Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Missouri and Arkansas District holds 'healthy and tasty' conference.

Missouri and Arkansas District Conference enjoyed an attendance of 107 despite an average mid-day temperature of 104 degrees at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Mo., July 22-24.

Saturday evening speaker Kathy Reid, executive director of the Association of Brethren Caregivers, shared her hopes for a church that gives and receives care. After delegates recognized the closure and disorganization of Rockingham Church of the Brethren in Hardin, Mo., Stephen Reid, academic dean of Bethany Theological Seminary, challenged the district to double in size in five years in his Sunday morning sermon. "Since we had closed one church, we must start two!" said district minister Sandy Bosserman in her report of the conference.

A concert by Brethren musician Joseph Helfrich "gave cause for laughter that threw some good Brethren nearly out of their seats," Bosserman said. "Paired with Annual Conference moderator Ron Beachley's call for spiritual fitness through daily reading a chapter of the New Testament and joining leadership in fasting on the first day of the month, it made for a healthy conference."

During the district minister's report, delegates were given a sample of "Cherry Mash," a rich candy made in St. Joseph, Mo., and served from the district's booth at Annual Conference. "Add the exhibits, birthday cake from the Mutual Aid Association, and refreshments organized by the Dennisons, and you have a tasty conference 2005!" Bosserman added.

Business highlights included the calling of Gabe Garrison as moderator-elect; Pat Dennison, Sharon Henne, and Irene Miller as lay members of the District Board; Thurman Andrews as a clergy member of the District Board; Barbra Davis to the Church of the Brethren General Board; Luci Landes to Standing Committee; Colleen Estep to Program and Arrangements Committee; and Opal Andrews to the Nominating Committee. The conference passed a 2006 budget of $36,903. A query to Change Method of Calling District Leadership to Slate failed by one vote.

Offerings received $9,124.72 for balancing the district budget in 2006; $5,948.00 for the India Women's Fellowship Center Mission; and $200 in an auction of shoes worn by Don Vermilyea on his Walk Across America, to go to the General Board's Global Food Crisis Fund and Emergency Disaster Fund. Over 500 baby quilts and blankets were donated for Bethany Hospital, and will be delivered by Nathan and Pam Betz.

Source: 9/14/2005 Newsline

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