Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cease and Desist

Unless someone asks for it's return, this (unofficial and unaffiliated, if you were wondering) site will no longer be a source for Church of the Brethren news. Apparently Newsline stories may not simply be reprinted even when Newsline is cited as the source.
Someone at really wished that this (Newsline blog) site shut down operations. Although this site does not claim to be an official Church of the Brethren website apparently that was confusing (although there are a multitude of sites that also make no claim of being official Church of the Brethren sites). The claim is that nothing is gained by copying in its entirety each Newsline; fair enough. But is it simply confusing to readers?
They asked us to "Please stop, for the sake of users." Users have always had and will continue to have access to the additional material available at (while that site allows it). This site never restricted any access to and kept Newsline links intact (although, in some instances broken links were corrected).

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