Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Nigerian Brethren hold 59th annual church conference.

Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) held its 59th annual "majalisa" or assembly meeting of its legislative body on March 28-April 1, with some 1,000 church delegates in attendance. The theme of this year's majalisa was "Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus," which was also the theme for the 2005 Church of the Brethren Annual Conference. Guest speaker for each evening worship session was Robert Krouse, Nigeria mission coordinator for the Global Mission Partnerships office of the Church of the Brethren General Board. Krouse also supplied this report from the majalisa.

Messages for worship focused on the first three groups to first fix their eyes on Jesus (the angels, shepherds, and wise men); the foot washing passage in John 13; and fixing our eyes on the cross from 1 Corinthians 2:2. "Sharing the good news, and an attitude of worship will continue to be the experience of those who fix their eyes on Jesus," Krouse said. "Jesus washed...feet to illustrate four important activities in the life of a believer: walk humbly, live as a servant, love your enemies (Jesus wash Judas' feet knowing that he would betray him), continue the work of Jesus.... The power of God is conferred upon those who deny themselves, take us the cross and follow Jesus," he said.

Business at the majalisa included reports from the president, general secretary, Executive Committee, Office of Evangelism, external and internal auditors, director of Finance, Ministers Council, District Church Council, and Integrated Community Based Development Program, which includes the Rural Health Department with its dispensaries and Rural Health Posts. The meeting also received a report on a new Conference Center, a report on a new HIV/AIDS project, and heard from a new Peace Committee.

Delegates passed a 2006 budget of 59,261,500 Naira ($440,000). The group also approved a new pension plan proposal, a project that was carried out with help from Tom and Janet Crago, short-term mission staff of the Church of the Brethren General Board.

Delegates took up a love offering of about 40,000 Naira ($300) to express their support to the churches in Maiduguri that were damaged and destroyed in inter-religious violence in March. The majalisa received with gratitude the letter of support and solidarity penned during the March meeting of the Church of the Brethren General Board. Filibus Gwama, EYN president, read the letter to the delegate body.

Source: 4/26/2006 Newsline

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