Thursday, July 07, 2011

Ministry of Reconciliation offers post-Conference version of insight session.

It is not too late to participate in the "What Have We Learned from the Special Response Process" insight session offered by On Earth Peace and the Ministry of Reconciliation.

Because the extra business session called for Tuesday night at 9 p.m. affected attendance for the insight session, MoR program coordinator Leslie Frye is offering a post-Annual Conference version. The purpose will be to give participants an opportunity to share what they would like to carry forward and what they would like to leave behind from the Special Response process church has been engaged in for the past two years.

All are invited to share their reflections on the process (not the outcome, just the process) on a form that is available from Frye, and return it in the next few weeks. Results will be compiled and shared.

Contact Leslie Frye, program coordinator, On Earth Peace Ministry of Reconciliation,, 620-755-3940.

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