Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Northern Plains holds first District Conference of the season.

Northern Plains District held its District Conference on July 1 in Des Moines, Iowa. Business, fellowship, and worship centered around the theme "Together: We're Living Our Love for Jesus," made up the three-hour meeting prior to the 2006 Annual Conference.

The meeting began with fellowship time, which continued through a luncheon while district commission reports were presented. After the meal, the 76 delegates were seated and moderator Diane Mason called the meeting to order.

Among the business was discussion and adoption of multiple revisions to the district's Constitution and Bylaws. Another conversation concerned scheduling the 2008 District Conference amongst the other celebrations of the 300th anniversary of the Brethren movement that year. In balloting, delegates called Lois Grove as moderator-elect. A deficit budget was passed with delegates reminded to carry this news to their congregations.

A silent auction of the table centerpieces, candles embossed with the conference theme and logo, raised $906 for the district funds.

The conference closed with the installation of newly-elected leaders, followed by a communion service that served as a call to remember to "live love for Jesus" as participants departed.

Next year the Northern Plains District will meet Aug. 3-4 at South Waterloo (Iowa) Church of the Brethren under the leadership of moderator Jerry Waterman.

Source: 7/19/2006 Newsline

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