Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Committee on Interchurch Relations calls for nominations.

The Committee on Interchurch Relations (CIR) is calling for nominations for the 2005 Ecumenical Citation. In keeping with the goals of the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV), the search is on for a Church of the Brethren youth or young adult age 14-35 who is involved in ecumenical, interfaith, or community peace-building.

"The committee felt that many young people are involved in meaningful witness to Christ outside of the church and seldom have the opportunity to come into the church's view," said Belita Mitchell, pastor of Harrisburg (Pa.) First Church of the Brethren, who is serving her sixth year as a member of CIR. "We want to provide a way for them to add their voice and affirm their testimony."

In 2004 CIR presented the citation to 20-year-old Kira Anne Marriner of the Live Oak congregation in California. "Her work in raising awareness about domestic violence is an example and model for other young people in the church," said Mitchell, who was committee chair at the time. Marriner's efforts included developing and performing skits in her community, making kits for a women's shelter, and teaching nonviolence workshops to children.

CIR is hopeful that youth leaders, pastors, or others will know of someone in their own congregation or district and make the effort to nominate them this year. "No story is too small," said Mitchell. "What may not seem significant to someone can actually be a blessing to others."

The citation is awarded at CIR's Ecumenical Luncheon at Annual Conference. The luncheon this year will feature a message from Becky Ullom, director of Identity and Relations for the General Board, who attended the National Council of Churches General Assembly as a young adult observer this past November. Tickets for the luncheon on Tuesday, July 5, in Peoria, Ill., will be available when Conference registration opens, or onsite.

Nominations can be made at CIR's website The deadline is March 15. For more information call the General Secretary's Office at 800-323-8039 ext. 202.

Source: 2/2/2005 Newsline

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