Womaen's Caucus leads discussion of future church at Bethany.
As a part of the Womaen's Caucus Steering Committee meetings held recently in Richmond, Ind., a potluck supper and gathering was held with over 25 people attending in the lounge at Bethany Theological Seminary. Those attending discussed the future church and their dreams for the church, as well as other timely topics.
Richmond Church of the Brethren offered its facilities for the three days of caucus meetings. Members of the Steering Committee discussed the upcoming Annual Conference and planned the design of their booth in the exhibit hall. Womaen's Caucus also will sponsor a luncheon on Tuesday, July 16, with speaker Doris Abdullah of Brooklyn, N.Y. Tickets are available through the Annual Conference office.
Much discussion surrounded the new website www.womaenscaucus.org that has been designed and administrated by new member Sharon Neerhoof May. The group planned resources that will be added to the site in the near future, including inclusive language worship resources as well as items for female youth.
Womaen's Caucus members participated in Sunday morning worship at the Richmond Church with Anna Lisa Gross as worship leader, Peg Yoder presenting a children's story, Deb Peterson speaking on how she came to be a part of the caucus, and Carla Kilgore speaking on the work of the caucus. Both Peterson, who is editor of the group's newsletter "Femailings," and Kilgore, the convener, are ending their four-year terms. Gross will be the new editor of the newsletter, and Audrey DeCoursey will serve as convener. Other members who attended are Jan Eller, administrator, Jill Kline, and Neerhoof May.
--Deb Peterson has served as editor of "Femailings" for the Womaen's Caucus.
Source: 4/23/2008 Newsline
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