Saturday, February 01, 2014

Malinda Berry to conclude tenure at Bethany Seminary

Malinda BerryMalinda Berry, assistant professor of theological studies and director of the MA program at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., has announced that she is taking the position of assistant professor of theology and ethics at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Ind., effective July 1.

As an active presence in Mennonite Church USA and a graduate of AMBS, Berry has an opportunity to contribute to her home denomination in this new position.

Berry began her tenure at Bethany in the fall of 2009, teaching a range of courses in theology and guiding MA students in research and the writing of theses. Bethany Seminary president Jeff Carter acknowledged her accomplishments during her time at the seminary, including establishing a distance learning Connections track for the MA program and giving leadership to the strengthening of the MA curriculum during the seminary’s recent curriculum review.

-- Jenny Willliams is director of Communications and Alumni/ae Relations at Bethany Seminary.

Source: 2/1/2014 Newsline

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