Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Anniversary Committee offers ideas for nurturing identity in youth.

The 300th Anniversary offers an opportunity to engage youth in an exploration of what makes the Brethren expression of the Christian faith unique. Congregations hoping to do this may find two resources helpful:

First, "Piecing Together the Brethren Way," the Anniversary curriculum developed for children, also offers for each lesson a "Youth Connection" piece that suggests ways to engage youth in multi-media projects exploring the topic of the lesson.

Second, the Anniversary Committee has developed a listing of ideas for nurturing passion and connectedness in youth around issues of identity. Focusing on the same 14 topics addressed in the curriculum, this downloadable resource offers several interactive suggestions for exploring each topic with youth. The resource is designed to answer questions such as, "Who are we as members of the Church of the Brethren?" "How is our expression of the Christian faith unique?" "What can I learn from my brothers and sisters on the journey?" and "What difference does it make in my life--and in the world?"

Ideas vary but include intergenerational dialogue, practical applications, and personal reflection. Download the resource from the anniversary website at

Source: 3/27/2008 Newsline Extra

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