Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Submissions sought for deacon resource book.

The Association of Brethren Caregivers is seeking submissions of worship and meditation resources for use in a new deacon resource book. Brethren are invited to submit original prayers to be considered for inclusion in this new resource, along with suggestions of hymns and scriptures for the deacon ministry.

"The role of deacon in the church has taken on new meaning in the last decade," said the invitation. "In 1998, the ‘Deacon Manual for Caring Ministries’ was published and deacons were trained across the denomination... Now deacons are asking for more resources to help them carry out their role."

The denomination's Caring Ministries has been commissioned to develop the anthology of prayers for many situations in which deacons are called to minister, such as celebrations and special life events (anniversaries, reunions, etc.); times of crisis of body, mind, or spirit (illness, surgery, domestic violence, a death, etc.); and transitions along the journey of life (divorce, a birth, etc.). David Doudt will be project manager. The anthology is scheduled to be available at Annual Conference 2009.

Entries should be submitted by May 30. Send submissions to Caring Ministries of the Church of the Brethren, Attn: David Doudt, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120; or e-mail

Source: 4/9/2008 Newsline

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