Wednesday, November 21, 2007

300th Anniversary update: Bits and pieces from the districts.
  • Michigan District is holding "Heritage Car Caravans" as part of its celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Brethren movement. The first caravans were held Oct. 13, 20, and 27. "We had a GREAT TIME today on the first of these journeys to visit the Churches of the Brethren in Michigan," reported district executive minister Marie Willoughby in an e-mail note. "There were 15 of us from four congregations who traveled. Each church we visited hosted us extremely well with people there to tell about the church, give a tour, and offer refreshments. We were at Sugar Ridge, Onekama, Marilla, and Lakeview. And we made a stop at the district office." More car caravan trips are planned for next year.

  • Northern Indiana District's 300th Anniversary Celebration has been scheduled for April 20, 2008, at West Goshen (Ind.) Church of the Brethren. In more anniversary news from the district, it is sponsoring with a charter bus to the 300th Anniversary Celebration at next summer's Annual Conference in Richmond, Va. Middlebury Church of the Brethren members Don and Patti Weirich of Donatti Tours are planning the special charter package, which will include highlights en route such as a stop in Lancaster County, Pa., to see "In the Beginning" at Sight and Sound's Millennium Theatre, and a driving tour of Washington, D.C. Cost of the package is $325 (registration and lodging while at Annual Conference will be at the individual's expense). For more information contact or 574-825-2955.

  • Northern Ohio District is inviting each church to create a block for its 300th anniversary commemorative quilt. In addition to a block from each congregation, the district is seeking the signature of all pastors--ordained, licensed, and retired--for a border around the outside of the quilt.

  • Middle Pennsylvania District is planning a combined District Conference and Heritage Fair for 2008. The event will be held Sept. 26-28, 2008, at Camp Blue Diamond to celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the Church of the Brethren. Plans are underway for a "Big-Tent Meeting," a Friday night "sing through the 300 years of hymnody" with Nancy Faus, worship on Saturday evening with Andy Murray, and a Sunday morning service.

  • Virlina District's 300th Anniversary celebration committee is developing plans for volunteers to make a five-minute "Happy Birthday" celebration visit with each congregation during a Sunday morning worship time between Nov. 1 and Feb. 29. The visits will be an opportunity for the district to share a greeting during the anniversary celebration and to encourage each church to develop special local plans. Host congregations may choose to make the anniversary theme the focus of the worship service on the Sunday of the visit, or plan an all-church birthday luncheon with a birthday cake and all the trimmings, or use one of several audiovisual anniversary resources available from Brethren Press.
Source: 11/21/2007 Newsline Extra

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