Bethany Seminary Board of Trustees met Oct. 26-28 on the seminary’s
Richmond, Ind., campus for its biannual meeting. Board chair Lynn Myers,
whose term began July 1, presided. Four new trustees were seated: Paul
Brubaker of Ephrata, Pa., representing clergy; Christina Bucher of
Elizabethtown, Pa., at large; Celia Cook-Huffman of Huntingdon, Pa.,
representing the Brethren colleges; and David W. Miller of Glenville,
Pa., representing clergy.
Board actions
Two motions related to instruction were brought to the board for
action. As part of a two-year comprehensive curriculum review, the
faculty have identified the need for more coursework in history and have
chosen to offer more concentrated study in Brethren theological
heritage. These evaluations are in keeping with the seminary’s strategic
plan priorities to prepare graduates for a variety of ministry settings
in a multi-faith society and to encourage dialogue among diverse
theological perspectives. The strategic plan also calls for developing
curriculum around the missional church, evangelism, and conflict
To meet these goals, the board gave approval to expand the Brethren
studies position to full time and to create a half-time position in
reconciliation studies, both to begin on or before July 1, 2013. Both
positions will be supported by the current Reimagining Ministries
The second such motion approved by the board was development of a
faculty associates program. Persons selected for the program would serve
Bethany and the church by preaching, leading educational sessions,
potentially teaching graduate courses, and/or increasing awareness of
Bethany’s educational services across the denomination. This program
would meet goals of both the strategic plan and the Reimagining
Ministries campaign.
With the Institute for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults now in
its thirteenth year, a recommendation to create a task force for
evaluating the program was brought to, and approved by, the board. The
task force will address the future of the coordinator of outreach
programs position, the relationship between the Bethany board and the
Institute’s advisory board, and ways to promote and expand the work of
the Institute.
The board also heard a review of the current compensation policy and
approved a task team to develop a revised policy. Other items receiving
approval were the review of the Board Policy Manual, tuition and fees, a
housing allowance for clergy faculty, and maintaining the current
endowment draw policy with the stipulation that a timeline for board
review be set.
Major initiatives
Reports were given on Bethany’s conversation with other
denominational institutions regarding partnership ventures. To encourage
ministerial leadership within the church and the personal exploration
of calls to ministry, Manassas (Va.) Church of the Brethren has proposed
the creation of teaching parishes. Post-college interns would be
employed full-time and housed by a congregation for 18 months, being
mentored by the congregation, taking seminary-level courses, and
engaging in personal reflection and spiritual discernment. This
structure is modeled after the Vocation CARE program from the Fund for
Theological Education, which offers support for such ventures.
Other conversations have begun between Bethany and the
Brethren-related colleges. In addition to more classes of the Brethren
Academy for Ministerial Leadership now being offered on college
campuses, the possibility of establishing a five-year combined
bachelor’s and master’s degree program has been discussed with two of
the colleges.
The ever-expanding world of online education also has led to
exploratory talks about coordinating distance learning among all the
campuses. While offering common courses online to students at all
schools could increase educational options, enrollment, and
cost-effectiveness, moving toward a strategic plan for this initiative
would require much research and collaboration on the desirability,
goals, expenses, and logistics of the program.
The Presidential Search Committee reported progress in conversations
with nominees and interview scheduling. The position has been advertised
to relevant ecumenical institutions.
Staff are completing an updated institutional student profile,
identifying demographics of the student body and the nature of the
residential and distance-learning degree tracks. The tracks now have
nearly identical requirements as technology and program flexibility have
led to a majority of students enrolling in the Connections programs.
While the quality and viability of a Bethany education relies on
residential enrollment, efforts continue to strengthen personal
relationships and generate common experience among the dispersed student
Department reports
Lowell Flory, executive director of Institutional Advancement,
reported that total giving to Bethany during the fiscal year ending June
30 was $1,506,963, slightly above the average of the last five years.
Annual giving was $818,840, the highest since 2006. Staff are pleased
that the Reimagining Ministries campaign is slightly above target at
just over $4 million, approximately halfway through the campaign period.
Encouraging alumni and friends of Bethany to attend campaign meetings
around the country is an ongoing effort.
Steve Schweitzer, academic dean, shared that the Association of
Theological Schools, the accrediting agency for theological schools, has
revised its degree program standards. Major implications include the
need to prepare for separate assessment processes for ATS and the Higher
Learning Commission, a regional agency that accredits post-secondary
educational institutions; these processes have historically occurred
simultaneously. ATS-accredited schools also now are required to post
statements of educational effectiveness on their websites, showing
positive indicators of student learning. Bethany has completed this
The curriculum review is on schedule to be completed by the spring
2013 board meeting and implemented in the fall 2013. The faculty
anticipate that the new curriculum will allow greater flexibility in
teaching and learning and provide students with opportunities to both
broaden and deepen their educational experience.
Brenda Reish, executive director of Student and Business Services,
reported on several physical plant issues. Since Bethany’s acquisition
of Mullen House across the street from the Bethany Center, plans for
offices on the lower floor and rental housing on the second floor have
proceeded. Zoning approval is in process, and construction bids are
being sought. Plans for improving audio/visual capabilities in Nicarry
Chapel are also underway.
To commemorate her promotion to full professor of Ministry Formation,
Tara Hornbacker gave her professorial address on Saturday evening, Oct.
27. Entitled “Incarnational Education and Improvisational Evangelism,”
it explored theatrical improvisation as a method for evangelism that is
appropriate for a pluralistic society and coherent with the
Anabaptist-Pietist understanding of incarnational love. Drawing on her
theatrical background, Hornbacker led the audience through
improvisational exercises, encounters with biblical texts, and fresh
expressions of the gospel story.
-- Jenny Williams is Bethany’s director of Communications and Alumni/ae Relations.
Source: 11/15/2012 Newsline