Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Curriculum survey responses urged.

An important curriculum survey was mailed last week to all Church of the Brethren congregations. The survey from Brethren Press seeks information that will help the publishing house better understand the needs and interests of congregations in the area of Christian education.

A parallel survey also has been distributed within Mennonite congregations in the US and Canada. The results of both surveys will be studied at an upcoming meeting of the staff of the Gather 'Round curriculum project.

Congregations are encouraged to submit their responses on the online version of the survey, since that will simplify tabulation, but returning the print version is also fine. Go to to find the survey.

The survey should be completed by only one person per congregation, the one most knowledgeable about curriculum use. Respondents are asked to return the survey quickly, preferably within two weeks, so that there is time to organize the information before the curriculum planning meeting.

"This is the first time we’ve conducted a survey like this," said publisher Wendy McFadden. "The information will be an immense help as we plan educational resources for the future. We’re really grateful to everyone who takes the time to help us gather this input."

Source: 9/24/2008 Newsline

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