Nigeria workcamp is announced for 2009.
A special call has been issued for skilled carpenters and plumbers for the 2009 annual Nigeria workcamp, jointly sponsored by the Global Mission Partnerships of the Church of the Brethren General Board, Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), and Mission 21 (formerly Basel Mission).
Those willing to do general manual labor are also welcome for event scheduled for Feb. 8-March 8, 2009. Workcamp leader will be Dave Whitten, Nigeria mission coordinator for the Church of the Brethren.
At EYN Headquarters, the group will help construct a teacher’s house for the Comprehensive Secondary School and complete the HIV/AIDS office building started in 2008. On the work project, American and European participants will work together with Nigerian Christians. Workcampers also will have opportunities to worship in EYN churches and be hosted in the homes of church members.
Former workcamper Kathleen D. Brinkmeier, pastor of First Church of the Brethren in Rockford, Ill., encourages participation from personal experience: "Before going on my first journey I had believed that workcamp missions were for the young and energetic believers, but I found that age and energy are not directly related. Our workcamp was diversified in age and in country of origin, and every participant was encouraged to use their individual gifts--and we did that and worked as a huge team. I urge anyone that has ever felt God tug at the strings of your heart and whisper, ‘Go into all the world, making disciples,’ to take this opportunity and walk in faith."
Approximate cost of $2,200 includes round-trip travel from the closest airport in the continental US, and living expenses while in Nigeria. Participants must be of age 18 or older. Those age 14-17 may participate if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who is participating in the workcamp.
For information and an application go to or contact Justin Barrett at the Global Mission Partnerships Office, 800-323-8039 ext. 230. The deadline for applications is Oct. 10.
--Janis Pyle is coordinator of mission connections for the Church of the Brethren’s Global Mission Partnerships.
Source: 6/18/2008 Newsline
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