive reports, elect conference and district officers, and deliberate over several items of business.
Delegates approved a new 18-member District Board structure along with corresponding revisions to the District Constitution and Bylaws; adopted a $199,129 budget for 2009; and remembered former district secretary May Patalano, who passed away in March. District executive minister John Ballinger offered a remembrance of Patalano and her outstanding work. Patalano’s father, Durward Hays, her brother, David Hays, and husband, Bob Patalano, joined Ballinger at the podium for a prayer led by moderator Price.
Delegates viewed a 14-minute DVD about the Northern Ohio District filmed and narrated by Church of the Brethren videographer David Sollenberger. District staff and board members presented reports throughout the day, as did representatives from Manchester College, the Ohio Council of Churches, the Church of the Brethren agencies, West View Manor in Wooster, and Good Shepherd Home in Fostoria. Guests included Ken Hunn, executive director of the Brethren Church, who led an insight session; staff of Bethany Seminary and the Church of the Brethren General Board; and Brad and Jo Strycker of Heifer International.
The Ministry Commission recognized 35 ministers representing 786 years of combined ministry. Those recognized for 50 or more years of ordination included Guy Buch, 65; Richard Speicher, 62; Wayne Wheeler, 62; Durward Hays 61; Dale Young, 57; Ivan Fausnight, 57; Horace Huse, 57; Clyde Fry, 53; Carl Cawood, 53; Delbert Kettering, 51; and Wendell Tobias, 50.
Short biographical sketches interspersed among business items highlighted the life and service of Brethren leaders James Quinter, Clara Harper, Ruby Rhoades, Cora Wertz, and Goldie Swartz in celebration of the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary.
Election results included the selection of Kris Hawk as moderator-elect for 2009, and Deb Beer as District Conference clerk. Elected to the District Board were Deana Gilmore, Harold Keener, Joy Parr, Bruce Jacobsen, Paul Markland, Mike Zellers, Mark Bowyer, Scott Brinkman, and Jo Doster; and to the Nominating Committee were Max Canfield, Dottie Widmer, and Reid Firestone. In the District Board’s reorganization meeting, Paul Bartholomew was named chair, Bruce Jacobsen vice chair, and Susan Ladrach secretary.
Wes Richard will serve as district moderator in 2009. He is an ordained minister and co-pastor with his wife, Sue, at Elm Street Church of the Brethren in Lima, Ohio. A consecration service was held for the new moderator and moderator-elect following the Sunday morning worship service. Next year’s District Conference will be July 24-26, 2009, at Ashland University.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
"Life, Heart, Change" was the theme for the 144th Northern Ohio District Conference. Delegates and other district members gathered from July 25-27 at Ashland University for worship, business, fellowship, and information-gathering. Moderator Doug Price, associate pastor of Dupont Church of the Brethren, presided over the business session.
Registration for the weekend totaled 297 people, including 82 delegates, and a total of $2,426.30 was received in offerings during worship. A Silent Auction received $1,838.85, and a "multiply your talents" collection received $544 for a Peace Endowment Fund.
Daily worship services were held. A service was provided by the Senior Performing Arts Camp. "Undo" brought the Gospel message of salvation through drama and song. Moderator Price presented a monologue on the Sermon on the Mount. Sunday morning worship was led by Jonathan Reuel, founder of the Charlottesville Project Micro Church in Virginia, presenting the "DMX Zone and Transition." Holly Hottel directed the Junior Performing Arts musical, "Life Song," a humorous look at working together for God’s Kingdom.
The district’s Anniversary Committee asked each congregation to bring a poster to the conference with a history and photos of the churches in the Northern Ohio District. Twenty-eight churches were represented through posters.
In the business session, delegates representing 44 congregations met to fellowship, receive reports, elect conference and district officers, and deliberate over several items of business.
Delegates approved a new 18-member District Board structure along with corresponding revisions to the District Constitution and Bylaws; adopted a $199,129 budget for 2009; and remembered former district secretary May Patalano, who passed away in March. District executive minister John Ballinger offered a remembrance of Patalano and her outstanding work. Patalano’s father, Durward Hays, her brother, David Hays, and husband, Bob Patalano, joined Ballinger at the podium for a prayer led by moderator Price.
Delegates viewed a 14-minute DVD about the Northern Ohio District filmed and narrated by Church of the Brethren videographer David Sollenberger. District staff and board members presented reports throughout the day, as did representatives from Manchester College, the Ohio Council of Churches, the Church of the Brethren agencies, West View Manor in Wooster, and Good Shepherd Home in Fostoria. Guests included Ken Hunn, executive director of the Brethren Church, who led an insight session; staff of Bethany Seminary and the Church of the Brethren General Board; and Brad and Jo Strycker of Heifer International.
The Ministry Commission recognized 35 ministers representing 786 years of combined ministry. Those recognized for 50 or more years of ordination included Guy Buch, 65; Richard Speicher, 62; Wayne Wheeler, 62; Durward Hays 61; Dale Young, 57; Ivan Fausnight, 57; Horace Huse, 57; Clyde Fry, 53; Carl Cawood, 53; Delbert Kettering, 51; and Wendell Tobias, 50.
Short biographical sketches interspersed among business items highlighted the life and service of Brethren leaders James Quinter, Clara Harper, Ruby Rhoades, Cora Wertz, and Goldie Swartz in celebration of the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary.
Election results included the selection of Kris Hawk as moderator-elect for 2009, and Deb Beer as District Conference clerk. Elected to the District Board were Deana Gilmore, Harold Keener, Joy Parr, Bruce Jacobsen, Paul Markland, Mike Zellers, Mark Bowyer, Scott Brinkman, and Jo Doster; and to the Nominating Committee were Max Canfield, Dottie Widmer, and Reid Firestone. In the District Board’s reorganization meeting, Paul Bartholomew was named chair, Bruce Jacobsen vice chair, and Susan Ladrach secretary.
Wes Richard will serve as district moderator in 2009. He is an ordained minister and co-pastor with his wife, Sue, at Elm Street Church of the Brethren in Lima, Ohio. A consecration service was held for the new moderator and moderator-elect following the Sunday morning worship service. Next year’s District Conference will be July 24-26, 2009, at Ashland University.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Northern Plains District Conference theme states, ‘Here I Am Lord.’
Under the leadership of moderator Lois Grove and with the theme "Great Is Thy Faithfulness...Here I Am Lord," the 2008 Northern Plains District Conference was held on July 25-26 at Hammond Avenue Brethren Church in Waterloo, Iowa. There were a total of 143 registered participants including 75 delegates representing 25 churches.
In business sessions, the conference adopted a $110,075 district budget for 2009; supported the wishes of Maxwell Church of the Brethren to close, and set up a committee to help with disposal of the church's property; and approved the recommendation that the 2009 District Conference be held at a shared venue using the Baptist Camp and Camp Pine Lake on July 31-Aug. 2, 2009.
The delegate body also granted that participants in new church projects may place their membership in the district or in a neighboring or sister congregation until the project applies for and is granted fellowship status by the District Board, and provided guidelines for new church projects to move to fellowship status.
The district called Marge Smalley as moderator-elect. Helen Kerkove was called to the Program Planning Committee. Nelda Rhoades Clarke was called to the Standing Committee. Ben Nolt and Marilyn Koehler were called to the Nominating Committee. Roger Emmert, Gary Gahm, Linda Lantz, Steve Cameron, Mark Gingrich, Lucinda Douglas, Jeanne Helleso, Rhonda Pittman Gingrich, Joey Kimpston-Burkgren, and Aaron Peter were called to the District Board. In the District Board reorganization, Kathy Mack was named board president, Earl Harris vice-president; and Alan Oneal recording secretary.
Three ministers were recognized during the annual "milestones in ministry" acknowledgement: Nelda Rhoades Clarke for 25 years of ordination, Mary Jane Button-Harrison for 15 years, and Rhonda Pittman Gingrich for 10 years. Tim Button-Harrison was installed as permanent, half-time district executive, and Lois Grove was ordained to serve as minister of Leadership Development for Northern Plains District. A service of graduation was held for Laura Leighton-Harris for completion of her Training in Ministry studies. In addition, newly elected district leaders were installed with a laying on of hands for Alice Draper, as the district moderator for 2008-09.
The Friday evening offering was $787 and the Saturday evening offering received $1,264. An auction raised $3,500 for the district program and $500 for a Disaster Response trailer. One hundred twenty-eight flood clean-up buckets were assembled and brought by congregations and projects to District Conference.
In other news from Northern Plains, generous contributions have been given to the District Disaster Fund, according to the district newsletter. The donations have included $2,500 from the Sheldon congregation, individual gifts of $2,000 and $1,000, several $100, $200, and $300-plus gifts from individuals and congregations, along with many other donations.
The district has been collecting funds to help in the flood recovery effort in Iowa. In addition, South Waterloo Church of the Brethren has extended a special expression of gratitude to Briery Branch Church of the Brethren in Dayton, Va., for the donation of 60 Personal Hygiene Kits to distribute to those in the congregation who were directly affected by flooding. Kits remaining were shared with the American Red Cross. "Blessed are those who give of themselves, and grateful are the receivers," said a note in the Northern Plains District newsletter.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Under the leadership of moderator Lois Grove and with the theme "Great Is Thy Faithfulness...Here I Am Lord," the 2008 Northern Plains District Conference was held on July 25-26 at Hammond Avenue Brethren Church in Waterloo, Iowa. There were a total of 143 registered participants including 75 delegates representing 25 churches.
In business sessions, the conference adopted a $110,075 district budget for 2009; supported the wishes of Maxwell Church of the Brethren to close, and set up a committee to help with disposal of the church's property; and approved the recommendation that the 2009 District Conference be held at a shared venue using the Baptist Camp and Camp Pine Lake on July 31-Aug. 2, 2009.
The delegate body also granted that participants in new church projects may place their membership in the district or in a neighboring or sister congregation until the project applies for and is granted fellowship status by the District Board, and provided guidelines for new church projects to move to fellowship status.
The district called Marge Smalley as moderator-elect. Helen Kerkove was called to the Program Planning Committee. Nelda Rhoades Clarke was called to the Standing Committee. Ben Nolt and Marilyn Koehler were called to the Nominating Committee. Roger Emmert, Gary Gahm, Linda Lantz, Steve Cameron, Mark Gingrich, Lucinda Douglas, Jeanne Helleso, Rhonda Pittman Gingrich, Joey Kimpston-Burkgren, and Aaron Peter were called to the District Board. In the District Board reorganization, Kathy Mack was named board president, Earl Harris vice-president; and Alan Oneal recording secretary.
Three ministers were recognized during the annual "milestones in ministry" acknowledgement: Nelda Rhoades Clarke for 25 years of ordination, Mary Jane Button-Harrison for 15 years, and Rhonda Pittman Gingrich for 10 years. Tim Button-Harrison was installed as permanent, half-time district executive, and Lois Grove was ordained to serve as minister of Leadership Development for Northern Plains District. A service of graduation was held for Laura Leighton-Harris for completion of her Training in Ministry studies. In addition, newly elected district leaders were installed with a laying on of hands for Alice Draper, as the district moderator for 2008-09.
The Friday evening offering was $787 and the Saturday evening offering received $1,264. An auction raised $3,500 for the district program and $500 for a Disaster Response trailer. One hundred twenty-eight flood clean-up buckets were assembled and brought by congregations and projects to District Conference.
In other news from Northern Plains, generous contributions have been given to the District Disaster Fund, according to the district newsletter. The donations have included $2,500 from the Sheldon congregation, individual gifts of $2,000 and $1,000, several $100, $200, and $300-plus gifts from individuals and congregations, along with many other donations.
The district has been collecting funds to help in the flood recovery effort in Iowa. In addition, South Waterloo Church of the Brethren has extended a special expression of gratitude to Briery Branch Church of the Brethren in Dayton, Va., for the donation of 60 Personal Hygiene Kits to distribute to those in the congregation who were directly affected by flooding. Kits remaining were shared with the American Red Cross. "Blessed are those who give of themselves, and grateful are the receivers," said a note in the Northern Plains District newsletter.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Western Plains District Conference centers on joy.
Western Plains District Conference convened Aug. 1-3 at McPherson (Kan.) Church of the Brethren and McPherson College with the theme, "That Your Joy May Be Complete." The conference logo was designed by Jan Gilbert Hurst of JanDesign and the worship center featured a painting by artist Connie Rhodes.
Friday included visiting displays as well as workshop, Bible study, and prayer group opportunities. The display area was a feast of heritage items coordinated by Noel Ditmars, and included books, photos, clothing, machinery, tools, covered and farm wagons, timelines of many of the earliest and current congregations in Western Plains, hands-on sewing, quilting, pumping water, grinding grain, and games as well as agency displays.
Youth participated in workshop and worship times, heritage activities, games and swimming, and also planned for leading the Saturday evening worship. Children’s heritage activities included riding in the wagons, pumping water, playing old-time games, threshing, winnowing, grinding wheat, and making whole wheat pancakes. The Cedars, a Church of the Brethren retirement community in McPherson, hosted an ice cream social that included a time of "Holy Hilarity" presented by conference attendees.
District moderator Sonja Griffith led the conference in business sessions. Conference attendance nearly matched last year in spite of a large number of regular attendees participating in the 300th Anniversary celebration in Schwarzenau, Germany. A 2009 operating budget of $131,154 was approved. A statement of vision for the future of the district, "Rooted together in Love to be Christ’s transforming hope and power!" was adopted. Keith Funk was chosen as moderator-elect to serve with moderator Leslie Frye in 2009.
Milestones for ordained ministry were acknowledged by the Ministry Commission: 65 years-John Ditmars; 60 years-David Albright; 55 years-Kent Naylor; 40 years-Kenneth Holderread and Herb Smith; 30 years-Steven Tuttle; 25 years-Connie Burkholder; 20 years-Leah Harness; 15 years-Gail Erisman Valeta; and 10 years-James Hubble, Shawn Flory Replogle, and Vickie Samland. Offerings raised $6,789 for the district budget.
The conference was blessed by participation from beyond the district. Workshops were led by Kim Ebersole of the Church of the Brethren’s Caring Ministries, Dennis Kingery of the Church of the Brethren Credit Union, and Congregational Life Team member Duane Grady. Bob Gross represented On Earth Peace. Elizabeth Keller from Bethany Seminary and Nancy Knepper from the General Board were present. Don Mitchell from Atlantic Northeast District assisted with music. Former academic dean at Bethany Seminary, Stephen Breck Reid, spoke at the minister and spouse dinner. Worship times were inspirational with preaching by moderator Griffith and Dennis Webb, pastor of Naperville (Ill.) Church of the Brethren.
The overall spirit of the conference was enriching and inspiring. It added strong encouragement to district life.
--Elsie Holderread is co-executive minister for Western Plains District, along with her husband, Ken Holderread.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Western Plains District Conference convened Aug. 1-3 at McPherson (Kan.) Church of the Brethren and McPherson College with the theme, "That Your Joy May Be Complete." The conference logo was designed by Jan Gilbert Hurst of JanDesign and the worship center featured a painting by artist Connie Rhodes.
Friday included visiting displays as well as workshop, Bible study, and prayer group opportunities. The display area was a feast of heritage items coordinated by Noel Ditmars, and included books, photos, clothing, machinery, tools, covered and farm wagons, timelines of many of the earliest and current congregations in Western Plains, hands-on sewing, quilting, pumping water, grinding grain, and games as well as agency displays.
Youth participated in workshop and worship times, heritage activities, games and swimming, and also planned for leading the Saturday evening worship. Children’s heritage activities included riding in the wagons, pumping water, playing old-time games, threshing, winnowing, grinding wheat, and making whole wheat pancakes. The Cedars, a Church of the Brethren retirement community in McPherson, hosted an ice cream social that included a time of "Holy Hilarity" presented by conference attendees.
District moderator Sonja Griffith led the conference in business sessions. Conference attendance nearly matched last year in spite of a large number of regular attendees participating in the 300th Anniversary celebration in Schwarzenau, Germany. A 2009 operating budget of $131,154 was approved. A statement of vision for the future of the district, "Rooted together in Love to be Christ’s transforming hope and power!" was adopted. Keith Funk was chosen as moderator-elect to serve with moderator Leslie Frye in 2009.
Milestones for ordained ministry were acknowledged by the Ministry Commission: 65 years-John Ditmars; 60 years-David Albright; 55 years-Kent Naylor; 40 years-Kenneth Holderread and Herb Smith; 30 years-Steven Tuttle; 25 years-Connie Burkholder; 20 years-Leah Harness; 15 years-Gail Erisman Valeta; and 10 years-James Hubble, Shawn Flory Replogle, and Vickie Samland. Offerings raised $6,789 for the district budget.
The conference was blessed by participation from beyond the district. Workshops were led by Kim Ebersole of the Church of the Brethren’s Caring Ministries, Dennis Kingery of the Church of the Brethren Credit Union, and Congregational Life Team member Duane Grady. Bob Gross represented On Earth Peace. Elizabeth Keller from Bethany Seminary and Nancy Knepper from the General Board were present. Don Mitchell from Atlantic Northeast District assisted with music. Former academic dean at Bethany Seminary, Stephen Breck Reid, spoke at the minister and spouse dinner. Worship times were inspirational with preaching by moderator Griffith and Dennis Webb, pastor of Naperville (Ill.) Church of the Brethren.
The overall spirit of the conference was enriching and inspiring. It added strong encouragement to district life.
--Elsie Holderread is co-executive minister for Western Plains District, along with her husband, Ken Holderread.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Michigan District Conference opens with Love Feast.
The Michigan District Conference was held Aug. 15-17 at the Winding Creek Campground in Hastings, Mich. Anita Smith Buckwalter led an opening Love Feast on that Friday afternoon, for at least 52 participants.
Debbie Eisenbise, pastor of Skyridge Church of the Brethren in Kalamazoo, Mich., served as moderator and used the theme "The Church Alive-Past, Present, Future" for this annual meeting. Frank Ramirez, pastor of Everett (Pa.) Church of the Brethren, preached for three worship services during the conference. The senior high youth group presented a drama about the young Julia Gilbert, written by Ramirez. Throughout the weekend, numerous ‘"guests" from Brethren history spoke to the conferencegoers.
Attendance was larger than in recent years, but offerings were not adequate to cover costs. Many youth and children were among the 225 registered on Saturday, the day with the largest attendance.
The district expressed thanks to its new Conference director Beth DuBois, sound technician Lester Gandy, day camp coordinator Erica Wave Fitzpatrick, and the Beaverton congregation for doing the cooking.
An "All Conference Activity" on Saturday night presented a "hysterical historical talent show" with Brethren composers and musicians from Michigan singing and leading in original compositions. Pieces included a harp solo and a six-piece "heavy metal band" composed of four tubas and two baritones.
District executive minister Marie Willoughby announced her retirement effective Feb. 14, 2009. She received seven large red roses at the close of the business sessions in honor of her seven years of ministry to the district. Following dismissal of the District Conference on Sunday at noon, her family hosted a 50th wedding anniversary celebration for Don and Marie Willoughby at Hope Church of the Brethren.
During the business sessions, a proposal for Visioning and Restructuring was adopted, and a newly elected committee of five will work with an interim district executive on the project during 2009-2010. The District Conference also adopted the Resolution Urging Forbearance that had been passed by the 2008 Annual Conference, and recommended that local congregations study it. The District Conference also advanced the Church in Drive, a new church start in Saginaw, Mich., from being a project of the New Life Christian Fellowship to full status as a fellowship.
In naming of new leadership, Bill Sumner of Midland, Mich., was named moderator for 2009, with R.J. (Joe) Wave of Marilla, Mich., named moderator-elect. Four people were elected to the District Board.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
The Michigan District Conference was held Aug. 15-17 at the Winding Creek Campground in Hastings, Mich. Anita Smith Buckwalter led an opening Love Feast on that Friday afternoon, for at least 52 participants.
Debbie Eisenbise, pastor of Skyridge Church of the Brethren in Kalamazoo, Mich., served as moderator and used the theme "The Church Alive-Past, Present, Future" for this annual meeting. Frank Ramirez, pastor of Everett (Pa.) Church of the Brethren, preached for three worship services during the conference. The senior high youth group presented a drama about the young Julia Gilbert, written by Ramirez. Throughout the weekend, numerous ‘"guests" from Brethren history spoke to the conferencegoers.
Attendance was larger than in recent years, but offerings were not adequate to cover costs. Many youth and children were among the 225 registered on Saturday, the day with the largest attendance.
The district expressed thanks to its new Conference director Beth DuBois, sound technician Lester Gandy, day camp coordinator Erica Wave Fitzpatrick, and the Beaverton congregation for doing the cooking.
An "All Conference Activity" on Saturday night presented a "hysterical historical talent show" with Brethren composers and musicians from Michigan singing and leading in original compositions. Pieces included a harp solo and a six-piece "heavy metal band" composed of four tubas and two baritones.
District executive minister Marie Willoughby announced her retirement effective Feb. 14, 2009. She received seven large red roses at the close of the business sessions in honor of her seven years of ministry to the district. Following dismissal of the District Conference on Sunday at noon, her family hosted a 50th wedding anniversary celebration for Don and Marie Willoughby at Hope Church of the Brethren.
During the business sessions, a proposal for Visioning and Restructuring was adopted, and a newly elected committee of five will work with an interim district executive on the project during 2009-2010. The District Conference also adopted the Resolution Urging Forbearance that had been passed by the 2008 Annual Conference, and recommended that local congregations study it. The District Conference also advanced the Church in Drive, a new church start in Saginaw, Mich., from being a project of the New Life Christian Fellowship to full status as a fellowship.
In naming of new leadership, Bill Sumner of Midland, Mich., was named moderator for 2009, with R.J. (Joe) Wave of Marilla, Mich., named moderator-elect. Four people were elected to the District Board.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Northern Indiana District holds 149th recorded conference.
The 149th recorded Northern Indiana District Conference was held Sept. 19-20 at Camp Mack near Milford, Ind. Conference leadership was provided by David Wysong, moderator; Tim Waits, moderator-elect; and Roger Haupert, clerk. At this year’s conference, 127 delegates, out of 144 people registered, were present.
Friday evening worship was led by pastor Tim Waits and members of the Rock Run Worship Team. David Shumate, Annual Conference moderator, was present from Virginia as the guest preacher. The offering totaling $1,834 was divided between the Ministry Scholarship Fund and the District Disaster Fund.
Business included the usual reports from the District Board, Standing Committee, Camp Mack, Timbercrest retirement community, Manchester College, and denominational agencies. The ballot/slate brought by the Personnel Committee was approved and the following people were called to district leadership: Mary Haupert as moderator-elect; Dwayne Runkle and Reta Middaugh to the District Board; Jan Nicodemus and Janet Kagarise to the Personnel Committee; Becky Morris to the Program and Arrangements Committee; and Roger Haupert as clerk.
District Board appointments were confirmed including Mike Dilling to the Indiana Camp Board, and Kevin Morrison and Kim Betz to the Timbercrest Board. At-large members to the Indiana Camp Board and Manchester College were also confirmed.
In other business, the 2009 proposed district budget of $179,400 was approved. Also, a query from Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren was approved to be sent to Annual Conference in 2009 in San Diego, Calif. The query asks whether the current language on same-sex covenantal relationships will continue to guide our journey together.
New pastors to the Northern Indiana district were recognized during the District Board report, as was Training in Ministry graduate Guy Biddle. Nate Freeze and Krista Mevis, who served as the district youth heritage team during the past year, were recognized as the 2008 Volunteers of the Year.
The Northern Indiana District Conference will return to Camp Mack next year on Sept. 18-19 with Tim Waits serving as moderator.
--This report is taken from the newsletter of Northern Indiana District.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
The 149th recorded Northern Indiana District Conference was held Sept. 19-20 at Camp Mack near Milford, Ind. Conference leadership was provided by David Wysong, moderator; Tim Waits, moderator-elect; and Roger Haupert, clerk. At this year’s conference, 127 delegates, out of 144 people registered, were present.
Friday evening worship was led by pastor Tim Waits and members of the Rock Run Worship Team. David Shumate, Annual Conference moderator, was present from Virginia as the guest preacher. The offering totaling $1,834 was divided between the Ministry Scholarship Fund and the District Disaster Fund.
Business included the usual reports from the District Board, Standing Committee, Camp Mack, Timbercrest retirement community, Manchester College, and denominational agencies. The ballot/slate brought by the Personnel Committee was approved and the following people were called to district leadership: Mary Haupert as moderator-elect; Dwayne Runkle and Reta Middaugh to the District Board; Jan Nicodemus and Janet Kagarise to the Personnel Committee; Becky Morris to the Program and Arrangements Committee; and Roger Haupert as clerk.
District Board appointments were confirmed including Mike Dilling to the Indiana Camp Board, and Kevin Morrison and Kim Betz to the Timbercrest Board. At-large members to the Indiana Camp Board and Manchester College were also confirmed.
In other business, the 2009 proposed district budget of $179,400 was approved. Also, a query from Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren was approved to be sent to Annual Conference in 2009 in San Diego, Calif. The query asks whether the current language on same-sex covenantal relationships will continue to guide our journey together.
New pastors to the Northern Indiana district were recognized during the District Board report, as was Training in Ministry graduate Guy Biddle. Nate Freeze and Krista Mevis, who served as the district youth heritage team during the past year, were recognized as the 2008 Volunteers of the Year.
The Northern Indiana District Conference will return to Camp Mack next year on Sept. 18-19 with Tim Waits serving as moderator.
--This report is taken from the newsletter of Northern Indiana District.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Delegates speak out at Southern Pennsylvania District Conference.
Members of York First Church of the Brethren warmly greeted Southern Pennsylvania District Conference workers and delegates on Sept. 19-20, as the congregation opened its doors to the annual meeting of the district’s 45 congregations.
Registered attendance at District Conference on Friday was 150 delegates and 129 nondelegates and on Saturday, 143 delegates and 75 nondelegates. Attendance at the Friday evening worship service was an approximate 250 people, including 21 of the 23 licensed ministers who were present to receive their annual licensure.
Charles Ilyes, pastor of Midway Church of the Brethren in Atlantic Northeast District, brought the evening message on the conference theme, "Be still and know I AM GOD." An offering of $1,725.50 was received and has been forwarded to the denominational offices to benefit the Minister’s Emergency Fund.
John D. Byers, former Hanover Church of the Brethren pastor, was recognized for 50 years of ordained ministry; Pat Arendt of Gettysburg Church of the Brethren was recognized for completing the denominational Training in Ministry training track for credentialed ministry; Brandon Grady of York Madison Avenue Church of the Brethren was recognized for graduation from Bethany Theological Seminary; and Duane Bahn of Codorus Church of the Brethren and C. Earl Eby of Trinity Church of the Brethren were recognized for completion of the ACTS training track for set-apart ministry.
Conference delegates called Eli Mast to serve as moderator-elect in 2009. Mast will join moderator John Shelly and district writing clerk Ann Miller in leading the district forward in Christ’s directive to further the kingdom in 2009.
Others called to leadership include Richard Fischl and Kim Gingerich for the District Board Eastern Zone, Daniel Witmer for the Western Zone, R. Edward Weaver for the Northern Zone, and in the at-large category Melinda Carlson, Richard Godfrey, and Terry Smith. Betty Malenke was called to the District Program and Arrangements Committee to represent the Eastern Zone, Malinda Napp and George Martin were called to the District Nominating and Personnel Committee to represent the Eastern and Western Zones, respectively.
The District Board held its reorganizational meeting and called Terry Smith and Ray Lehman to serve as chair and vice chair.
Conference business included receiving the 2007 district financial reports, including the independent accountant’s review. The conference approved the District Board’s recommendation to close Genesis Church of the Brethren effective Sept. 30. The District Board will continue to work at determining the future of the current Genesis Church property and whether ministry there is a viable option.
District Conference delegates also approved a query from Dry Run Church of the Brethren asking Annual Conference Standing Committee to re-examine and re-educate the Church of the Brethren’s constituency on the denomination’s stance and statements about membership in secret oath-bound societies, and the conflict that has with Church of the Brethren beliefs about taking oaths.
After healthy debate, the delegates passed the 2009 District Financial Ministries Plan in the total amount of $531,019, which breaks down as $79.85 per church member. Many people, including delegates and nondelegates, attended various insight sessions including the District Financial Ministries Plan sessions, and indicated a better understanding of the complexity of the District Board and staff’s work in accomplishing district ministry that pleases its 6,700-plus constituents.
Those attending the Brethren Volunteer Service insight session and an insight session on the issue of modern-day slavery indicated the need to get information to their local congregations. Associate district executive Georgia Markey is working on a plan to make this happen. Positive feedback was received on insight sessions about stewardship, both in the area of curriculum and teaching children about stewardship. The District Nurture and Stewards Commission stands ready to help congregations follow up with this emphasis.
A new event this year was a District Auction, which netted $1,647 for the Fair Share ministries pool. A Pie and Ice Cream Social also was a positive experience. Seventy pies were asked for and 128 were received. The uneaten pies were sold with proceeds going to the Children’s Aid Society, for a copier for the Nicarry Center.
--This report is taken from the newsletter of Southern Pennsylvania District.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Members of York First Church of the Brethren warmly greeted Southern Pennsylvania District Conference workers and delegates on Sept. 19-20, as the congregation opened its doors to the annual meeting of the district’s 45 congregations.
Registered attendance at District Conference on Friday was 150 delegates and 129 nondelegates and on Saturday, 143 delegates and 75 nondelegates. Attendance at the Friday evening worship service was an approximate 250 people, including 21 of the 23 licensed ministers who were present to receive their annual licensure.
Charles Ilyes, pastor of Midway Church of the Brethren in Atlantic Northeast District, brought the evening message on the conference theme, "Be still and know I AM GOD." An offering of $1,725.50 was received and has been forwarded to the denominational offices to benefit the Minister’s Emergency Fund.
John D. Byers, former Hanover Church of the Brethren pastor, was recognized for 50 years of ordained ministry; Pat Arendt of Gettysburg Church of the Brethren was recognized for completing the denominational Training in Ministry training track for credentialed ministry; Brandon Grady of York Madison Avenue Church of the Brethren was recognized for graduation from Bethany Theological Seminary; and Duane Bahn of Codorus Church of the Brethren and C. Earl Eby of Trinity Church of the Brethren were recognized for completion of the ACTS training track for set-apart ministry.
Conference delegates called Eli Mast to serve as moderator-elect in 2009. Mast will join moderator John Shelly and district writing clerk Ann Miller in leading the district forward in Christ’s directive to further the kingdom in 2009.
Others called to leadership include Richard Fischl and Kim Gingerich for the District Board Eastern Zone, Daniel Witmer for the Western Zone, R. Edward Weaver for the Northern Zone, and in the at-large category Melinda Carlson, Richard Godfrey, and Terry Smith. Betty Malenke was called to the District Program and Arrangements Committee to represent the Eastern Zone, Malinda Napp and George Martin were called to the District Nominating and Personnel Committee to represent the Eastern and Western Zones, respectively.
The District Board held its reorganizational meeting and called Terry Smith and Ray Lehman to serve as chair and vice chair.
Conference business included receiving the 2007 district financial reports, including the independent accountant’s review. The conference approved the District Board’s recommendation to close Genesis Church of the Brethren effective Sept. 30. The District Board will continue to work at determining the future of the current Genesis Church property and whether ministry there is a viable option.
District Conference delegates also approved a query from Dry Run Church of the Brethren asking Annual Conference Standing Committee to re-examine and re-educate the Church of the Brethren’s constituency on the denomination’s stance and statements about membership in secret oath-bound societies, and the conflict that has with Church of the Brethren beliefs about taking oaths.
After healthy debate, the delegates passed the 2009 District Financial Ministries Plan in the total amount of $531,019, which breaks down as $79.85 per church member. Many people, including delegates and nondelegates, attended various insight sessions including the District Financial Ministries Plan sessions, and indicated a better understanding of the complexity of the District Board and staff’s work in accomplishing district ministry that pleases its 6,700-plus constituents.
Those attending the Brethren Volunteer Service insight session and an insight session on the issue of modern-day slavery indicated the need to get information to their local congregations. Associate district executive Georgia Markey is working on a plan to make this happen. Positive feedback was received on insight sessions about stewardship, both in the area of curriculum and teaching children about stewardship. The District Nurture and Stewards Commission stands ready to help congregations follow up with this emphasis.
A new event this year was a District Auction, which netted $1,647 for the Fair Share ministries pool. A Pie and Ice Cream Social also was a positive experience. Seventy pies were asked for and 128 were received. The uneaten pies were sold with proceeds going to the Children’s Aid Society, for a copier for the Nicarry Center.
--This report is taken from the newsletter of Southern Pennsylvania District.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Mid-Atlantic District holds its 42nd annual conference.
Mid-Atlantic District held its 42nd annual District Conference on Oct. 10-11 at Frederick (Md.) Church of the Brethren on the theme, "Surrendered to God, Transformed in Christ, Empowered by the Spirit."
District pastors held a Pre-Conference Clergy Seminar at Glade Valley Church of the Brethren that focused on Christian Worship, followed by a Minister and Spouse Banquet.
The District Conference began with a Brethren meetinghouse style of worship on Friday night. In celebration of the Brethren heritage and 300th anniversary, the service recreated the kind of worship that Brethren ancestors experienced. Hymn singing, without instruments, was led by Gregory Shook of Woodbridge Church of the Brethren. Messages, which centered on being "Surrendered to God," were given by district executive minister Don Booz, Gene Hagenberger of Easton Church of the Brethren, Jim Benedict of Union Bridge Church of the Brethren, and Tracy Wiser of Harmony Church of the Brethren.
At the Saturday morning worship service, Nancy Faus-Mullen, professor emeritus at Bethany Theological Seminary, preached on the theme, "Transformed in Christ."
Business sessions were convened under the leadership of moderator Dale Posthumus. In keeping with the format used at the Mid-Atlantic District Conferences over the past two years, business items were explained to the delegates during a morning session, with time for questions and clarification. Voting then took place during an afternoon session. Conference delegates considered and passed a 2009 budget for the district, Camp Mardela incorporation, Shepherd’s Spring incorporation, disorganization of Celebration House, and disorganization of Fahrney-Keedy Fellowship.
Much of the discussion during business sessions centered on the 2009 budget, which was presented by Leadership Team member Jerry Patterson. Giving for 2008 in the district is anticipated to fall $40,000 short of budget needs. During an extensive analysis of giving trends, the Finance and Property Team discovered that church giving has essentially been flat over the past seven years. The Leadership Team presented a 2009 budget that is drastically scaled back over the past year. Patterson assured delegates that the Leadership Team would consider individual requests to fund line items that had been cut, and would endeavor to find money for programs that committees identified as important to continue. However, he emphasized that the Leadership Team is committed to passing a budget that has a realistic chance of being supported by congregational giving and will not enter into a budget that has little chance of being funded.
Saturday afternoon ended with a worship service during which Jim Hardenbrook, a former Annual Conference moderator, preached on the theme, "Empowered by the Spirit."
A highlight of the conference were the various opportunities attendees had to recognize the service of Don Booz as district executive minister. Booz is ending his eight-year tenure in Mid-Atlantic District to accept a district executive position in Pacific Southwest District. He was praised and "roasted" at various times throughout the weekend. At a reception following the Friday night worship service, attendees had an opportunity to personally thank him for his service. Cindy Booz also was recognized for the strength and support she has given throughout her husband’s service to the district.
--Gretchen M. Zience is a member of Oakton Church of the Brethren in Vienna, Va.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Mid-Atlantic District held its 42nd annual District Conference on Oct. 10-11 at Frederick (Md.) Church of the Brethren on the theme, "Surrendered to God, Transformed in Christ, Empowered by the Spirit."
District pastors held a Pre-Conference Clergy Seminar at Glade Valley Church of the Brethren that focused on Christian Worship, followed by a Minister and Spouse Banquet.
The District Conference began with a Brethren meetinghouse style of worship on Friday night. In celebration of the Brethren heritage and 300th anniversary, the service recreated the kind of worship that Brethren ancestors experienced. Hymn singing, without instruments, was led by Gregory Shook of Woodbridge Church of the Brethren. Messages, which centered on being "Surrendered to God," were given by district executive minister Don Booz, Gene Hagenberger of Easton Church of the Brethren, Jim Benedict of Union Bridge Church of the Brethren, and Tracy Wiser of Harmony Church of the Brethren.
At the Saturday morning worship service, Nancy Faus-Mullen, professor emeritus at Bethany Theological Seminary, preached on the theme, "Transformed in Christ."
Business sessions were convened under the leadership of moderator Dale Posthumus. In keeping with the format used at the Mid-Atlantic District Conferences over the past two years, business items were explained to the delegates during a morning session, with time for questions and clarification. Voting then took place during an afternoon session. Conference delegates considered and passed a 2009 budget for the district, Camp Mardela incorporation, Shepherd’s Spring incorporation, disorganization of Celebration House, and disorganization of Fahrney-Keedy Fellowship.
Much of the discussion during business sessions centered on the 2009 budget, which was presented by Leadership Team member Jerry Patterson. Giving for 2008 in the district is anticipated to fall $40,000 short of budget needs. During an extensive analysis of giving trends, the Finance and Property Team discovered that church giving has essentially been flat over the past seven years. The Leadership Team presented a 2009 budget that is drastically scaled back over the past year. Patterson assured delegates that the Leadership Team would consider individual requests to fund line items that had been cut, and would endeavor to find money for programs that committees identified as important to continue. However, he emphasized that the Leadership Team is committed to passing a budget that has a realistic chance of being supported by congregational giving and will not enter into a budget that has little chance of being funded.
Saturday afternoon ended with a worship service during which Jim Hardenbrook, a former Annual Conference moderator, preached on the theme, "Empowered by the Spirit."
A highlight of the conference were the various opportunities attendees had to recognize the service of Don Booz as district executive minister. Booz is ending his eight-year tenure in Mid-Atlantic District to accept a district executive position in Pacific Southwest District. He was praised and "roasted" at various times throughout the weekend. At a reception following the Friday night worship service, attendees had an opportunity to personally thank him for his service. Cindy Booz also was recognized for the strength and support she has given throughout her husband’s service to the district.
--Gretchen M. Zience is a member of Oakton Church of the Brethren in Vienna, Va.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Atlantic Southeast District holds a second Family Peace Camp.
For the second consecutive year, the Action For Peace Team and Camp Ithiel of Atlantic Southeast District sponsored a Family Peace Camp over Labor Day weekend. The event was held at Camp Ithiel near Orlando, Fla. Jim and Kathy McGinnis, directors of the Institute for Peace and Justice in St. Louis, led the multi-age campers in learning about "Family Peacemaking."
The activities led by Jim and Kathy McGinnis emphasized several features of their Family Pledge of Nonviolence, namely respect and peaceful problem-solving, listening and forgiving, being stewards of God’s creation, playing creatively, acting courageously, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s challenge. Together they led interactive presentations that focused on techniques, concepts, and attitudes that are essential for peacemaking in the family and community.
The McGinnises founded the Institute for Peace and Justice in 1970, as an interfaith center promoting peace and justice through education, social action, and prayer. They are nationally known peace education consultants, authors, workshop presenters, family life resource leaders, and peace educators. They have received the 1995 Pax Christi USA "Teachers of Peace" award, and also are founders and international co-coordinators of the Parenting for Peace and Justice Network.
The 20 adults, 8 teenagers, and 4 young children who participated in the camp--representing ages 5 to 77--enjoyed and learned much from the McGinnises’ hands-on experiences. The camp featured music, self-expressive activities, artwork, storytelling, group discussions, drama, and more. Other camping features knit the multi-age group into one large family--such as picture puzzles, games, a talent night, morning watch, contra dancing, campfire, swimming, Sunday worship, a nature walk, and a sing-a-long of hymns, camp songs, and folk tunes.
--Phil Lersch is chair of Atlantic Southeast District's Action for Peace Team.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
For the second consecutive year, the Action For Peace Team and Camp Ithiel of Atlantic Southeast District sponsored a Family Peace Camp over Labor Day weekend. The event was held at Camp Ithiel near Orlando, Fla. Jim and Kathy McGinnis, directors of the Institute for Peace and Justice in St. Louis, led the multi-age campers in learning about "Family Peacemaking."
The activities led by Jim and Kathy McGinnis emphasized several features of their Family Pledge of Nonviolence, namely respect and peaceful problem-solving, listening and forgiving, being stewards of God’s creation, playing creatively, acting courageously, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s challenge. Together they led interactive presentations that focused on techniques, concepts, and attitudes that are essential for peacemaking in the family and community.
The McGinnises founded the Institute for Peace and Justice in 1970, as an interfaith center promoting peace and justice through education, social action, and prayer. They are nationally known peace education consultants, authors, workshop presenters, family life resource leaders, and peace educators. They have received the 1995 Pax Christi USA "Teachers of Peace" award, and also are founders and international co-coordinators of the Parenting for Peace and Justice Network.
The 20 adults, 8 teenagers, and 4 young children who participated in the camp--representing ages 5 to 77--enjoyed and learned much from the McGinnises’ hands-on experiences. The camp featured music, self-expressive activities, artwork, storytelling, group discussions, drama, and more. Other camping features knit the multi-age group into one large family--such as picture puzzles, games, a talent night, morning watch, contra dancing, campfire, swimming, Sunday worship, a nature walk, and a sing-a-long of hymns, camp songs, and folk tunes.
--Phil Lersch is chair of Atlantic Southeast District's Action for Peace Team.
Source: 10/29/2008 Newsline Extra
Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board, cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260
Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board, cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Children come first for some volunteers.
As thousands fled wildfire-threatened homes near Los Angeles, volunteers with the Church of the Brethren program Children's Disaster Services focused on care for some of the most vulnerable survivors.
Rachel Contreras, a volunteer caregiver for Children's Disaster Services, looked out her window towards the west on Sunday morning, Oct. 12, and stared in horror at the wall of black smoke billowing less than 10 miles from her California home.
The Santa Ana winds that had awakened her were now gusting to 70 miles per hour, sending two wildfires--described by Los Angeles County fire inspector Frank Garrido as "blowtorches"--sweeping through the hills and canyons of Los Angeles and Ventura counties, killing two and leaving a 15,000-acre swath of destruction as of Tuesday afternoon.
Contreras hadn't gotten the phone call from her supervisor yet, but she didn't care. She looked out the window again. Television reports indicated her area was out of danger, and though many roads were closed, she could make it to San Fernando High School, one of four shelters opened by the American Red Cross.
Frantically, she ticked items from her list one by one. Play-Doh. Check. Coloring books. Check. Watercolors. Check. Puzzles. Check. For the hundredth time, she was grateful she always kept the blue suitcase packed with her Kit of Comfort. It made it easier to get to disaster scenes quickly.
As she walked into the shelter, she was greeted by a familiar sight. Worried adults stood in a daze, eyes glued to the television, hoping to hear good news. Nearly four dozen children wandered the room restlessly, looking for something to do amidst the sea of cots and sleeping bags.
Some families had been fortunate enough to have time to pack their most cherished possessions, but many had fled with only the clothes on their backs. There hadn't been time to gather toys.
That's why the Church of the Brethren's Children's Disaster Services caregivers--required to attend 27 hours training--come prepared. Volunteers like Contreras, and the other five who joined her at San Fernando, bring toys meant not only to entertain, but also to give children a way to express their feelings about the disaster.
"The children are generally frightened and confused because they're away from their routines," said Judy Bezon, associate director for Children's Disaster Services. "Everything that's familiar is torn from them. Our volunteers are specially trained to be a calming presence for the children so they can play out some of their concerns about the fire."
The Church of the Brethren had six volunteers working at San Fernando, as of Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 14. Other faith-based disaster response organizations spent the afternoon in meetings, waiting for the situation to stabilize so needs assessment teams could begin canvassing the affected areas.
It can be frustrating. Becky Purdom, volunteer program manager of the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, said CRWRC had more than 60 area volunteers to call upon and would like to help, but expected finding the necessary financial support would be challenging this year. In 2006, CWRWC rebuilt 16 homes in California following a 2005 wildfire. Earlier this year, they were there again, assessing needs from a 2007 fire. Only time will tell if they're able to assist with this fire.
Other disaster response organizations were still trying to determine where they were most needed. The danger wasn't over yet. The Sesnon fire, in the Porter Ranch area of west San Fernando Valley, continued to race towards the southwest, fueled by Santa Ana winds. The Marek fire in northeastern end San Fernando Valley was 70 percent contained, and most of the area's 1,200 residents had been allowed to return to their homes.
But for some who lived in the 4,824-acre swath of destruction, there was nothing left. Two of Lopez Canyon's poorest communities were hard hit, with 36 trailers at Blue Star Mobile Home Park and Sky Terrace Mobile Lodge completely destroyed. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in Los Angeles and Ventura counties earlier in the day, and officials requested a federal disaster declaration from President George Bush, which would allow FEMA to begin assisting homeowners.
--Carmen K. Sisson of Los Angeles wrote this report for Disaster News Network on Oct. 14 (reproduced here with permission from Disaster News Network, www.disasternews.net (c) 2008 Village Life Company). Gloria Cooper served as the Children's Disaster Services Rapid Response coordinator. Governor Schwarzenegger visited the Children's Disaster Services childcare center at San Fernando High School during his tour of the wildfire response.
Source: 10/22/2008 Newsline
As thousands fled wildfire-threatened homes near Los Angeles, volunteers with the Church of the Brethren program Children's Disaster Services focused on care for some of the most vulnerable survivors.
Rachel Contreras, a volunteer caregiver for Children's Disaster Services, looked out her window towards the west on Sunday morning, Oct. 12, and stared in horror at the wall of black smoke billowing less than 10 miles from her California home.
The Santa Ana winds that had awakened her were now gusting to 70 miles per hour, sending two wildfires--described by Los Angeles County fire inspector Frank Garrido as "blowtorches"--sweeping through the hills and canyons of Los Angeles and Ventura counties, killing two and leaving a 15,000-acre swath of destruction as of Tuesday afternoon.
Contreras hadn't gotten the phone call from her supervisor yet, but she didn't care. She looked out the window again. Television reports indicated her area was out of danger, and though many roads were closed, she could make it to San Fernando High School, one of four shelters opened by the American Red Cross.
Frantically, she ticked items from her list one by one. Play-Doh. Check. Coloring books. Check. Watercolors. Check. Puzzles. Check. For the hundredth time, she was grateful she always kept the blue suitcase packed with her Kit of Comfort. It made it easier to get to disaster scenes quickly.
As she walked into the shelter, she was greeted by a familiar sight. Worried adults stood in a daze, eyes glued to the television, hoping to hear good news. Nearly four dozen children wandered the room restlessly, looking for something to do amidst the sea of cots and sleeping bags.
Some families had been fortunate enough to have time to pack their most cherished possessions, but many had fled with only the clothes on their backs. There hadn't been time to gather toys.
That's why the Church of the Brethren's Children's Disaster Services caregivers--required to attend 27 hours training--come prepared. Volunteers like Contreras, and the other five who joined her at San Fernando, bring toys meant not only to entertain, but also to give children a way to express their feelings about the disaster.
"The children are generally frightened and confused because they're away from their routines," said Judy Bezon, associate director for Children's Disaster Services. "Everything that's familiar is torn from them. Our volunteers are specially trained to be a calming presence for the children so they can play out some of their concerns about the fire."
The Church of the Brethren had six volunteers working at San Fernando, as of Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 14. Other faith-based disaster response organizations spent the afternoon in meetings, waiting for the situation to stabilize so needs assessment teams could begin canvassing the affected areas.
It can be frustrating. Becky Purdom, volunteer program manager of the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, said CRWRC had more than 60 area volunteers to call upon and would like to help, but expected finding the necessary financial support would be challenging this year. In 2006, CWRWC rebuilt 16 homes in California following a 2005 wildfire. Earlier this year, they were there again, assessing needs from a 2007 fire. Only time will tell if they're able to assist with this fire.
Other disaster response organizations were still trying to determine where they were most needed. The danger wasn't over yet. The Sesnon fire, in the Porter Ranch area of west San Fernando Valley, continued to race towards the southwest, fueled by Santa Ana winds. The Marek fire in northeastern end San Fernando Valley was 70 percent contained, and most of the area's 1,200 residents had been allowed to return to their homes.
But for some who lived in the 4,824-acre swath of destruction, there was nothing left. Two of Lopez Canyon's poorest communities were hard hit, with 36 trailers at Blue Star Mobile Home Park and Sky Terrace Mobile Lodge completely destroyed. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in Los Angeles and Ventura counties earlier in the day, and officials requested a federal disaster declaration from President George Bush, which would allow FEMA to begin assisting homeowners.
--Carmen K. Sisson of Los Angeles wrote this report for Disaster News Network on Oct. 14 (reproduced here with permission from Disaster News Network, www.disasternews.net (c) 2008 Village Life Company). Gloria Cooper served as the Children's Disaster Services Rapid Response coordinator. Governor Schwarzenegger visited the Children's Disaster Services childcare center at San Fernando High School during his tour of the wildfire response.
Source: 10/22/2008 Newsline
Leadership Team reviews budget and planning for Annual Conference.
The Leadership Team of the Church of the Brethren, the group that is designated in the new denominational structure to continue the functions previously assigned to the Annual Conference Council, met Oct. 16 at the denomination's General Offices in Elgin, Ill. Participating were Annual Conference moderator David Shumate and moderator-elect Shawn Flory Replogle, Annual Conference secretary Fred Swartz, and general secretary Stan Noffsinger. Treasurer Judy Keyser briefly participated to deliver a financial report on the Annual Conference Fund.
The financial report indicated that the high attendance at the 2008 Annual Conference in Richmond, Va., provided a boost to the revenue for Conference, but costs for technical support at the site exceeded expectations by $72,000. Nevertheless, it is anticipated that the Annual Conference Fund will be in a positive position by the end of 2008. The Leadership Team will monitor budget projections for 2009, which currently appear to yield a deficit situation again.
The Leadership Team discussed ideas for revitalizing Annual Conference, specifically with hopes for continuing the celebration of the mission, vision, and values of the Church of the Brethren that was begun enthusiastically in connection with the 300th Anniversary of the denomination. The team will continue to support and work with the Annual Conference Program and Arrangements Committee in pursuing this objective.
Long-range envisioning for the denomination was another primary topic on the agenda. Building on extensive discussions by the former Annual Conference Council, the Leadership Team hopes to pursue the creation of a new visionary group composed of members of the Inter Agency Forum--which brings together the executives of the five Church of the Brethren agencies related to Annual Conference--along with some members possibly chosen by Annual Conference. This idea is in the beginning stages and will be discussed further with the Inter Agency Forum in April 2009.
In other business, the Leadership Team reviewed changes needed in the Church of the Brethren's Manual of Organization and Polity as a result of the actions of the 2008 Annual Conference. It is hoped that an updated version can be made available on the denomination's website www.brethren.org by the end of the year. The Leadership Team also prepared a first draft of a revised set of bylaws for the Church of the Brethren, Inc. It is anticipated that the revised document will be presented to Annual Conference in 2010.
The Leadership Team scheduled its next meeting for Dec. 17-18.
--Fred Swartz serves as the Annual Conference Secretary.
Source: 10/22/2008 Newsline
The Leadership Team of the Church of the Brethren, the group that is designated in the new denominational structure to continue the functions previously assigned to the Annual Conference Council, met Oct. 16 at the denomination's General Offices in Elgin, Ill. Participating were Annual Conference moderator David Shumate and moderator-elect Shawn Flory Replogle, Annual Conference secretary Fred Swartz, and general secretary Stan Noffsinger. Treasurer Judy Keyser briefly participated to deliver a financial report on the Annual Conference Fund.
The financial report indicated that the high attendance at the 2008 Annual Conference in Richmond, Va., provided a boost to the revenue for Conference, but costs for technical support at the site exceeded expectations by $72,000. Nevertheless, it is anticipated that the Annual Conference Fund will be in a positive position by the end of 2008. The Leadership Team will monitor budget projections for 2009, which currently appear to yield a deficit situation again.
The Leadership Team discussed ideas for revitalizing Annual Conference, specifically with hopes for continuing the celebration of the mission, vision, and values of the Church of the Brethren that was begun enthusiastically in connection with the 300th Anniversary of the denomination. The team will continue to support and work with the Annual Conference Program and Arrangements Committee in pursuing this objective.
Long-range envisioning for the denomination was another primary topic on the agenda. Building on extensive discussions by the former Annual Conference Council, the Leadership Team hopes to pursue the creation of a new visionary group composed of members of the Inter Agency Forum--which brings together the executives of the five Church of the Brethren agencies related to Annual Conference--along with some members possibly chosen by Annual Conference. This idea is in the beginning stages and will be discussed further with the Inter Agency Forum in April 2009.
In other business, the Leadership Team reviewed changes needed in the Church of the Brethren's Manual of Organization and Polity as a result of the actions of the 2008 Annual Conference. It is hoped that an updated version can be made available on the denomination's website www.brethren.org by the end of the year. The Leadership Team also prepared a first draft of a revised set of bylaws for the Church of the Brethren, Inc. It is anticipated that the revised document will be presented to Annual Conference in 2010.
The Leadership Team scheduled its next meeting for Dec. 17-18.
--Fred Swartz serves as the Annual Conference Secretary.
Source: 10/22/2008 Newsline
Brethren representatives attend conference on human trafficking.
In the wake of the unanimous support for the Annual Conference resolution on Slavery in the 21st Century, two Church of the Brethren staff members participated in an Ecumenical Conference on Human Trafficking in New York City on Sept. 29-Oct. 1. The conference was sponsored by the National Council of Churches and the United Methodist Women's Division. Attending on behalf of the Church of the Brethren were Anna Speicher and Phil Jones.
Much of the conference focused on the very serious and extensive problem of sex trafficking, which is a multibillion dollar industry worldwide and victimizes millions of women and children in this country and abroad. Other types of enslavement were also addressed, particularly those that are most commonly found in this country, such as slavery in agricultural, hotel, restaurant, and domestic work.
While there are laws on the books that prohibit slavery and impose penalties on traffickers, there are still many loopholes and successful rescues and prosecutions are few and far between. There is a great need for more education and outreach to law enforcement officials, to those who are currently held in bondage or are vulnerable to being enslaved, and to ordinary people who are unaware of the existence of this problem let alone its depth and breadth.
Participants in the conference included representatives from many faith communions, including Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Mennonite, as well as Church of the Brethren. Some previously knew very little about modern-day slavery; others have been addressing the issue for some time. Also attending were many representatives of faith-based organizations who are tackling some piece of the trafficking issue.
The Church of the Brethren is among the few faith communions that have issued broad-based denominational condemnations of modern-day slavery. The Church of the Brethren Study and Action Guide on Modern-Day Slavery was made available as a handout at the conference and was well received as a helpful resource (go to www.brethren.org/genbd/washofc/ModernDaySlavery.html).
The conference was valuable as a step in the process of combating this horrific problem. It was heartening to see so many people of faith either interested in or already committed to action. It was people of faith who were primarily responsible for abolishing the institution of legalized slavery in this country in the 19th century. In the 21st century there is again a pressing need to work together to "proclaim release to the captives." Judging from this conference there is heart for this critical ministry across many faith communions.
--Anna Speicher was the presenter for the Resolution on Slavery in the 21st Century to the 2008 Annual Conference. She has studied the issue of modern-day slavery along with her academic study of the history of the abolition movement. She also serves as editor of the Gather 'Round curriculum jointly produced by Brethren Press and the Mennonite Publishing Network.
Source: 10/22/2008 Newsline
In the wake of the unanimous support for the Annual Conference resolution on Slavery in the 21st Century, two Church of the Brethren staff members participated in an Ecumenical Conference on Human Trafficking in New York City on Sept. 29-Oct. 1. The conference was sponsored by the National Council of Churches and the United Methodist Women's Division. Attending on behalf of the Church of the Brethren were Anna Speicher and Phil Jones.
Much of the conference focused on the very serious and extensive problem of sex trafficking, which is a multibillion dollar industry worldwide and victimizes millions of women and children in this country and abroad. Other types of enslavement were also addressed, particularly those that are most commonly found in this country, such as slavery in agricultural, hotel, restaurant, and domestic work.
While there are laws on the books that prohibit slavery and impose penalties on traffickers, there are still many loopholes and successful rescues and prosecutions are few and far between. There is a great need for more education and outreach to law enforcement officials, to those who are currently held in bondage or are vulnerable to being enslaved, and to ordinary people who are unaware of the existence of this problem let alone its depth and breadth.
Participants in the conference included representatives from many faith communions, including Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Mennonite, as well as Church of the Brethren. Some previously knew very little about modern-day slavery; others have been addressing the issue for some time. Also attending were many representatives of faith-based organizations who are tackling some piece of the trafficking issue.
The Church of the Brethren is among the few faith communions that have issued broad-based denominational condemnations of modern-day slavery. The Church of the Brethren Study and Action Guide on Modern-Day Slavery was made available as a handout at the conference and was well received as a helpful resource (go to www.brethren.org/genbd/washofc/ModernDaySlavery.html).
The conference was valuable as a step in the process of combating this horrific problem. It was heartening to see so many people of faith either interested in or already committed to action. It was people of faith who were primarily responsible for abolishing the institution of legalized slavery in this country in the 19th century. In the 21st century there is again a pressing need to work together to "proclaim release to the captives." Judging from this conference there is heart for this critical ministry across many faith communions.
--Anna Speicher was the presenter for the Resolution on Slavery in the 21st Century to the 2008 Annual Conference. She has studied the issue of modern-day slavery along with her academic study of the history of the abolition movement. She also serves as editor of the Gather 'Round curriculum jointly produced by Brethren Press and the Mennonite Publishing Network.
Source: 10/22/2008 Newsline
Brethren bits: Remembrance, personnel, job openings, much more.
- Guillermo Encarnacion Bethancourt, 71, died on Oct. 11 at Lancaster (Pa.) General Hospital. He was an ordained minister and a leader in establishing Iglesia des los Hermanos (the Church of the Brethren) in the Dominican Republic, and in retirement served as interim coordinator of theological education there on behalf of the Church of the Brethren. Throughout his career he also served as executive secretary of the Mennonite Church in the DR, and as field coordinator for the American Bible Society in Puerto Rico, before devoting the rest of his career to ministering Church of the Brethren congregations in Castaner, P.R., in Falfurrias, Texas, and in Lancaster, Pa. Encarnacion was born in San Jose de Ocoa, Dominican Republic. He also is remembered for his political activism, for which he was imprisoned at Beata Island Prison in the DR from 1957-1959 for leading student protests against the Trujillo dictatorship, and for his volunteer service and advocacy on behalf of prisoners, political exiles, and immigrants in the United States. In addition to his wife, Gladys Montero de Encarnacion, he is survived by his four sons and three daughters, 13 grandchildren, one great grandchild, and brothers and sisters in the DR and the US. A memorial service was held on Oct. 13 at Lancaster Church of the Brethren. Memorial contributions are made to Lancaster Church of the Brethren or to Maranatha Multicultural Fellowship in Lancaster, to be used for the continuing support of the Church of the Brethren mission in the Dominican Republic. Brethren leaders in the DR are planning a memorial service in February 2009. Members of the Encarnacion family and others will travel to present the memorial funds to the Dominican leaders.
- Mary Eller has been appointed interim administrative secretary for the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, a joint venture of the Church of the Brethren and Bethany Theological Seminary with offices at the seminary campus in Richmond, Ind. Eller began working for the academy on Oct. 13, and will continue in the role until the end of the calendar year. She previously has been program coordinator and registrar at the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center in Elizabethtown, Pa.
- Several Brethren Revival Fellowship volunteers have completed Brethren Volunteer Service, according to an announcement in the BRF newsletter: Keri Copenhaver, Sheila Shirk, and Kurt Hershey, all from White Oak Church of the Brethren in Manheim, Pa., have completed a year of service in Lewiston, Maine. Roy and Verda Martin also have served as houseparents, and plan to continue in volunteer service for another year at the Good Shepherd Food Bank. Rachel Roop of Heidelberg Church of the Brethren in Myerstown, Pa., will be serving in 2008-09 with the Root Cellar Ministry in Lewiston.
- McPherson College invites nominations and applications for a president of the college, to succeed Ronald D. Hovis who will retire in June 2009. McPherson is a small college with 500 fulltime students, focusing on career-oriented liberal arts, located in McPherson, Kan. The college was founded in 1887 by the Church of the Brethren and remains committed to the values of the church: peace and justice, ethical behavior, and putting faith into action. McPherson's mission is to develop whole persons through scholarship, participation, and service. The next McPherson College president should be someone who is prepared to serve as both a chief executive and an academic leader; believes in the college's mission as a church-related baccalaureate college; models the values of the Church of the Brethren; can demonstrate a record of achievement in leading and managing organizations and in dealing with complex financial challenges; can help frame a compelling vision of McPherson's potential that will energize the campus, community, and other stakeholders to lend their support; and possesses an advanced degree and an understanding of the distinctive culture of higher education. Nominations, inquiries, and expressions of interest, which will be held in the strictest confidence, should be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment to Richard Doll, Chair of the Search Committee for the President, at wagonerd@mcpherson.edu. A more detailed leadership statement is available on the college website at www.mcpherson.edu. Review of candidates will begin Nov. 1.
- Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) seeks a manager of publications to fill a fulltime salaried position based in Elgin, Ill. BBT is an agency of the Church of the Brethren and a not-for-profit organization that has 6,000 members and clients nationwide. The manager of publications provides oversight of BBT's publications--newsletters, press releases, website, and other special projects--and serves as a senior writer and copy editor. The manager will report on news and information related to BBT's ministry areas of pension, insurance, the Brethren Foundation, and the Church of the Brethren Credit Union. BBT's mission includes a wellness component, and some writing will cover how individuals can make good personal financial decisions while others will explore wellness aspects of heart/soul/mind. Stories will also report on how BBT promotes Brethren values with socially responsible investing initiatives through its management of $379 million in pension and Foundation monies. The position will manage schedule and coordinate content for publications, determine writing and photo assignments, work with a production coordinator and contracted designers, contribute to marketing and promotional efforts, oversee redesign and maintenance of the BBT website, and travel to the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, BBT Board meetings, and other events. Required knowledge and experience include an undergraduate degree in communications, English, business, or a related field, with experience and expertise in writing, copyediting, and/or project management. Knowledge in personal investments and website design is helpful. Active membership in the Church of the Brethren is preferred; active membership in a faith community is required. Salary is competitive with Church Benefits Association agencies of comparable size and scope. A full benefits package is included. Send a letter of interest, resume, three references (one supervisor, one colleague, one friend) and salary-range expectation to Donna March, 1505 Dundee Ave., Elgin IL 60120; or dmarch_bbt@brethren.org. For questions about the position, call 847-622-3371. Visit www.brethrenbenefittrust.org for more information about BBT. Interviews will begin as soon as possible.
- Church of the Brethren general secretary Stan Noffsinger has signed on to an open letter to the two presidential candidates from leaders of the National Council of Churches (NCC) and member communions. During a worldwide economic crisis affecting most households, the letter was written to remind Senators John McCain and Barack Obama that those living in poverty in the US and around the world are hurt the most by the economic downturn. "As we consider bailouts and recovery plans, we now need to hear your voices demanding that the plight of America's poorest citizens, and the needs of people living in poverty around the world, will be addressed," the religious leaders said. The letter dated Oct. 13 was signed by NCC president Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, general secretary Michael Kinnamon, and 14 heads of NCC member communions.
- Bethany Theological Seminary will observe a "Sabbatical Day" on Nov. 3. The seminary's offices in Richmond, Ind., will be closed. Occasional sabbatical days have been approved by the Bethany Board of Trustees. "My abiding hope is that, with God's grace, our spiritual, psychological, intellectual, and physical health will be deepened and strengthened by these periodic symbolic days of reflection and assessment," said Bethany Seminary president Ruthann Knechel Johansen.
- The Church of the Brethren 2008 Advent Offering materials ask, "What are we waiting for?" The materials support an annual offering for the Church of the Brethren ministries during the Advent season. "The question calls us to both reflect on our anticipation of Jesus' arrival among us, as well as to take action in response to the urgency of continuing Jesus' work for peace and justice on earth," said Carol Bowman, coordinator of stewardship development for the Church of the Brethren. Printed materials have been mailed to all congregations, or go to www.brethren.org/genbd/funding/opportun/ChristmasOffering.htm to find the materials online. The materials are offered in English and Spanish, and include worship resources, sermon helps, a downloadable logo, and an order form for offering envelopes and bulletin inserts. The suggested date for the Advent Offering is Dec. 7.
- Bethany Theological Seminary professor Dan Ulrich has been recognized on the Sojourners website, in the "God's Politics" blog by Jim Wallis. After Wallis invited posts on the topic "A Pastoral Strategy for an Economic Crisis," Ulrich submitted a sermon he had shared at Bethany's weekly chapel service titled "Faith, Fear and Finances," based on Luke 16:1-13. The sermon posting has elicited positive comments, including one from Wallis who described it as "filled with insight and care that exemplified a Christian response." Find the sermon at www.bethanyseminary.edu/files/advancement/danulrichsermon.pdf or go to www.sojo.net/blog/godspolitics/?p=2937 for the blog.
- A Children's Disaster Services Level 1 Workshop is scheduled in Denver, Colo., on Nov. 7-8. Cost is $45 for early registration, $55 after Oct. 31. The workshop will be held at the American Red Cross Mile High Chapter. Children's Disaster Services is a Church of the Brethren program in which volunteers provide a calm, safe, and reassuring presence in the midst of the chaos that follows disaster by setting up and operating special child care centers in disaster locations. The workshop is required for Children's Disaster Services volunteers, and information learned at the workshop can be beneficial to anyone working with children. Participants will experience a simulated shelter, sleeping on cots and eating simple meals. Once training is completed, participants have the opportunity to become a certified Children's Disaster Services volunteers by providing two personal references and a criminal and sexual offender background check. Contact coordinator Amy Pike at 720-250-1193 or the Children's Disaster Services office at cds_gb@brethren.org or 800-451-4407 ext. 5.
- "Leaving Church: Journeying with People of Faith In and Beyond Congregations" is the title of a one-day seminar with Alan Jamieson, to be held at Palmyra (Pa.) Church of the Brethren on Nov. 1. Jamieson is a sociologist and senior pastor at Central Baptist Church in Wellington, New Zealand. His book, "A Churchless Faith," summarizes research on why people leave churches and what happens to their faith after leaving, and outlines supportive structures and one-on-one help that churches can implement to become "leaver sensitive." Another book, "Called Again," raises concern for those who still come to church but long ago stopped being present mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and asks how their faith can be revitalized. The seminar is for clergy and lay leaders in congregations, and is supported by a Leadership Training and Development Grant from the Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry. Participants may receive .6 continuing education units through the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership. Register by Oct. 27. Contact Palmyra Church of the Brethren, 45 N. Chestnut St., Palmyra, PA 17078; 717-838-6369.
- There is still time to apply for the "Faith Expedition: Globalization, Justice, and Coffee" sponsored by the Brethren Witness/Washington Office to Chiapas, Mexico, on Jan. 24-Feb. 3, 2009. The deadline for registrations is Nov. 1. The Faith Expedition is planned in partnership with Equal Exchange and Witness for Peace. The group will stay in the homes of coffee farmers in Chiapas, and will learn about the economic, political, and historical context. The trip also will include a visit to an indigenous women's artisan cooperative, and the opportunity to learn about the role that faith and Liberation Theology has played in rural Chiapas. The trip fee is $950 plus airfare. Past delegates have successfully raised money in their congregations, schools, and communities for these experiences. "Don't let the cost stop you from participating!" said an announcement from the Brethren Witness/Washington Office. Visit www.equalexchange.coop/interfaith-delegations or contact the Brethren Witness/Washington Office at 800-785-3246 for more information.
- Sheldon (Iowa) Church of the Brethren is holding its 120th Anniversary Celebration on Nov. 2.
- Decatur (Ill.) Church of the Brethren has marked its centennial with a 100th Anniversary Celebration on Oct. 18-19.
- The Wenatchee (Wash.) Brethren-Baptist Church United and the Sunnyslope Church of the Brethren together hosted several events as a way of celebrating the 300th Anniversary of the Brethren, and the 100 years of Brethren presence in the Wenatchee valley, according to a report from John Braun, a member of the planning committee for the "Reunion of Brethren in the Valley." The reunion took place Oct. 11-12 and included Sunday morning worship, a Saturday evening program, a handbell choir, a choral ensemble, a hymn sing, a luncheon for those who attended a Brethren college or seminary, potluck meals, an offering given in thirds to local, district, and global ministries to celebrate the Church of the Brethren's three centuries, and an afternoon tea for those who have taken part in church mission efforts including volunteer service and disaster response. A "2008 Hunger Walk for Church World Service" rounded out the weekend.
- Members at York (Pa.) First Church of the Brethren have been helping the denomination's Material Resources staff assemble Emergency Clean-up Bucket Kits, according to the church newsletter. On Oct. 3, six First Church members helped assemble 1,142 Emergency Clean-up Bucket Kits, working at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. Also, hundreds of additional previously started kits were completed, making upwards of 1,500 kits ready for shipment. On that afternoon, a truck was loaded with 1,236 kits and traveled to Keene, Texas, for distribution to families affected by Hurricane Ike.
- Champaign (Ill.) Church of the Brethren has begun a "Brethren Grandmothers" program to provide a ministry of cookies and caring to university students. "What's better than cookies, milk and Grandmother?" said an announcement in the Illinois and Wisconsin District newsletter. "We're not faster than speeding trains. We don't leap over tall buildings in a single bound. Instead of 'Spidy' sense we have mama sense." Champaign claims both the University of Illinois and Parkland College. The ministry aims to connect with Brethren students at the two schools, and hopes to receive contact information for students from other congregations and students' families. The ministry will offer students visits, cookies, a monthly potluck, and prayer support. Contact Brethren Grandmothers, Champaign Church of the Brethren, 1210 N. Neil St, Champaign, IL 61820.
- Brethren in the Minneapolis area were invited to join in a special dedication service on the International Day of Prayer for Peace, Sept. 21. Nelda Rhodes Clarke invited sister congregations to join her for the dedication of a Peace Pole at Emma Norton Services in Maplewood, which offers housing from homeless women and families, according to the Northern Plains District newsletter. Clarke worked at the organization for 17 years. Speakers included US Congresswoman Betty McCollum, Ramsey County Commissioner Victoria Reinhardt, and the mayor of Maplewood Diana Longrie. Marie Rhoades represented On Earth Peace.
- Camp Mack's "On the Way...Continuing in Faith Capital Campaign" has set a goal of raising more than $1 million to fund a new lodge along Lake Waubee, as well as repairs to Quinter-Miller Auditorium and other structures. Camp Mack is a Church of the Brethren camp in Milford, Ind. Go to www.campmack.org for further details.
- Thomas R. Kepple Jr., president of Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa., has been named to the Higher Education Cabinet by the editors of the "Chronicle of Higher Education" and the "New York Times." According to a release from the college, Kepple is one of 76 college or university presidents, trustees, and leaders to join the cabinet, and will travel to New York once a year for meetings with journalists and editors from both newspapers. The inaugural meeting of the group was Sept. 15.
- A coalition of Manchester College, Wabash and Miami County conservation agencies, and at least 17 other groups have embarked on a $1 million initiative to improve the water quality of a 30-mile stretch of the Eel River in Indiana. The Middle Eel River Watershed Initiative has received nearly $600,000 in funds designated by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, according to a release from the college. An additional $400,000 will come from agencies, schools, organizations, businesses, and individuals. The Eel was once one of the outstanding fishing streams in the Midwest, the release said, but today it is on the Environmental Protection Agency's "impaired" list for excessive levels of e-coli, PCBs, mercury, and other pollution.
- The steering committee of the Womaen's Caucus of the Church of the Brethren will meet in Huntingdon, Pa., this weekend. "While we're there, we'd love the chance to meet and worship with any of you in the area," the Caucus said in an announcement. The group invites all who are interested to come to a meal and share visions for where the Womaen's Caucus needs to be leading the church, from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 25 at Stone Church of the Brethren. The main dish and drinks will be provided, participants are invited to bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share. On Oct. 26, the steering committee will worship with the Stone Church congregation. For more information or to RSVP for the meal, contact Peg Yoder at 814-599-9910. The Womaen's Caucus Steering Committee includes Jan Eller, Audrey deCoursey, Anna Lisa Gross, Sharon Nearhoof May, Peg Yoder, and Jill Kline.
- The November edition of Brethren Voices, a community television program produced by Portland (Ore.) Peace Church of the Brethren, features Brethren musician Mike Stern under the title, "A Voice for Justice, Peace, Hope, and Healing." Stern's roots are in the apple orchards of Washington State, however he has traveled the world singing and working for peace and justice. December's edition of "Brethren Voices" will feature alternative Christmas giving, including a number of opportunities such as Brethren Disaster Ministries, Heifer International, Church World Service, and the New Community Project's Amazon Rainforest purchase. For more information about Brethren Voices contact producer Ed Groff at groffprod1@msn.com. Copies of the program cost $8, with donations forwarded to Portland Peace Church of the Brethren, 12727 SE Market St., Portland, OR 97233. Brethren Voices also has completed production of a special program, "The Story of the Brethren Service Cups," narrated by Bill Puffenberger, emeritus professor of Religious Studies at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College. Puffenberger completed three years of studies concerning the Brethren Service Cups "which are inseparably tied to the peace position of the Church of the Brethren" and are the predominant symbol of Brethren service. Copies of this special program are available from Portland Peace Church for a donation of $10.
- Liz McCartney of the St. Bernard Project has been nominated for the CNN Hero of the Year award. The St. Bernard Project is the grassroots disaster recovery organization with whom Brethren Disaster Ministries is collaborating for Hurricane Katrina recovery in St. Bernard Parish, La. "Because of this partnership, we can highly recommend Liz for this award. The grand prize is $100,000, which Liz has promised to donate to the St. Bernard Project," reported Jane Yount, coordinator for Brethren Disaster Ministries. Voting for the CNN Hero of the Year closes Nov. 20.
Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board holds first meeting.
The Mission and Ministry Board of the Church of the Brethren held its first meeting on Oct. 18-21 at the denomination's General Offices in Elgin, Ill. The Mission and Ministry Board is the board of the new Church of the Brethren, Inc., and is chaired by Edwin H. Edmonds, pastor of Moler Avenue Church of the Brethren in Martinsburg, W.Va.
Board members come from the former General Board, the former Association of Brethren Caregivers board, and the former Annual Conference Council. Ex-officio members represent Annual Conference, Bethany Theological Seminary, Brethren Benefit Trust, On Earth Peace, and the Council of District Executives.
On the agenda were financial reports and a budget for the new organization, a resolution on the "Responsibility to Protect," reports from several church programs including the Sudan Initiative, and consideration of the need for new strategic planning documents for the new organization, among other business.
The board approved the use of consensus decision making for the meetings, and sat in small groups at round tables instead of at one large board table. At times during the discussions, members engaged in "table talk" in the small groups and reported results to the whole group before moving to decision making.
The meeting began with a day of professional development for board members. The group reviewed the vision, mission, and core values statements of the prior organizations, as well as the roles of board and staff, the ministries that the board oversees including ministries of the former General Board and Association of Brethren Caregivers, stewardship responsibilities of board members, and the consensus process.
Worship began and ended the business meetings. Using a theme from Romans 12:2, "Be transformed by the renewing of your minds," board members and staff leaders expressed hopes for the new organization of the Church of the Brethren, and anticipated exciting and challenging work ahead.
In his opening sermon, chair Eddie Edmonds called for truthfulness and gentleness as the board worked together in a new structure and with a new consensus process. "Christians have to commit to a search for the truth in a spirit of gentleness. We may not all come out in the same place, but we can all be in the same mind in the Lord," he said.
Budget and finances
The Mission and Ministry Board of the Church of the Brethren held its first meeting on Oct. 18-21 at the denomination's General Offices in Elgin, Ill. The Mission and Ministry Board is the board of the new Church of the Brethren, Inc., and is chaired by Edwin H. Edmonds, pastor of Moler Avenue Church of the Brethren in Martinsburg, W.Va.
Board members come from the former General Board, the former Association of Brethren Caregivers board, and the former Annual Conference Council. Ex-officio members represent Annual Conference, Bethany Theological Seminary, Brethren Benefit Trust, On Earth Peace, and the Council of District Executives.
On the agenda were financial reports and a budget for the new organization, a resolution on the "Responsibility to Protect," reports from several church programs including the Sudan Initiative, and consideration of the need for new strategic planning documents for the new organization, among other business.
The board approved the use of consensus decision making for the meetings, and sat in small groups at round tables instead of at one large board table. At times during the discussions, members engaged in "table talk" in the small groups and reported results to the whole group before moving to decision making.
The meeting began with a day of professional development for board members. The group reviewed the vision, mission, and core values statements of the prior organizations, as well as the roles of board and staff, the ministries that the board oversees including ministries of the former General Board and Association of Brethren Caregivers, stewardship responsibilities of board members, and the consensus process.
Worship began and ended the business meetings. Using a theme from Romans 12:2, "Be transformed by the renewing of your minds," board members and staff leaders expressed hopes for the new organization of the Church of the Brethren, and anticipated exciting and challenging work ahead.
In his opening sermon, chair Eddie Edmonds called for truthfulness and gentleness as the board worked together in a new structure and with a new consensus process. "Christians have to commit to a search for the truth in a spirit of gentleness. We may not all come out in the same place, but we can all be in the same mind in the Lord," he said.
Budget and finances
The board approved by consensus a 2009 total operating budget for all Church of the Brethren ministries of $10,236,210 income, $10,391,760 expense, and an expected $155,550 deficit for next year.Resolution: Responsibility to Protect
The board's actions included a revision of the 2009 budget parameter for the Core Ministries Fund, adding the sum of $289,000 for the Caring Ministries budget to the General Board's previous budget planning. For the Church of the Brethren's core ministries, a budget parameter of $6,036,000 income and $6,176,000 expense was approved, representing an expected deficit of $140,000.
The action on the budget also represented approval of budgets for the Church of the Brethren's self-funded ministries including Brethren Disaster Ministries, Brethren Press, Global Food Crisis, Material Resources, "Messenger" magazine, and the New Windsor Conference Center.
In financial reports, the board reviewed the 2008 budgets of the General Board and the Association of Brethren Caregivers for the period through August 31. Current income and expense statements for Annual Conference were not yet available. Final year-end reports for 2008 will come to the board at its next meeting in March 2009.
After reviewing a chart showing the 10-year history of net assets for each of the funds, the board expressed concern about an increasing negative net asset for Brethren Press over the past few years and asked the general secretary to bring an action plan to its March meeting. Brethren Press is one of the board's self-funding units.
Funding director Ken Neher reported that giving to the Church of the Brethren remains strong despite the global economic crisis. Treasurer Judy Keyser reviewed concerns regarding the economy, including a volatile investment environment and spiraling increases in costs of energy, travel, food, and other expenses. Finance staff reported that they expect a drop in earnings from investments, but that the board has in place a practice of averaging income from investments over a five-year period to help protect against disastrous losses.
Keyser identified an overarching longterm financial issue for the board, that the Church of the Brethren's income is not matching its current ministry needs.
An offering was received for a capital campaign to upgrade facilities at the General Offices and the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. The contributions for the capital campaign totaled $2,083.
There was strong affirmation by the Mission and Ministry Board for a resolution on "The Responsibility to Protect," presented by Phil Jones, director of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office, and Larry Ulrich, a member of York Center Church of the Brethren in Lombard, Ill., who has been involved with an "R2P" coalition connected with the Council of Religious Leaders in Chicago.Sudan Initiative
The United Nations adopted "The Responsibility to Protect" in 2005, to address the problem of a country where the government persecutes or eliminates its own people, such as in the case of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity. Using all of its diplomatic, economic, and political resources, the UN can under this doctrine use military force as a last resort to halt atrocities.
"We do differ with the UN document on the Responsibility to Protect," said Jones. "We support it fully, except for the use of military force." The resolution was brought as a Church of the Brethren response to the action of the UN and to the global increase of catastrophic atrocities. The resolution also responds to a call from the National Council of Churches Governing Board in 2007, when that body adopted a resolution on the Responsibility to Protect and called for support from member communions.
In discussion of the resolution, board members affirmed it but also identified some concerns about the document. A small task team was asked to bring a revision that more clearly identified alternatives that the Church of the Brethren may suggest for nonviolent prevention of and response to atrocities.
The modified resolution was adopted by consensus. Go to www.brethren.org/genbd/GBResolutions/2008ResponsibilityToProtect.pdf to find the resolution online.
A report on the Sudan Initiative was given by director Brad Bohrer, who had just returned from a visit to southern Sudan. He presented plans to place Church of the Brethren staff with RECONCILE, an organization that does community building and peacemaking work in southern Sudan and was begun under the auspices of the New Sudan Council of Churches. Referring to placements of Brethren mission staff with the New Sudan Council of Churches in years past, Bohrer said, "There is a strong sense that we are coming back to walk alongside" the council again.Strategic planning
Board members responded with numerous concerns about the Sudan Initiative, and some shared critical responses to the initiative from members of their districts. Concerns focused on the perception that the initiative has lost the elements of evangelism and church planting, as well as concerns about funding and donations to the initiative. The board acted by consensus to direct the general secretary to create a communication piece to bring clarity about the Sudan Initiative for the denomination.
The group discussed strategic planning for the new organization of the Church of the Brethren, including vision, mission, and core values statements. Questions posed for the discussion included whether there is validity in the strategic planning and vision, mission, and core values documents of the prior organizations of the General Board and the Association of Brethren Caregivers, and whether staff should continue to use these documents as guiding principles for their work. After a time of "table talk" in small groups, ideas about how to move forward on strategic planning documents for the new organization were reported. The board will continue the discussion at later meetings.Other business
The board affirmed the appointments of Stan Noffsinger as general secretary and Judy Keyser as treasurer of the Church of the Brethren.Source: 10/23/2008 Newsline Extra
Another item addressed property considerations in Elgin, Ill. The Stewardship of Property report accepted by the General Board in March 2006 was reviewed, with attention to a recommendation to develop surplus acreage at the General Offices. Noffsinger asked the board to discuss and give guidance on the general question of selling or leasing 13 acres of land located behind the office buildings. He and the treasurer presented information about an opportunity to develop the land presented by Mercy Housing Lakefront, a nonprofit that develops and operates affordable, program-enriched housing for families, seniors, and people with special needs who lack the economic resources to access quality, safe housing opportunities. No action was taken, and the board asked for more information to be brought to its next meeting.
The board received a variety of reports, including a report on the summer's workcamp program; hurricane response by Brethren Disaster Ministries and Children's Disaster Services; the 300th Anniversary gathering in Schwarzenau, Germany; the general secretary's involvement in a meeting with the President of Iran; and work by staff on the issue of human trafficking.
The board also had an opportunity to sign a letter of support to the Synod of the Church of North India (CNI) and the Bishop of Gujarat State. The Church of North India and its members have been seriously affected by violence directed at Christians. The violence began in late August in the State of Orissa, where three of CNI's dioceses are located, but has begun to spread to some other areas. The board heard that it has not yet affected the area where most India Brethren live.
Donna Hillcoat begins as director of Deacon Ministry.
Donna Hillcoat has accepted a part-time position as director of Deacon Ministry in the Caring Ministries of the Church of the Brethren, effective Oct. 20.
Hillcoat has been involved in the ministries of the former Association of Brethren Caregivers as a member of the Family Life Ministry Group, and has assisted with several Caring Ministries projects including the interim Child Abuse Prevention report and publications such as a book by Fred Swartz, "Essential Servants: Reflections on the Caring Ministries of Deacons," a Wellness Study Guide, and Health Promotion Sunday materials.
Her professional and volunteer experiences have included counseling services for older adults and their caregivers, developing and leading training programs and workshops, coaching people in transition, facilitating caregiver and grief support groups, and volunteering with PADS (a program of churches offering temporary shelter for the homeless in the area of Elgin, Ill.) and a community food pantry.
She is business partner and coach for Between Us: Personal Coaching for Women, and previously was managing partner and director of Resources for Change Management Associates, Inc. Her first professional position was as assistant director of Admissions for Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa. She holds a master's degree in Community Counseling from Argosy University and a master's degree in Library Science from the University of Michigan.
Source: 10/23/2008 Newsline Extra
Donna Hillcoat has accepted a part-time position as director of Deacon Ministry in the Caring Ministries of the Church of the Brethren, effective Oct. 20.
Hillcoat has been involved in the ministries of the former Association of Brethren Caregivers as a member of the Family Life Ministry Group, and has assisted with several Caring Ministries projects including the interim Child Abuse Prevention report and publications such as a book by Fred Swartz, "Essential Servants: Reflections on the Caring Ministries of Deacons," a Wellness Study Guide, and Health Promotion Sunday materials.
Her professional and volunteer experiences have included counseling services for older adults and their caregivers, developing and leading training programs and workshops, coaching people in transition, facilitating caregiver and grief support groups, and volunteering with PADS (a program of churches offering temporary shelter for the homeless in the area of Elgin, Ill.) and a community food pantry.
She is business partner and coach for Between Us: Personal Coaching for Women, and previously was managing partner and director of Resources for Change Management Associates, Inc. Her first professional position was as assistant director of Admissions for Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa. She holds a master's degree in Community Counseling from Argosy University and a master's degree in Library Science from the University of Michigan.
Source: 10/23/2008 Newsline Extra
Steve Bob called as director of the Church of the Brethren Credit Union.
Steve Bob, who currently is serving as executive director of the Fox Valley Micro Loan Fund, has accepted the position of director of the Church of the Brethren Credit Union, beginning Nov. 3. In this role, he will serve on the Brethren Benefit Trust's senior management team.
Bob's responsibilities will include oversight of the credit union's daily operations and development of several new services, including online banking and bill pay.
Since February 2007, he has been responsible for directing the Fox Valley Micro Loan Fund in providing microloans of up to $50,000 to businesses that are unable to access traditional sources of loans. From 2001-07, he served as director of World Relief's Micro Enterprise program in Nashville, Tenn. In that role he was responsible for a loan fund that made 70 loans worth $650,000; he also supervised an Individual Development Account program that served 400 clients with a net community impact of $6 million in assets purchased. From 1996-2001, he was finance manager for The Enterprise Center in Philadelphia.
Bob is a graduate of North Park University, Chicago, Ill. He holds a master's of Business Administration in economic development from Eastern University, St. Davids, Pa. He was born and raised in Quito, Ecuador, to missionary parents, and is a member of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Elgin.
Source: 10/23/2008 Newsline Extra
Steve Bob, who currently is serving as executive director of the Fox Valley Micro Loan Fund, has accepted the position of director of the Church of the Brethren Credit Union, beginning Nov. 3. In this role, he will serve on the Brethren Benefit Trust's senior management team.
Bob's responsibilities will include oversight of the credit union's daily operations and development of several new services, including online banking and bill pay.
Since February 2007, he has been responsible for directing the Fox Valley Micro Loan Fund in providing microloans of up to $50,000 to businesses that are unable to access traditional sources of loans. From 2001-07, he served as director of World Relief's Micro Enterprise program in Nashville, Tenn. In that role he was responsible for a loan fund that made 70 loans worth $650,000; he also supervised an Individual Development Account program that served 400 clients with a net community impact of $6 million in assets purchased. From 1996-2001, he was finance manager for The Enterprise Center in Philadelphia.
Bob is a graduate of North Park University, Chicago, Ill. He holds a master's of Business Administration in economic development from Eastern University, St. Davids, Pa. He was born and raised in Quito, Ecuador, to missionary parents, and is a member of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Elgin.
Source: 10/23/2008 Newsline Extra
Patrice Nightingale begins as director of communications for BBT.
Patrice Nightingale has begun as director of communications for Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT), as of Oct. 20. In this role, she will provide oversight of communications, marketing, promotional, and operational initiatives that undergird BBT's ministries. She will work at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill.
This is a promotion for Nightingale, who was originally hired by BBT on May 5 of this year as manager of publications, and on Sept. 15 was named interim director of communications. She has worked in the publications field in various capacities since 1973. She is a graduate of Manchester College in North Manchester, Ind., and holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology. She is a member of Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin.
Source: 10/23/2008 Newsline Extra
Patrice Nightingale has begun as director of communications for Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT), as of Oct. 20. In this role, she will provide oversight of communications, marketing, promotional, and operational initiatives that undergird BBT's ministries. She will work at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill.
This is a promotion for Nightingale, who was originally hired by BBT on May 5 of this year as manager of publications, and on Sept. 15 was named interim director of communications. She has worked in the publications field in various capacities since 1973. She is a graduate of Manchester College in North Manchester, Ind., and holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology. She is a member of Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin.
Source: 10/23/2008 Newsline Extra
Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren, cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260. Carol Bowman, John Braun, Kathleen Campanella, Ruben D. Deoleo, Jan Eller, Ed Groff, Jeri S. Kornegay, Karin Krog, Patrice Nightingale, Marcia Shetler, and John Wall contributed to this report.
Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren, cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260. Carol Bowman, John Braun, Kathleen Campanella, Ruben D. Deoleo, Jan Eller, Ed Groff, Jeri S. Kornegay, Karin Krog, Patrice Nightingale, Marcia Shetler, and John Wall contributed to this report.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
- Committee places increased emphasis on interfaith relations.
- Reconciliation meetings are held in the Dominican Republic.
- Brethren Disaster Relief Auction raises $425,000.
- Brethren bits: Remembrance, personnel, giving to the denomination, more.
Committee places increased emphasis on interfaith relations.
The Church of the Brethren’s Committee on Interchurch Relations (CIR) met in Elgin, Ill., on Sept. 4-6. Increased emphasis on interfaith understanding and relations was a frequent topic of discussion throughout the meetings.
In addition to a list of ongoing priorities, three areas were lifted up as current CIR priorities. One of these is to encourage the Church of the Brethren to think about and act on Christ’s call for in a time when people of various world religions are increasingly in contact and experiencing conflict or opportunities for friendship and community. Other priorities are to promote and celebrate participation in the Decade to Overcome Violence through 2011, and to confer with the Church of the Brethren delegates to the National Council of Churches (NCC) and World Council of Churches (WCC) for mutual support and to help promote implementation of larger church initiatives as appropriate in congregations.
The committee reviewed its new roles in the new denominational structure that began Sept. 1. Stan Noffsinger, general secretary of Church of the Brethren, shared that the CIR functions as a vision casting body for his ecumenical responsibilities. The CIR’s mission statement was reviewed and affirmed as follows: "The CIR will help the Church of the Brethren pursue, promote, and celebrate respectful conversations, loving relationships, and shared ministries with other communities of faith to create an ever-widening circle of the Gospel of Peace."
Other items of business included reviewing the committee’s practice of sending Church of the Brethren representatives to the annual meetings of the six other Brethren bodies who share common roots, and fostering new and existing relationships with other denominations who have expressed interest. The group also reviewed 2008 Annual Conference activities and planning for the 2009 Annual Conference.
Ex-officio member Jerry Cain, president of Judson University in Elgin, hosted the committee for dinner, where conversation continued on ways to promote involvement of the Church of the Brethren with the American Baptist Churches USA. Dialogue between the two denominations to "discuss matters of mutual information and understanding" dates back to a Church of the Brethren General Council request in 1960.
Noffsinger reported on his past and upcoming ecumenical activities, which include the work of Christian Churches Together, the NCC, the WCC, and a 2009 conference of the Historic Peace Churches. He shared how the efforts of the Historic Peace Churches in the US have made a positive influence throughout the world in helping others to solidify their identity as peace churches.
Members of the committee are Melissa Bennett of Northern Indiana District, Jim Eikenberry of Pacific Southwest District, Rene Quintanilla of Pacific Southwest District, Paul Roth of Shenandoah District, Carolyn Schrock (chair) of Missouri and Arkansas District, and Melissa Troyer of Northern Indiana District. Visit www.brethren.org/genbd/CIR/index.htm for more information.
--Melissa Troyer is a member of the Committee on Interchurch Relations from Middlebury, Ind.
Source: 10/8/2008 Newsline
The Church of the Brethren’s Committee on Interchurch Relations (CIR) met in Elgin, Ill., on Sept. 4-6. Increased emphasis on interfaith understanding and relations was a frequent topic of discussion throughout the meetings.
In addition to a list of ongoing priorities, three areas were lifted up as current CIR priorities. One of these is to encourage the Church of the Brethren to think about and act on Christ’s call for in a time when people of various world religions are increasingly in contact and experiencing conflict or opportunities for friendship and community. Other priorities are to promote and celebrate participation in the Decade to Overcome Violence through 2011, and to confer with the Church of the Brethren delegates to the National Council of Churches (NCC) and World Council of Churches (WCC) for mutual support and to help promote implementation of larger church initiatives as appropriate in congregations.
The committee reviewed its new roles in the new denominational structure that began Sept. 1. Stan Noffsinger, general secretary of Church of the Brethren, shared that the CIR functions as a vision casting body for his ecumenical responsibilities. The CIR’s mission statement was reviewed and affirmed as follows: "The CIR will help the Church of the Brethren pursue, promote, and celebrate respectful conversations, loving relationships, and shared ministries with other communities of faith to create an ever-widening circle of the Gospel of Peace."
Other items of business included reviewing the committee’s practice of sending Church of the Brethren representatives to the annual meetings of the six other Brethren bodies who share common roots, and fostering new and existing relationships with other denominations who have expressed interest. The group also reviewed 2008 Annual Conference activities and planning for the 2009 Annual Conference.
Ex-officio member Jerry Cain, president of Judson University in Elgin, hosted the committee for dinner, where conversation continued on ways to promote involvement of the Church of the Brethren with the American Baptist Churches USA. Dialogue between the two denominations to "discuss matters of mutual information and understanding" dates back to a Church of the Brethren General Council request in 1960.
Noffsinger reported on his past and upcoming ecumenical activities, which include the work of Christian Churches Together, the NCC, the WCC, and a 2009 conference of the Historic Peace Churches. He shared how the efforts of the Historic Peace Churches in the US have made a positive influence throughout the world in helping others to solidify their identity as peace churches.
Members of the committee are Melissa Bennett of Northern Indiana District, Jim Eikenberry of Pacific Southwest District, Rene Quintanilla of Pacific Southwest District, Paul Roth of Shenandoah District, Carolyn Schrock (chair) of Missouri and Arkansas District, and Melissa Troyer of Northern Indiana District. Visit www.brethren.org/genbd/CIR/index.htm for more information.
--Melissa Troyer is a member of the Committee on Interchurch Relations from Middlebury, Ind.
Source: 10/8/2008 Newsline
Reconciliation meetings are held in the Dominican Republic.
A delegation of Church of the Brethren ministers has traveled from the United States to the Dominican Republic to help with reconciliation meetings. The delegation went to the DR as representatives of the American church, for the purpose of assisting efforts of reconciliation within the Dominican Brethren church, according to a report from Church of the Brethren mission staff Irv and Nancy Heishman. The meetings took place Sept. 19-23.
Delegation members were Earl Ziegler of the Brethren World Mission committee, an ordained minister and a former Annual Conference moderator; Daniel D’Oleo, pastor of Maranatha Church of the Brethren in Lancaster, Pa.; and Guillermo Encarnación, former director of Theological Education and a longtime leader in the life of the Dominican Church of the Brethren.
The Church of the Brethren in the DR has been through a leadership crisis in the last couple of years, according to reports from mission staff. "Accomplishments of the delegation’s visit included progress toward better communication within the DR church and greater understanding on the part of the delegation of the challenges faced by the new leadership," said the Heishmans.
"Prayers are welcomed for the ongoing efforts," the Heishmans added. As the Church of the Brethren mission coordinators in the DR, their responsibilities include assisting Dominican Brethren leaders in their work.
Source: 10/8/2008 Newsline
A delegation of Church of the Brethren ministers has traveled from the United States to the Dominican Republic to help with reconciliation meetings. The delegation went to the DR as representatives of the American church, for the purpose of assisting efforts of reconciliation within the Dominican Brethren church, according to a report from Church of the Brethren mission staff Irv and Nancy Heishman. The meetings took place Sept. 19-23.
Delegation members were Earl Ziegler of the Brethren World Mission committee, an ordained minister and a former Annual Conference moderator; Daniel D’Oleo, pastor of Maranatha Church of the Brethren in Lancaster, Pa.; and Guillermo Encarnación, former director of Theological Education and a longtime leader in the life of the Dominican Church of the Brethren.
The Church of the Brethren in the DR has been through a leadership crisis in the last couple of years, according to reports from mission staff. "Accomplishments of the delegation’s visit included progress toward better communication within the DR church and greater understanding on the part of the delegation of the challenges faced by the new leadership," said the Heishmans.
"Prayers are welcomed for the ongoing efforts," the Heishmans added. As the Church of the Brethren mission coordinators in the DR, their responsibilities include assisting Dominican Brethren leaders in their work.
Source: 10/8/2008 Newsline
Brethren Disaster Relief Auction raises $425,000.
The annual Brethren Disaster Relief Auction in Lebanon, Pa., ended Saturday evening with more than $425,000 added to coffers to aid victims of natural and man-made disasters in the US and abroad, according to a release from Duane Ness, chairman, and Jay M. Witman, co-founder of the Executive Board of the auction. The auction is a joint effort of the Church of the Brethren’s Atlantic Northeast District and Southern Pennsylvania District.
The 32nd annual Brethren Disaster Relief Auction was held at the Lebanon Expo and Fairgrounds on Friday and Saturday. One of the nation’s largest relief auctions, it is run entirely by volunteers and attracts approximately 7,000 people.
A lamb named "Midnight" was donated by students of New Covenant Christian School in Lebanon, who pooled their money to buy the animal. It brought $1,075.
The Woodland Butterfly quilt donated by Nancy Erwin and Joanne Hess and quilted by the Atlantic Northeast District women sold for $8,000 and was gifted back to the auction. It sold for a second time for $2,000. A Golden Needles quilt was sold three times netting $2,950. Quilts brought a total of $43,755.
An original painting "Grace and Forgiveness" by Elsie Beiler commemorating the West Nickel Mines Amish school tragedy of two years ago brought $8,300. Olen Landes also donated a child’s youth spring wooden wagon which brought $7,500.
Among the other items that were sold were 60 head of heifers, which brought $102,667. Donated theme baskets brought a total of $13,750. A 1999 Buick brought $3,000, and a maple tree sold for $1,300. Baked goods, cakes, and pies brought $17,000, and the Farmers Market items brought $15,000. Food sales totaled $36,000. The general auction brought $32,474.
In addition, a check for $12,900 was presented at the auction from the Mechanics Grove Golf Tournament.
During the event, 12,000 individual kits were assembled consisting of school supplies to be distributed to school children throughout the world.
A follow up event, an afternoon of favorite hymns, will be held at the Sight & Sound Millennium Theatre in Strasburg, Pa., on Sunday, Oct. 19, at 2:45 p.m. The hymn sing will provide additional funds for Brethren disaster relief.
--This report comes from a Brethren Disaster Relief Auction press release. Go to www.brethrenauction.org for more information.
Source: 10/8/2008 Newsline
The annual Brethren Disaster Relief Auction in Lebanon, Pa., ended Saturday evening with more than $425,000 added to coffers to aid victims of natural and man-made disasters in the US and abroad, according to a release from Duane Ness, chairman, and Jay M. Witman, co-founder of the Executive Board of the auction. The auction is a joint effort of the Church of the Brethren’s Atlantic Northeast District and Southern Pennsylvania District.
The 32nd annual Brethren Disaster Relief Auction was held at the Lebanon Expo and Fairgrounds on Friday and Saturday. One of the nation’s largest relief auctions, it is run entirely by volunteers and attracts approximately 7,000 people.
A lamb named "Midnight" was donated by students of New Covenant Christian School in Lebanon, who pooled their money to buy the animal. It brought $1,075.
The Woodland Butterfly quilt donated by Nancy Erwin and Joanne Hess and quilted by the Atlantic Northeast District women sold for $8,000 and was gifted back to the auction. It sold for a second time for $2,000. A Golden Needles quilt was sold three times netting $2,950. Quilts brought a total of $43,755.
An original painting "Grace and Forgiveness" by Elsie Beiler commemorating the West Nickel Mines Amish school tragedy of two years ago brought $8,300. Olen Landes also donated a child’s youth spring wooden wagon which brought $7,500.
Among the other items that were sold were 60 head of heifers, which brought $102,667. Donated theme baskets brought a total of $13,750. A 1999 Buick brought $3,000, and a maple tree sold for $1,300. Baked goods, cakes, and pies brought $17,000, and the Farmers Market items brought $15,000. Food sales totaled $36,000. The general auction brought $32,474.
In addition, a check for $12,900 was presented at the auction from the Mechanics Grove Golf Tournament.
During the event, 12,000 individual kits were assembled consisting of school supplies to be distributed to school children throughout the world.
A follow up event, an afternoon of favorite hymns, will be held at the Sight & Sound Millennium Theatre in Strasburg, Pa., on Sunday, Oct. 19, at 2:45 p.m. The hymn sing will provide additional funds for Brethren disaster relief.
--This report comes from a Brethren Disaster Relief Auction press release. Go to www.brethrenauction.org for more information.
Source: 10/8/2008 Newsline
Brethren bits: Remembrance, personnel, giving to the denomination, more.
- John Troutman Fike, 95, passed away on Sept. 23 in Sebring, Fla. Over a long career he had held several positions of leadership in Church of the Brethren institutions, including as treasurer and then as vice president of Financial Affairs at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa., beginning in 1952 through 1972. From 1973-78 he was business manager for the Florida Brethren Homes, a retirement center now known as the Palms of Sebring. He and his wife, June, were Brethren Volunteer Service mission workers in Nigeria from 1979-81. Other denominational service included a period as superintendent of Buildings and Grounds at Bridgewater (Va.) College 1949-52, and numerous volunteer positions including terms on the Church of the Brethren General Board and on the Standing Committee of Annual Conference, president of the board of the Palms, and treasurer for Atlantic Southeast District. He also managed family businesses including Tire Retreading Co. in Somerset, Pa., and a computerized accounting service for small businesses in Lakeland, Fla. While in Huntingdon, he served on the Borough Council, the board of directors of the Union National Bank, and as director of the first board of Huntingdon Business and Industry Council. He was born in Somerset, Pa., on April 26, 1913. He earned a degree in business administration from Juniata College. In 1937 he married June Elizabeth Hoover in Waynesboro, Pa. He and his wife both held private pilot licenses and enjoyed flying. They were active members of Sebring Church of the Brethren. June Fike preceded her husband in death on March 9 of this year. He is survived by his son John Greyson Fike and daughter Nancy F. Knepper, three grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. A memorial service was held Sept. 26 at Sebring Church of the Brethren, and another is planned for Oct. 31 at Waynesboro (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. Memorial contributions are being received by the Palms Foundation and Sebring Church of the Brethren.
- Emma Moses has completed her service at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., effective Sept. 23. She has worked in Food Services at the center for almost 30 years, beginning in the fall of 1978. Her work has included service throughout the kitchen, in the dish room, in food preparation and banquet services, and most recently as a kitchen aide.
- Debbie Mullins, administrative secretary for the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, has submitted her resignation. The Brethren Academy is a joint program of the Church of the Brethren and Bethany Theological Seminary. Mullins has worked at the Bethany Seminary campus in Richmond, Ind., for six years. Her last day on campus will be Oct. 10. A reception in her honor will take place on Oct. 9, at 3 p.m. in the President’s Conference Room.
- Kathy Maxwell, assistant to the director of operations of Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT), has submitted her letter of resignation. She began work for BBT on April 1 this year. Maxwell has taken a position with Provena St. Joseph Hospital in Elgin, Ill.
- Camp Bethel, the outdoor ministry of Virlina District located in Fincastle, Va., is accepting applications for a fulltime assistant director and a fulltime food services director. Go to www.campbethelvirginia.org/jobs.htm for application forms, position descriptions, and more information about each position.
- How do I write my check to denominational ministries? Funding staff report this is a question they are hearing as a result of the Annual Conference action combining the General Board, the Association of Brethren Caregivers (ABC), and some Annual Conference administration into a new organization named "Church of the Brethren." "This action did not eliminate or end any ministries. All the work continues just as before," said Ken Neher, director of stewardship and donor development for the Church of the Brethren. The preferred method of support from congregations is still the check, but made out to Church of the Brethren and mailed to 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120, or by electronic deposit. Individuals can give by check or credit card, or go to www.brethren.org for online giving. A note in the memo line of a check will direct the donation to Core Ministries (which now supports the work of the Caring Ministries, formerly ABC, as well as ministries of the former General Board), the Emergency Disaster Fund, the Global Food Crisis Fund, or the Emerging Global Mission Fund. Donations received unmarked will be directed to the Core Ministries fund that supports a variety of basic denominational ministries including Congregational Life, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Caring Ministries, Stewardship and Donor Development, the Ministry Office, Global Mission Partnerships, Brethren Witness/Washington Office, Brethren Volunteer Service, Communications, Brethren Historical Library and Archives, the Finance Office, and Information Services. "The core ministries are the heart of Church of the Brethren service and outreach, and the firm base that gives support and security to vital work of our community expression of God's love," Neher said. "Please continue to give of your time and treasure as we seek to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world." For more information call 800-323-8039 ext. 271.
- Church of the Brethren mission staff are alerting church members to what may be a scam e-mail purporting to be from Musa Mambula, a leader in Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). Anyone who receives such an e-mail is requested not to respond to it. Global Mission Partnerships staff are attempting to verify the e-mail and will respond accordingly. For more information contact R. Jan Thompson at rjthompson_gb@brethren.org or 800-323-8039.
- Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., has announced Nov. 7 as its Fall Campus Visit Day for prospective students and their families. Prospective students will spend the day with students and faculty, worship with the Bethany community, tour campus, and observe classes. Visit www.bethanyseminary.edu/visit to register or contact Marcia Shetler, director of Public Relations, at 765-983-1823.
- The US Congress has renewed an IRA gift opportunity, according to an announcement from Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT). For those who qualify, a popular charitable gift alternative that was available in 2006 and 2007 but allowed to expire, has been extended for 2008 and 2009. Embedded in the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 was reauthorization of the charitable IRA rollover. Traditional IRA or Roth IRA owners age 70 1/2 and older are permitted to make distributions to qualified organizations of up to $100,000 per year. No charitable deductions are allowed, but gift amounts will not be included in the donors' incomes. Contact IRA trustees or custodians to make a 2008 gift from an IRA. Transfers for 2008 must be completed by Dec. 31. Distribution checks should be issued in the name of a qualified charity, not to the account owner, with notification to the charity. For more information go to www.bbtfoundation.org and click on the link "Charitable IRA Rollover Resources." Questions may be directed to Steve Mason, Director of the Brethren Foundation, at SMason_bbt@brethren.org or 888-311-6530.
- A joint Fall Harvest event is planned for Oct. 12, from 1-4 p.m., by the Harvest of Hope committee of Hammond Avenue Brethren Church in Waterloo, Iowa; South Waterloo Church of the Brethren; First United Methodist Church of Cedar Falls, Iowa; Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Waterloo; and Zion Lutheran and St. Timothy Lutheran Churches. The event celebrates this year’s harvest from the congregations’ growing project for the Foods Resource Bank. The project is growing some 17 acres of corn and 17 acres of soybeans on five different farms, with an additional farm raising market beef. The crop will be harvested and sold, and proceeds given to the Foods Resource Bank to help an international area in need. Over the past three years, this growing project has donated $52,920 to the Foods Resource Bank. Coordinated by Marlin Hershey, Harvest of Hope is one of 24 growing projects supported by Church of the Brethren congregations this season.
- Upcoming district conferences include the Atlantic Northeast District Conference on Oct. 10-11 with guest speakers including 2008 Annual Conference moderator James Beckwith; and Atlantic Southeast District Conference on Oct. 10-11 at Camp Ithiel in Gotha, Fla., led by moderator Wayne Sutton.
- Northern Ohio District is holding a Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) 60th Anniversary Celebration on Nov. 1 at County Line Church of the Brethren in Harrod, Ohio. The event begins with an Opening Celebration at 2 p.m. led by Leslie Lake, followed at 2:30 p.m. by a "Mingle and Share" time for former volunteers to bring pictures and stories of their time in BVS. A dinner follows at 5:30 p.m., cost is $5. The evening closes with a 7 p.m. Worship Celebration Concert. The celebration is not limited to BVS volunteers and former volunteers, and family and friends are invited. RSVP to Billi Janet Burkey by Oct. 24 at billijanet@aol.com or 330-418-1148 or send a response by mail to 7980 Hebron Ave. NE, Louisville, OH 44641.
- Bridgewater (Va.) College's campaign to raise $40 million for academic and capital improvements has to date raised $31.7 million, 79.3 percent of the goal, according to a release from the college. "Every Student, One Commitment Campaign for Bridgewater College" launched a year ago, seeks to raise money to support endowed scholarships, academic enhancement, facilities improvements, laboratories, equipment and information technology, and the Bridgewater Fund. "It's important for donors to the campaign to know that Bridgewater College students are the ultimate beneficiaries," said president Phillip C. Stone.
- Two Church of the Brethren members are among six new members of the Juniata College board of trustees. Christy Dowdy, co-pastor of Stone Church of the Brethren in Huntingdon, Pa., is a new church trustee on the board. David Beachley is an active member of Hagerstown (Md.) Church of the Brethren and is president of Beachley Furniture Company Inc. The other new trustees are Eugene Baten, associate professor in the Department of Management and Organizations at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, Conn.; Fred Mason, director of product source planning for Caterpillar Inc. and managing director for Caterpillar in Luxembourg; James Pirrello, CEO and president of Vision Homes USA of Fort Myers, Fla., and chief financial officer of Michael Sivage Homes and Communities operating in Texas and New Mexico; and Frank L. Pote III, a foreign language program manager for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who is serving as an alumni trustee.
- Two anti-nuclear events are being held at Manchester College in North Manchester, Ind., in October: a survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bomb will speak and the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Exhibition will open for a month-long display. On Oct. 10, Sachiko Masuoka of Chicago will tell of wandering the streets of Hiroshima, searching for family following the Aug. 6, 1945, bombing. The public is invited to Masuoka's talk, from noon to 2 p.m. in the Lahman Room in the College Union. The Hiroshima-Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Exhibition will be open Oct. 27-Dec. 1 in Link Gallery of Wine Recital Hall. Visitors will fold origami cranes for display at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. The speakers and exhibit come to Manchester College through the efforts of senior peace studies major Mary Cox of Kokomo, Ind.
- The Village at Morrison’s Cove, a Church of the Brethren retirement center, holds its Good Samaritan Dinner on Oct. 18 at 5:30 p.m. at the Casino in Altoona, Pa. This year marks the 29th anniversary of the founding of the event. The program will be a musical written by Frank Ramirez and Steve Engle, "The Three Visions of Israel Poulson, Sr.," celebrating the 300th Anniversary of the Church of the Brethren by recalling events from a pastor’s life in Amwell, N.J., in the 19th century. The dinner raises funds for residents who have outlived their resources. Tickets are $100 donation, call 814-793-5207.
- The Brethren Revival Fellowship (BRF) has announced new and returning members of the BRF Committee, in its recent newsletter. The appointments were made at the BRF General Meeting during the Brethren Alive gathering at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College in July. Wilmer R. Horst of Falling Spring, Hades Church of the Brethren near Shady Grove, Pa., was confirmed as a new committee member. John A. Shelly Jr. of Shanks Church of the Brethren in Greencastle, Pa., and Craig Alan Myers of Blue River Church of the Brethren in Columbia City, Ind., were affirmed to continue on the committee. Other committee members are Carl L. Brubaker, J. Eric Brubaker, Kenneth G. Leininger, Mervin C. Groff, Walter K. Heisey, Jordan P. Keller, Paul E. Schildt, and David. R. Wenger. BRF staff persons are Harold S. Martin and James F. Myer.
- The World Council of Churches (WCC) Executive Committee met in Germany on Sept. 23-26. The committee extended the contract of WCC general secretary Samuel Kobia, through the time when a new general secretary takes office, according to a press release. A new general secretary is to be elected in Sept. 2009 at Central Committee meetings. In other business, the committee reviewed programs and budget, and approved various public statements and reports. A statement on religious violence and intolerance in India expressed concern about violence and religious intolerance particularly in the State of Orissa. Christians, who are a minority in Orissa, have experienced a series of attacks in the form of looting and destruction of churches and church-run institutions. Reports are that 50,000 Christians have been displaced, some taking refuge in forests and living in relief camps. The statement urged the government of India to meet its constitutional obligations and said the violence is "an assault on the Constitution of India." It also urged the government to "take steps to prevent violence, and harassments against the Christian minorities in Orissa and other parts of the country."
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