Wednesday, July 18, 2007

300th anniversary bits and pieces:
  • A traditional love feast will be held at the Young Center on Oct. 13, at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Jeff Bach will lead this Brethren service of communion that includes a time of self-examination, feetwashing, a love feast meal, and the bread and cup of communion. The service combines scripture readings, devotional commentary, and hymn singing, and will last approximately two hours. Registration is required for this event, which is separate from the academic conference sponsored by the Young Center. A freewill offering will be taken. To register, send an e-mail to or call the Young Center at 717-361-1470. Include your name, phone number, e-mail address, and the time of the love feast service you would like to attend (4:30 or 7:30 p.m.). The registration deadline is Sept. 20.

  • An inspirational DVD titled "FAITH ALIVE! Surrendered, Transformed, Empowered," tells stories of contemporary Brethren continuing the work of Jesus 300 years after the birth of the denomination. The video explores distinctive marks of Brethren faith, and profiles Brethren members who live their beliefs in ways that make a real difference, daily exemplifying the values of baptism, simplicity, peacemaking, service to others, respect for creation, and the need to share with others the good news of Jesus Christ. The video was written and produced by David Sollenberger, together with the 300th Anniversary Committee. The DVD is available from Brethren Press for $20 plus shipping and handling, call 800-441-3712.

  • Michigan District 300th anniversary plans include a car pool tour of all the congregations in the district. A district-wide children’s class on Brethren beliefs is also being planned. District conferences in 2007 and 2008 will be devoted to the anniversary. Frank Ramirez is the speaker for 2007, and Tim Harvey is scheduled for 2008.

  • The 300th Anniversary Committee has collected more information about tours being planned by individuals to coincide with the Brethren World Assembly on Aug. 3, 2008, in Schwarzenau, Germany. The list is not meant as endorsement of any tour, and the committee is not sponsoring any tours. More tours may be added to the list in the future. Brethren-related tours to Europe in the summer of 2008 are planned by: Jeff Bach,; Fred Bernhard, on July 26-Aug. 7, 800-658-7128,, information at or from; Mark and Mary Jo Flory-Steury, on July 26-Aug. 9, 937-293-8585,; Jim Hardenbrook, July 26-Aug. 7, 800-658-7128,, information at or from; Gordon Hoffert, a Brethren minister who works at Ed-Ventures Inc., who is working with the Bernhard, Hardenbrook, and Jim Miller tours, contact 507-289-3332 or; Glen Kinsel, July 24-Aug. 4, 717-630-8433,; Ken Kreider, July 29-Aug. 10, 717-367-7622,; Jim Miller, July 26-Aug. 7, 800-658-7128,, information at; Mike and Sondra Miller, July 26-Aug. 7, 937-687-3363, 1715 N. Clayton Rd., Brookville, OH 45309; Ted Rondeau, 574-268-1888 ext. 29,, P.O. Box 588, Winona Lake, IN 46590; and Dale Stoffer, 419-289-5161,, 910 Center St., Ashland, OH 44805.
Source: 7/19/2007 Newsline Extra

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