Thursday, July 16, 2009

Conference calls prepare International Day of Prayer for Peace.

On Earth Peace is calling on churches and organizations to join its annual campaign to participate in the International Day of Prayer for Peace (IDOPP) on Sept. 21. The commemoration is an initiative of the World Council of Churches. This year, a special emphasis of the campaign is how the recession is affecting local communities.

Conference call training sessions for congregations and individuals interested in carrying out "Listening Initiatives" in their local communities as part the campaign are offered on July 20 and 28 at 12-2 p.m. Eastern time. The sessions will be facilitated by David Jehnsen, chair of the board of Every Church a Peace Church, and founder of the Institute for Human Rights and Responsibilities. Jehnsen will be basing the training on a process of community organizing originally used by Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights movement.

In addition to Listening Initiatives, churches and other groups may participate in the campaign through an observance or a vigil, depending on each group's interest and experience with peace and social justice issues. So far, about 60 congregations and groups have registered. Visit To participate in a call, contact

Source: 7/16/2009 Newsline

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