Brethren Press carries two Vacation Bible School resources.
Brethren Press is carrying two Vacation Bible School (VBS) kits for use by Brethren congregations this summer:
"Listen Up! Messages from God" (Faith and Life Press) is available from Brethren Press for $129.99 plus shipping and handling, call 800-441-3712. "Listen Up! Messages from God" is a flexible Bible curriculum for ages 4 through grade 8. Fun, broadly-graded activity centers offer kids hands-on learning, as well as an easy way to plug in adult volunteers. Materials are planned for five days, and are adaptable to camp, retreat, or midweek programs. "Listen Up!" introduces kids to biblical prophets whose messages remind everyone that there is one true God who loves them: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Amos, and Daniel. As they meet a new prophet each day through worship, drama, and interactive "Listen Up Links," children and junior youth will discover that God’s messages still hold true today.
"Rainforest Adventure" (Augsburg Fortress), is available from Brethren Press for $69.99 plus shipping and handling, call 800-441-3712. Easy to use, the kit offers everything needed to create a VBS experience. Guides and resources are easy to use. The God-centered curriculum also makes for an adventure into God's word, and a faith-filled week with a stewardship theme that teaches children to take care of God's wondrous creation and each other too.
--Jeff Lennard is director of marketing and sales for Brethren Press.
Source: 02/13/2008 Newsline
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