Virlina District holds its 33rd district conference.
The 33rd Virlina District Conference met at Green Ridge Baptist Church in Roanoke, Va., on Nov. 12-13. The theme was "We are an Offering" (Romans 12:1-2), reported Frank Davis of Laurel Branch Church of the Brethren near Floyd, Va. A total of 562 people registered including 243 delegates representing 77 congregations. Moderator David W. Minnich led participants in the worship and business life of the district.
Keynote speakers were Walt Wiltschek, editor of the Church of the Brethren magazine "Messenger," and Donna L. Shumate, chair of the General Board. More than 80 people attended a Ministers and Spouses Banquet at Summerdean Church of the Brethren in Roanoke, which was addressed by the 2005 Annual Conference moderator Jim Hardenbrook.
A highlight of the conference was the report that the indebtedness for the Trailblazer II project at Camp Bethel had been retired. New business included approval of amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws changing the title of camp manager to camp director. Delegates granted authority to the Church Extension Committee to receive the Living Faith Church of the Brethren in Concord, N.C. as a congregation, and approved a District Board budget of $283,491.80 for 2005. The conference received offerings of $1,102.10 for the Church Extension Committee, $1,452.98 for District Conference, and $652.92 for Disaster Response.
Reports were received from district staff, District Board, Outdoor Ministries Committee, Camp Bethel, and other institutions of the district and denomination. Camp Bethel will have a budget of $433,050.00 for 2005. Delegates also heard that 19 congregations and fellowships were involved in pastoral placement processes during the year and new pastors were introduced. The conference honored Frederick C. Driver for 50 years of ministerial service.
Delegates called Shirley B. Jamison as moderator-elect; Kathie S. Robinson as clerk, Jimmy O. Cannaday to Standing Committee of Annual Conference; Sam Garst, Tanya M. Reece, and Earl F. Stovall to the Nominating and Personnel Committee; Betty B. Altic and Dan Brogan to Program and Arrangements Committee; Sarah Grim and Earl Patrick Starkey to the Outdoor Ministries Committee; Lenoria Naff, Jill Bishop, Marie V. Thomas, Michael D. Elmore, Michael Battle, Debbie Humphrey, Sandy D. Foster, Robert Myers, Ed McKimmy, and Marianne Rhoades Pittman to the District Board. Glenn McCrickard will serve as District Board chair for 2004-05.
The 34th Virlina District Conference will be in Beckley, W.Va., Nov. 11-12, 2005, with moderator Russell L. Payne.
Source: 12/31/2004 Newsline
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