Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Church planting conference welcomes Brazilian speakers.

Additional leadership has been announced for the church planting conference "Scissors, Paper, Rock: Tools, Textures, and Testimonies in Church Planting," May 20-23 at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind. Marcos Inhauser from Igreja da Irmandade (Church of the Brethren in Brazil) and another Brazilian church representative will provide leadership.

Inhauser will bring his perspective on leading a new church into existence, seeking to fulfill Brethren and Anabaptist values through mission, witness, and practice. He will relate the theological and biblical foundations for the emerging church in Brazil, as well as the successes and struggles of embodying the priesthood of all believers in a culture largely unfriendly toward such a reality.

"The US churches have much to learn from the emerging church in Brazil in terms of what it means to follow Jesus and plant churches in a challenging cultural context," said Jonathan Shively, director of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, who has visited the churches in Brazil.

Registration for the conference has been extended through May 1; information is at or The conference is sponsored by the New Church Development Committee of the Church of the Brethren General Board in partnership with the Brethren Academy and Bethany Seminary.

Source: 4/12/2006 Newsline

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