A team of three young adults-two of them familiar faces-will serve as coordinators for the 2005 youth and young adult workcamps offered by the General Board's Youth/Young Adult Ministry Office.
The 2004 coordinators, Beth Rhodes and Cindy Laprade, have agreed to continue as part of the team for another year. Rhodes and Laprade are both from the Virlina District. Rhodes is from the Central congregation in Roanoke, Va., and Laprade is a member of the Antioch congregation in Rocky Mount.

They will be joined for the 2005 planning by Ben Kreider, who served as an assistant coordinator last summer. Kreider is a member of Annville (Pa.) Church of the Brethren and plans to graduate from Indiana University of Pennsylvania this May.
Details on the nearly two dozen 2004 workcamps being offered can be found at www.brethren.org/genbd/yya/workcamps/.
Source: Newsline 1/30/2004