Friday, September 17, 2004

Lectionary readings posted on website, 'Guide' topics announced.

"Revised Common Lectionary" readings for 2005 have been posted on in a joint effort of the General Board's Congregational Life Ministries Office and Brethren Press. The text that is featured on each Living Word bulletin in 2005 is italicized for worship planning.

Topics for 2004-2005 "A Guide for Biblical Studies" also have been announced by Brethren Press. This adult Sunday school curriculum is based on the International Sunday School Lessons and features Brethren writers writing for Brethren. Each lesson includes the popular "out of context..." by Frank Ramirez.

In September, October, and November the Guide will study "The God of Continuing Creation" by John David Bowman and Liz Bidgood Enders. In December and January and February of 2005, the curriculum will focus on "Called to Be God's People" with writers Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford and Melanie Jones. In March, April, and May 2005 Richard Shreckhise and Paula Bowser will write on "God's Project: Effective Christians (Romans and Galatians)." June, July, and August 2005 will feature "Jesus' Life, Teaching, and Ministry (Matthew, Mark, Luke)" by Frank Ramirez and Steve Bollinger.

The Guide is $2.75 per book; $5 for large print. Print copies of the list of lectionary readings are also available. Call customer service at 800-441-3712 or e-mail

Source: Newsline 09/17/2004

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