- Denomination’s ministries to be supported by $8.2 million budget in 2013.
- Disaster response to Sandy begins, Brethren still without power in some areas.
- EDF grants support Brethren Disaster Ministries projects in Virginia and Alabama.
- Global Food Crisis Fund gives $50,000 grant to Haitian Brethren.
- Workcamp office alerts parents of junior highs to new requirement.
- Progressive Brethren gather in California.
Newsline is a free service sent only to those requesting a subscription. Newsline stories may be reprinted if Newsline is cited as the source. Click here to receive Newsline by e-mail. Newsline is available and archived at www.brethren.org; for additional news and features, subscribe to the Church of the Brethren magazine Messenger.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Newsline: October 31, 2012
Denomination’s ministries to be supported by $8.2 million budget in 2013.
A budget exceeding $8.2 million has been set for the Church of the
Brethren’s denominational ministries in 2013. The budget was approved by
the Mission and Ministry Board in meetings Oct. 18-21 at the General
Offices in Elgin, Ill. Also on the agenda were financial updates to date
for this year, including giving to the church’s ministries and
communications with donors.
Ben Barlow chaired the meetings, in which decisions were made by consensus. The board discussed the possibility of by-law changes after being referred a query from Annual Conference calling for more equality of district representation on the board. The board also talked about how to schedule time for “generative” thinking on larger issues facing the denomination, and received a number of reports among other business.
A board development session was led by Jayne Docherty, who with her husband Roger Foster were process observers at Annual Conference. A class from Bethany Theological Seminary observed the meetings, and led Sunday morning worship on the theme “Jesus moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14, The Message).
2013 budget
A total budget for all Church of the Brethren denominational ministries in 2013 was approved: $8,291,820 in income, $8,270,380 in expense, with an anticipated net income of $21,400. This action included approval of a budget of $5,043,000 for the church’s Core Ministries.
The 2013 budget includes a 2 percent cost of living increase for employees, and a few new items such as a travel scholarship program to encourage congregations who otherwise would not be able to afford a delegate to Annual Conference, and one-time use of $35,000 in bequest funds to start a new congregational support position.
Treasurer LeAnn Wine reminded the board that approval of the annual budget also represented allocations from the Emergency Disaster Fund and the Global Food Crisis Fund to pay for operational expenses of related programs Brethren Disaster Ministries and Global Food Crisis.
Financial reports
The board heard good and bad news in year-to-date results for 2012. Giving to Church of the Brethren ministries is up 17.9 percent compared to the same time last year, and expenses have remained below budget. Overall, giving by individuals is ahead of last year, while giving from congregations is lagging somewhat behind. However, the rate of giving this year still falls under budget expectations by 7.3 percent.
The treasurer noted that in the fall, the year’s financial outcomes are still in flux because of factors such as outstanding income and expenses not yet been booked from large summer events like Annual Conference and workcamps. Also, upcoming seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas typically are times of increased giving to the church.
Wine reported a one-time “write off” of $765,000 in 2012 related to closure of the New Windsor Conference Center, which represents accumulated losses at the conference center since 2008 and will be the final bookkeeping entry. The conference center was located on the campus of the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., and closed in June.
Other ministries at the Brethren Service Center continue, and the staff is actively seeking new uses for facilities formerly filled by the conference center. Wine told the board, “We’re doing our best to keep the buildings functional and safe,” although she added this is a challenge because of maintenance issues that arise in underutilized buildings. One former conference center building that includes the campus kitchen and diningroom--now called the Zigler Hospitality Center--continues to serve volunteers who come to New Windsor to work at the warehouses of Material Resources and SERRV.
In other business
Ben Barlow chaired the meetings, in which decisions were made by consensus. The board discussed the possibility of by-law changes after being referred a query from Annual Conference calling for more equality of district representation on the board. The board also talked about how to schedule time for “generative” thinking on larger issues facing the denomination, and received a number of reports among other business.
A board development session was led by Jayne Docherty, who with her husband Roger Foster were process observers at Annual Conference. A class from Bethany Theological Seminary observed the meetings, and led Sunday morning worship on the theme “Jesus moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14, The Message).
2013 budget
A total budget for all Church of the Brethren denominational ministries in 2013 was approved: $8,291,820 in income, $8,270,380 in expense, with an anticipated net income of $21,400. This action included approval of a budget of $5,043,000 for the church’s Core Ministries.
The 2013 budget includes a 2 percent cost of living increase for employees, and a few new items such as a travel scholarship program to encourage congregations who otherwise would not be able to afford a delegate to Annual Conference, and one-time use of $35,000 in bequest funds to start a new congregational support position.
Treasurer LeAnn Wine reminded the board that approval of the annual budget also represented allocations from the Emergency Disaster Fund and the Global Food Crisis Fund to pay for operational expenses of related programs Brethren Disaster Ministries and Global Food Crisis.
Financial reports
The board heard good and bad news in year-to-date results for 2012. Giving to Church of the Brethren ministries is up 17.9 percent compared to the same time last year, and expenses have remained below budget. Overall, giving by individuals is ahead of last year, while giving from congregations is lagging somewhat behind. However, the rate of giving this year still falls under budget expectations by 7.3 percent.
The treasurer noted that in the fall, the year’s financial outcomes are still in flux because of factors such as outstanding income and expenses not yet been booked from large summer events like Annual Conference and workcamps. Also, upcoming seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas typically are times of increased giving to the church.
Wine reported a one-time “write off” of $765,000 in 2012 related to closure of the New Windsor Conference Center, which represents accumulated losses at the conference center since 2008 and will be the final bookkeeping entry. The conference center was located on the campus of the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., and closed in June.
Other ministries at the Brethren Service Center continue, and the staff is actively seeking new uses for facilities formerly filled by the conference center. Wine told the board, “We’re doing our best to keep the buildings functional and safe,” although she added this is a challenge because of maintenance issues that arise in underutilized buildings. One former conference center building that includes the campus kitchen and diningroom--now called the Zigler Hospitality Center--continues to serve volunteers who come to New Windsor to work at the warehouses of Material Resources and SERRV.
In other business
- Approval was given for the naming of a committee to follow up on the issue of more equitable district representation on the board. Time was spent in “table talk” discussion in small groups of related questions such as the possibility of changes to the board’s by-laws.
- The Audit and Investment Committee reported a substantial increase in value in the denomination’s investments since the start of 2012. The committee also requested an additional member with expertise in accounting or investment, perhaps to be appointed from the new board members added next year or recruited as an ad hoc member or consultant from outside the board.
- Work on a spiritual gifts resource from a Brethren perspective, for use in congregations, was presented by Congregational Life Ministries staff Josh Brockway. The project is in process, with Bible studies expected to be available soon and a gifts inventory process to be developed.
- Don Fitzkee, a board member and ordained minister from Manheim, Pa., was named as next chair-elect of the Mission and Ministry Board, as of the conclusion of the 2013 Annual Conference. He will serve two years as chair-elect and then two years as chair. Current chair-elect Becky Ball-Miller begins as chair at the conclusion of the 2013 Conference.
- The Executive Committee reappointed Ken Kreider to another term as one of the Church of the Brethren representatives to the Germantown Trust--a group responsible for the first Brethren meetinghouse in the Americas. Germantown Church of the Brethren meets in the historic building in a neighborhood of Philadelphia. Also under the trust’s care are a parsonage and cemetery.
- Terry Barkley received a staff citation on his resignation as director of the Brethren Historical Library and Archives, effective Oct. 31.
- John Hipps was introduced as director of Donor Relations. He presented an analysis of 10 years of giving to the Church of the Brethren and outlined his expectations for future fundraising to support the work of the denomination.
Disaster response to Sandy begins, Brethren still without power in some areas.
As the relief effort following Hurricane Sandy gets underway,
Brethren Disaster Ministries has announced an urgent need for Church
World Service (CWS) clean-up buckets, but also is encouraging Brethren
to consider cash donations to the Emergency Disaster Fund to support a
Brethren response including the deployment of Children’s Disaster
Services volunteers (go to www.brethren.org/edf ).
CWS has announced that it is focusing its relief effort on those most affected by the storm in New Jersey, and also sending material aid to those affected in Cuba, the agency said in a release.
By e-mail, some Brethren in affected areas report still being without power, and having to deal with other after-effects of the giant storm.
Donations are needed to support relief work
“Efforts to assemble CWS clean-up buckets are extremely important and encouraged,” said Zach Wolgemuth, associate director of Brethren Disaster Ministries. He noted, however, that donors should keep in mind the most effective and useful donation is a financial contribution.
“Unfortunately there are already reports of mounds of used clothing piling up,” Wolgemuth said by e-mail this morning. “As individuals and congregations reach out to survivors, they should be certain that any in-kind donations being sent to the disaster affected area have been specifically requested by a response organization.
“Recovery from such an event will be long-term and financial support will be important as resources often diminish and media coverage wanes.”
Support the Brethren response effort at www.brethren.org/edf .
Emergency Clean-Up Buckets
The Emergency Clean-Up Bucket is one of the relief kits shipped from the Brethren Service Center on behalf of CWS and other ecumenical partners. The denomination’s Materials Resources program does the work of collecting, processing, and warehousing the relief materials at the center in New Windsor, Md.
The bucket kit provides a home owner or volunteer tools for basic cleaning after a disaster like a storm or flood. The kit includes items such as sponges, brushes, gloves, and detergent, all contained in a five-gallon plastic bucket with a resealable lid. Find a list of contents at www.churchworldservice.org/site/PageServer?pagename=kits_emergency .
Already this morning, district disaster coordinators are distributing the appeal for clean-up buckets to Brethren congregations. For example, Southern Ohio District disaster coordinators Dick and Pat Via have put together an effort “to try to fund the largest shipment we can make as quickly as possible” with the help of the district’s Bucket Committee. They have announced a Bucket Assembly on Nov. 8 at 6 p.m. at Eaton (Ohio) Church of the Brethren.
Some Brethren still feeling storm’s after effects
“A number of persons from across the country have been wondering about the effects of Hurricane Sandy on congregations in Atlantic Northeast District,” wrote district executive minister Craig Smith by e-mail today. “We have been checking with each of our congregations in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, as well as the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania. It appears at this time that there have been some power outages, tree damage, and minor water problems, but no significant structural damage.... Reports are still coming in.”
Among other Brethren still without power today is Manassas (Va.) Church of the Brethren, which shared by e-mail that Wednesday programs at the church have been canceled, although a trick or treating event for the junior highs is being held at the pastor’s home.
CWS sends relief materials to New Jersey
Church World Service has said its initial response to Sandy will target those in immediate need in New Jersey and in Cuba. An expansion of the response is anticipated, as CWS assesses recovery needs along with partners, said a release.
At the request of the New Jersey Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NJ VOAD), CWS will ship the following items this week to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey: 2,000 blankets, 3,000 school kits, 3,000 hygiene kits, 300 clean-up buckets, and 100 baby layette kits.
This and other likely shipments will require CWS to restock its supply of emergency relief items. In addition to clean-up buckets, according to CWS Director of Development and Humanitarian Assistance Donna Derr, the agency also is concerned to restock its supply of blankets.
Church of the Brethren members and congregations are encouraged to donate to the Emergency Disaster Fund, which supports the response efforts of Brethren Disaster Ministries and Children’s Disaster Services. Go to www.brethren.org/edf.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
CWS has announced that it is focusing its relief effort on those most affected by the storm in New Jersey, and also sending material aid to those affected in Cuba, the agency said in a release.
By e-mail, some Brethren in affected areas report still being without power, and having to deal with other after-effects of the giant storm.
Donations are needed to support relief work
“Efforts to assemble CWS clean-up buckets are extremely important and encouraged,” said Zach Wolgemuth, associate director of Brethren Disaster Ministries. He noted, however, that donors should keep in mind the most effective and useful donation is a financial contribution.
“Unfortunately there are already reports of mounds of used clothing piling up,” Wolgemuth said by e-mail this morning. “As individuals and congregations reach out to survivors, they should be certain that any in-kind donations being sent to the disaster affected area have been specifically requested by a response organization.
“Recovery from such an event will be long-term and financial support will be important as resources often diminish and media coverage wanes.”
Support the Brethren response effort at www.brethren.org/edf .
Emergency Clean-Up Buckets
The Emergency Clean-Up Bucket is one of the relief kits shipped from the Brethren Service Center on behalf of CWS and other ecumenical partners. The denomination’s Materials Resources program does the work of collecting, processing, and warehousing the relief materials at the center in New Windsor, Md.
The bucket kit provides a home owner or volunteer tools for basic cleaning after a disaster like a storm or flood. The kit includes items such as sponges, brushes, gloves, and detergent, all contained in a five-gallon plastic bucket with a resealable lid. Find a list of contents at www.churchworldservice.org/site/PageServer?pagename=kits_emergency .
Already this morning, district disaster coordinators are distributing the appeal for clean-up buckets to Brethren congregations. For example, Southern Ohio District disaster coordinators Dick and Pat Via have put together an effort “to try to fund the largest shipment we can make as quickly as possible” with the help of the district’s Bucket Committee. They have announced a Bucket Assembly on Nov. 8 at 6 p.m. at Eaton (Ohio) Church of the Brethren.
Some Brethren still feeling storm’s after effects
“A number of persons from across the country have been wondering about the effects of Hurricane Sandy on congregations in Atlantic Northeast District,” wrote district executive minister Craig Smith by e-mail today. “We have been checking with each of our congregations in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, as well as the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania. It appears at this time that there have been some power outages, tree damage, and minor water problems, but no significant structural damage.... Reports are still coming in.”
Among other Brethren still without power today is Manassas (Va.) Church of the Brethren, which shared by e-mail that Wednesday programs at the church have been canceled, although a trick or treating event for the junior highs is being held at the pastor’s home.
CWS sends relief materials to New Jersey
Church World Service has said its initial response to Sandy will target those in immediate need in New Jersey and in Cuba. An expansion of the response is anticipated, as CWS assesses recovery needs along with partners, said a release.
At the request of the New Jersey Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NJ VOAD), CWS will ship the following items this week to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey: 2,000 blankets, 3,000 school kits, 3,000 hygiene kits, 300 clean-up buckets, and 100 baby layette kits.
This and other likely shipments will require CWS to restock its supply of emergency relief items. In addition to clean-up buckets, according to CWS Director of Development and Humanitarian Assistance Donna Derr, the agency also is concerned to restock its supply of blankets.
Church of the Brethren members and congregations are encouraged to donate to the Emergency Disaster Fund, which supports the response efforts of Brethren Disaster Ministries and Children’s Disaster Services. Go to www.brethren.org/edf.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
EDF grants support Brethren Disaster Ministries projects in Virginia and Alabama.
Two grants have been made from the church’s Emergency Disaster Fund
(EDF) to fund Brethren Disaster Ministries rebuilding projects in
Pulaski County, Va., and Arab, Ala.
Brethren Disaster Ministries requested an additional allocation of $20,000 to continue rebuilding work following two devastating tornadoes in Pulaski County, Va. The grant underwrites operational expenses related to volunteer support including housing, food, and travel expenses incurred on site, as well as volunteer training, tools, and equipment needed for rebuilding and repair.
Since late summer 2011, Brethren volunteers working in Pulaski area have given over 4,200 days of service, completed 10 new homes, and helped repair dozens more. This past spring, Brethren Disaster Ministries agreed to participate in a pilot project coupling its volunteer labor with block grant funds received by a local partner. With these projects well underway, it is anticipated that the last of the new buildings will be completed this fall.
Brethren Disaster Ministries requested an additional allocation of $9,000 to close out its work in Arab, Ala., following an EF 4 tornado that hit the town April 27. As of mid-summer, the program completed its response by repairing 28 homes and building 3 new homes for affected families. In total, over 370 volunteers served 2,690 days. While the project in Arab has been completed, this additional allocation covers project-related expenses that were missed in the final accounting.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
Brethren Disaster Ministries requested an additional allocation of $20,000 to continue rebuilding work following two devastating tornadoes in Pulaski County, Va. The grant underwrites operational expenses related to volunteer support including housing, food, and travel expenses incurred on site, as well as volunteer training, tools, and equipment needed for rebuilding and repair.
Since late summer 2011, Brethren volunteers working in Pulaski area have given over 4,200 days of service, completed 10 new homes, and helped repair dozens more. This past spring, Brethren Disaster Ministries agreed to participate in a pilot project coupling its volunteer labor with block grant funds received by a local partner. With these projects well underway, it is anticipated that the last of the new buildings will be completed this fall.
Brethren Disaster Ministries requested an additional allocation of $9,000 to close out its work in Arab, Ala., following an EF 4 tornado that hit the town April 27. As of mid-summer, the program completed its response by repairing 28 homes and building 3 new homes for affected families. In total, over 370 volunteers served 2,690 days. While the project in Arab has been completed, this additional allocation covers project-related expenses that were missed in the final accounting.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
Global Food Crisis Fund gives $50,000 grant to Haitian Brethren.
A $50,000 grant from the Global Food Crisis Fund for agriculture
projects in Haiti will be implemented together with L'eglise des Freres
Haitiens (the Church of the Brethren in Haiti). The grant funds a
program intended to build on the work of Brethren Disaster Ministries in
Haiti over the past three years, which starts as disaster relief work
related to the 2010 earthquake comes to a close.
The grant actually is composed of 18 "mini-grants" serving 18 different communities, the grant request explains. These grants cover projects ranging from animal raising to vegetable growing, water systems, grain mills, and the loans of seeds to farmers who struggle to afford seed at planting time. Each "mini-grant" was submitted to Haitian Brethren agronomists and approved by the National Committee of L'eglise des Freres in an August meeting.
“For the church in Haiti, this program plans to move not only local communities, but the church itself forward towards more sustainable development efforts,” the grant request stated.
Brethren staff in Haiti, Ilexene and Michaela Alphonse, will work closely with the leadership of L'eglise des Freres in financial administration of the program. Individual projects and mini-grants will be supervised by Haitian Brethren agronomists.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
The grant actually is composed of 18 "mini-grants" serving 18 different communities, the grant request explains. These grants cover projects ranging from animal raising to vegetable growing, water systems, grain mills, and the loans of seeds to farmers who struggle to afford seed at planting time. Each "mini-grant" was submitted to Haitian Brethren agronomists and approved by the National Committee of L'eglise des Freres in an August meeting.
“For the church in Haiti, this program plans to move not only local communities, but the church itself forward towards more sustainable development efforts,” the grant request stated.
Brethren staff in Haiti, Ilexene and Michaela Alphonse, will work closely with the leadership of L'eglise des Freres in financial administration of the program. Individual projects and mini-grants will be supervised by Haitian Brethren agronomists.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
Workcamp office alerts parents of junior highs to new requirement.
As the Church of the Brethren Workcamp office prepares for
registration opening on Jan. 9 at 7 p.m. (central), the staff would like
junior high youth and their parents and advisors to be aware of a new
privacy policy that is being put in place. The Children's Online Privacy
Protection Act (COPPA) requires any website to get parental permission
before collecting personal information from children online.
In order for junior high youth to register for a Church of the Brethren denominational activity (workcamps, National Junior High Conference, etc.), parents must give permission for their child’s information to be collected.
This permission form is already available on online at www.brethren.org/workcamps . By creating an account, parents will be able to log in and see what information is collected from their child. Parents also will be sent a record number that they will need to have available when their youth is registering for a workcamp in January.
Junior high youth will not be able to register without this number, so parents should be sure to save it. Parents may request that their child’s information be removed after their workcamp is over by e-mailing cobweb@brethren.org or calling 800-323-8039.
The Workcamp Ministry hopes that by getting the word out about this new policy as early as possible, most of the confusion at registration time will be eliminated. Please share this information with any junior high students, advisors, parents, or others who may be affected by this new step in the registration process. As always, if there are any questions don’t hesitate to call the Workcamp office at 800-323-8039 or e-mail cobworkcamps@brethren.org.
-- Emily Tyler is coordinator of Workcamps and Brethren Volunteer Service Recruitment.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
In order for junior high youth to register for a Church of the Brethren denominational activity (workcamps, National Junior High Conference, etc.), parents must give permission for their child’s information to be collected.
This permission form is already available on online at www.brethren.org/workcamps . By creating an account, parents will be able to log in and see what information is collected from their child. Parents also will be sent a record number that they will need to have available when their youth is registering for a workcamp in January.
Junior high youth will not be able to register without this number, so parents should be sure to save it. Parents may request that their child’s information be removed after their workcamp is over by e-mailing cobweb@brethren.org or calling 800-323-8039.
The Workcamp Ministry hopes that by getting the word out about this new policy as early as possible, most of the confusion at registration time will be eliminated. Please share this information with any junior high students, advisors, parents, or others who may be affected by this new step in the registration process. As always, if there are any questions don’t hesitate to call the Workcamp office at 800-323-8039 or e-mail cobworkcamps@brethren.org.
-- Emily Tyler is coordinator of Workcamps and Brethren Volunteer Service Recruitment.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
Progressive Brethren gather in California.
More than 150 Brethren from across the US gathered at La Verne
(Calif.) Church of the Brethren Oct. 26-28 for the fifth annual
Progressive Brethren Conference. The weekend of worship, workshops,
music, study, and celebration was built around the theme “Holy Work:
Becoming a Beloved Community.”
A colorful banner hung from the church’s bell tower as conferees registered in the courtyard Friday afternoon, beneath cobalt skies and in shirt sleeve weather brought on by warm Santa Ana winds blowing westward from the desert. The event got off to a rousing start with “Annual Conference: The Musical,” which featured show tunes fitted with new lyrics--some taken verbatim from Conference floor dialogue.
Workshops the next day led by Abigail Fuller and Katy Brown Gray of the faculty at Manchester University, provided an overview of recent progressive and conservative dynamics in the United States--both in society and in the church. The workshops offered data showing a gradual shift toward openness and acceptance in the culture and the church, although the church tended to drag its feet behind the culture, they pointed out.
This was the first Progressive Brethren Conference to take place west of the Mississippi, and the first since the newly formed Open Table Cooperative assumed a leadership role along with Womaen’s Caucus and BMC (Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests). In previous years, Voices for an Open Spirit had been instrumental in coordinating the conferences. VOS announced at Annual Conference this summer that it was discontinuing operation after 10 years and transferred the reins of leadership to others in the progressive movement.
“There have been times when these conferences have been places for lamenting, for wondering, ‘What are we doing to do now?’” said Daisy Schmidt, chair of Womaen’s Caucus. “This year, it feels like we’re moving forward.”
Father Gregory Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries and author of the best seller book “Tattoos on the Heart,” told conferees at Sunday worship that reconciliation and genuine connection--“becoming a beloved community,” referring to the conference theme--can and does happen. “There is reason to hope,” he said. “I’ve seen former gang bangers work side-by-side. And when you work with someone, you get to know them. And when you get to know someone, you can’t be enemies.”
-- Randy Miller is editor of the Church of the Brethren “Messenger” magazine.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
A colorful banner hung from the church’s bell tower as conferees registered in the courtyard Friday afternoon, beneath cobalt skies and in shirt sleeve weather brought on by warm Santa Ana winds blowing westward from the desert. The event got off to a rousing start with “Annual Conference: The Musical,” which featured show tunes fitted with new lyrics--some taken verbatim from Conference floor dialogue.
Workshops the next day led by Abigail Fuller and Katy Brown Gray of the faculty at Manchester University, provided an overview of recent progressive and conservative dynamics in the United States--both in society and in the church. The workshops offered data showing a gradual shift toward openness and acceptance in the culture and the church, although the church tended to drag its feet behind the culture, they pointed out.
This was the first Progressive Brethren Conference to take place west of the Mississippi, and the first since the newly formed Open Table Cooperative assumed a leadership role along with Womaen’s Caucus and BMC (Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests). In previous years, Voices for an Open Spirit had been instrumental in coordinating the conferences. VOS announced at Annual Conference this summer that it was discontinuing operation after 10 years and transferred the reins of leadership to others in the progressive movement.
“There have been times when these conferences have been places for lamenting, for wondering, ‘What are we doing to do now?’” said Daisy Schmidt, chair of Womaen’s Caucus. “This year, it feels like we’re moving forward.”
Father Gregory Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries and author of the best seller book “Tattoos on the Heart,” told conferees at Sunday worship that reconciliation and genuine connection--“becoming a beloved community,” referring to the conference theme--can and does happen. “There is reason to hope,” he said. “I’ve seen former gang bangers work side-by-side. And when you work with someone, you get to know them. And when you get to know someone, you can’t be enemies.”
-- Randy Miller is editor of the Church of the Brethren “Messenger” magazine.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
Brethren Press publishes new Bible study, DVD resources.
Brethren Press has published a number of new resources including the
DVD “What Holds Brethren Together,” the 2012 Yearbook for the Church of
the Brethren on CD, and the winter quarter of “A Guide for Biblical
Studies” on the theme “Jesus Is Lord.” Also new and free to each
congregation is a DVD of the Annual Report of Church of the Brethren
ministries, videotaped at the 2012 Annual Conference.
A shipping and handling fee will be added to the listed price. Order by calling 800-441-3712 or go to www.brethrenpress.com .
“What Holds Brethren Together?” is a 34-minute DVD of an address by Guy E. Wampler to the Brethren Press and Messenger Dinner at Annual Conference. As Brethren navigate differences in church and society, Wampler reflects on who we are and what holds us together. Study questions included. $10.99.
“The Church of the Brethren Yearbook,” updated with 2012 information, may be purchased in CD format. One per user. Included are directories of denominational agencies and staff, districts, congregations, and ministers, and the 2011 statistical report. $21.50.
“Jesus Is Lord,” the winter quarter of A Guide for Biblical Studies, offers a weekly Bible study for adults for December 2012 and January and February 2013. The author is Duane Grady, pastor of Cedar Lake Church of the Brethren in Auburn, Ind., with the “Out of Context” feature written by Frank Ramirez, pastor of Everett (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. $4.25 or $7.35 for large print.
A free DVD of the Annual Report of Church of the Brethren ministries 2012--recorded from the “live report” given at Annual Conference in St. Louis--has been mailed to each congregation. The theme is “Jesus Moved into the Neighborhood.” The video also may be viewed online at www.brethren.org/video/2012-church-of-the-brethren-report.html.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
A shipping and handling fee will be added to the listed price. Order by calling 800-441-3712 or go to www.brethrenpress.com .
“What Holds Brethren Together?” is a 34-minute DVD of an address by Guy E. Wampler to the Brethren Press and Messenger Dinner at Annual Conference. As Brethren navigate differences in church and society, Wampler reflects on who we are and what holds us together. Study questions included. $10.99.
“The Church of the Brethren Yearbook,” updated with 2012 information, may be purchased in CD format. One per user. Included are directories of denominational agencies and staff, districts, congregations, and ministers, and the 2011 statistical report. $21.50.
“Jesus Is Lord,” the winter quarter of A Guide for Biblical Studies, offers a weekly Bible study for adults for December 2012 and January and February 2013. The author is Duane Grady, pastor of Cedar Lake Church of the Brethren in Auburn, Ind., with the “Out of Context” feature written by Frank Ramirez, pastor of Everett (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. $4.25 or $7.35 for large print.
A free DVD of the Annual Report of Church of the Brethren ministries 2012--recorded from the “live report” given at Annual Conference in St. Louis--has been mailed to each congregation. The theme is “Jesus Moved into the Neighborhood.” The video also may be viewed online at www.brethren.org/video/2012-church-of-the-brethren-report.html.
Source: 10/31/2012 Newsline
Brethren bits.
- Winni (Sara) Wanionek has been hired as materials packer for the Material Resources program, to work in the warehouses at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. She was a temporary employee in Material Resources for several months in the last half of 2011, when she folded quilts and blankets and assisted with unloading relief materials from trucks. Her work will include those same tasks along with additional responsibilities to work with volunteer groups, receive donations, and serve as a back-up packer for other Material Resources programs. She currently is studying psychology, with an interest in pursuing a career in counseling, and lives in Westminster, Md.
- The Church of the Brethren continues to seek a director for the Brethren Historical Library and Archives (BHLA) located at the General Offices in Elgin, Ill. The BHLA director promotes the history and heritage of the Church of the Brethren by administering the Brethren Historical Library and Archives and facilitating research and the study of Brethren history. Responsibilities include providing reference services, assuring the cataloging of books and processing of archival records, formulating policies, budgeting, developing the collection, recruiting and training interns and volunteers. Required are a master’s degree in library science/archival studies and extensive knowledge of Church of the Brethren history and beliefs. The preferred candidate will have a graduate degree in history or theology and/or certification by the Academy of Certified Archivists. Also required are the ability to articulate and operate out of the vision of the Church of the Brethren, grounding in library and archival disciplines, customer service skills, research and problem-solving skills, proficiency in Microsoft software and experience with OCLC products, 3-5 years experience in a library or archives. Request an application packet from and return completed application with a cover letter, resume, background check authorization, and three letters of reference to Deborah Brehm, Program Assistant, Office of Human Resources, Church of the Brethren, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120-1694; 847-742-5100 ext. 367; fax 847-742-8212; HumanResources@brethren.org .
- The Workcamp Ministry is now accepting applications for a 2014 assistant workcamp coordinator who will serve through Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS). Applications are due by Dec. 21. Contact Emily Tyler, coordinator of Workcamps and BVS Recruitment, to request a position description and application. Contact etyler@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 396.
- Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Ministry Center in Sharpsburg, Md., seeks an energetic person as program director. Responsibilities include working with a team to provide programs for all ages including summer camps, Road Scholar, and Heifer Global Village programs. A strong faith background, good communication, and organizational skills are needed. Submit three reference letters with an application and a resume to Shepherd’s Spring, P.O. Box 369, Sharpsburg, MD 21782; or e-mail to ACornell@ShepherdsSpring.org . For more information go to www.shepherdsspring.org/staff.php .
- The “Wonder of It All” webinar with Anabel Proffitt originally scheduled for Oct. 29 has been rescheduled to Nov. 5 at 1:30 p.m. (eastern). The webinar planned for Nov. 1 will be webcast at 8 p.m. (eastern) at the scheduled time.
- This week’s Action Alert from the Advocacy and Peace Witness Ministries asks for help to call on national leaders “to stop torture in America and set an ethical example for the world.” Referencing Proverbs 31:8, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed" (NLT), the alert notes that although President Obama signed an executive order banning the use of torture during detainee interrogation, “torture and abuse in US prisons, immigration detention centers, and other places of confinement is becoming more apparent every day.” Among other things, the alert notes that the Church of the Brethren continues to speak out against torture as a member of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT). The organization is gathering signatures to present a petition calling on the President to join 63 other countries in signing the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture. Find out more by going to the full text of the alert at http://cob.convio.net/site/MessageViewer?em_id=19281.0&dlv_id=23101 .
- Ly Ba Bo Phan Duc Long with Global Mission and Service program volunteer Grace Mishler, who has helped make it possible for his wife Bui Thi Hong Nga to participate in the Asia Pacific Disabilities Forum on Oct. 26-30 in Seoul, Korea. Mishler serves in Vietnam, working on issues experienced by people with disabilities. Nga leads a Vietnamese disabilities self-help group, and has worked closely with Mishler in a grassroots movement to implement national disabilities policies. Mishler reports that Nga was chosen to present her story at the forum--a great honor, but expensive because of the need for a personal assistant to travel with her, as she uses a wheelchair. Mishler helped find funds to pay for Long to go with Nga to the event. “We are grateful for the contribution of $700 by June and Marvin Pulcini, former Brethren Volunteer Service workers, and the Ngoc Trong Tim Foundation, for this project. Without her husband’s accompaniment and contribution, she would not be able to attend,” Mishler wrote. “It would be a great loss of Vietnam history not to have this well-known, deserved leader attend this Disabilities Forum.”
- Dec. 1 is the Spring Semester application and financial aid deadline at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind. For more from the seminary admissions office go to www.bethanyseminary.edu/admissions .
- On Earth Peace is publicizing a number of blogs: "The Faithful Steward" at http://faithful-steward.tumblr.com began as a stewardship accountability tool for Bill Scheurer as executive director of On Earth Peace, says the organization's e-newsletter. Now other staff are joining him in posting this blog "to provide transparency to our work and to support interaction among the board, staff, supporters, and anyone interested in our direction and activities." "Praying for Ceasefire" at http://prayingforceasefire.tumblr.com is an online home for the 2012 Peace Day partners and presents Peace Day stories. Following the success of the Peace Day blog, On Earth Peace takes the same approach with the new "Living Peace Church" blog at http://livingpeacechurch.tumblr.com . The blog of the Step Up! network of youth and young adults is at http://stepupforpeace.tumblr.com . On Earth Peace is the sponsoring organization for a blog posted by John and Joyce Cassel, who are spending three months in Palestine and Israel with the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program of the World Council of Churches. Find their blog at http://3monthsinpalestine.tumblr.com .
- On Sunday, Dec. 2, Principe de Paz Church of the Brethren in Santa Ana, Calif., celebrates 100 years of Church of the Brethren in the building. A special service will start at 11:30 a.m. with music and worship. A celebration event follows at noon. At 1:30 p.m. the service will end and a meal will be provided for all who attend. Special guests are expected including congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, US Representative for California's 47th congressional district, California state senator Lou Correa, other pastors, and leaders in the community. Each will have a time to share some words. Pacific Southwest District executive minister Don Booz will preach.
- “It is God’s church. Not your pastor’s or the leaders’ or of any group of people,” commented Al Huston, one of the speakers for the 100th anniversary homecoming celebration at Dranesville Church of the Brethren in Herndon, Va. Huston was one of those quoted in the church newsletter report on the celebration, which welcomed 125 people and received an offering of over $14,000.
- At least three of the congregations in Shenandoah District--Bethel Church of the Brethren in Keezletown, Va.; Garbers Church of the Brethren; and Mt. Zion / Linville Church of the Brethren--have suffered burglaries and vandalism in recent weeks. “Keep these congregations in prayer as they deal with both the physical losses and the anxiety that results when trust surrenders to suspicion and fear,” said the district newsletter. “All congregations should use this experience to review security issues relating to the church building and its assets.” The district suggested sending notes of encouragement, addresses for congregations may be found in the Church of the Brethren Yearbook.
- Stover Memorial Church of the Brethren in Des Moines, Iowa, is partnering with a United Methodist congregation to provide an after-school program called Kidz Haven, created in response to the fact that school is let out early on Wednesdays and students do not always have a place to go after school. Stover pastor Barbara Wise-Lewczak schedules programing for the initiative. According to the Northern Plains District newsletter she is seeking volunteers to help Wednesdays from 2-4:30 p.m., and people willing to share a gift or hobby during this time. Contact 515-240-0060.
- In July 2011 members of the Community Outreach Team at Mount Morris (Ill.) Church of the Brethren began planning monthly breakfasts to offer a good, hot meal to those in the community with limited income, and to get community groups together to help serve, according to the Illinois and Wisconsin District newsletter. Since then over 15 breakfasts have been served and 24 community groups have helped including former high school classes, businesses, fraternal organizations, clubs, churches, library, Post Office, fire and police departments.
- The SERRV Shop at Mack Memorial Church of the Brethren in Dayton, Ohio, begins Christmas shopping hours on Nov. 24, according to the Southern Ohio District newsletter. The shop also will be open Dec. 1, 8, 15, and 22 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. SERRV, which was begun by the Church of the Brethren, works to eradicate poverty by providing opportunities and support to artisans and farmers worldwide through the sale of handcrafted and fair trade items.
- Two Southern Ohio District pastors--Nan Erbaugh of Lower Miami Church of the Brethren, and Terrilynn Griffith who attends Mack Memorial Church of the Brethren--graduated from the first Police and Clergy Together academy of the Dayton (Ohio) Police Department. According to an announcement from the district, P.A.C.T. participants pray for law enforcement, do ride-alongs with police officers twice a month, and are available for call-outs when an officer feels the presence of clergy would be helpful at the scene of a crime or accident.
- “Profiles of Courage in the Gospel of Matthew” is the topic of a workshop led by Bethany Theological Seminary professor Dan Ulrich at the Illinois and Wisconsin District Conference. The workshop will be at Lake Williamson Christian Center in Carlinville, Ill., on Friday, Nov. 2, at 1-4:30 p.m. An announcement from the district listed some questions that will be asked in the workshop, such as, What aspects of your ministries call for courage? How do Matthew’s portrayals of Jesus and Jesus’ followers teach courage? How can we receive and develop the gift of courage? Cost is $40, or $50 for those who want to receive .3 continuing education units. Contact bethc.iwdcob@att.net .
- On Nov. 2-4 Illinois and Wisconsin District Conference meets in Lake Williamson Christian Center in Carlinville, Ill., hosted by Virden Church of the Brethren. The Virden Church is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. The Illinois and Wisconsin District Conference theme is “The Courage of Daniel” and leadership will be by moderator Fletcher Farrar. The Friday evening message will be brought by Dan Ulrich, professor of New Testament at Bethany Theological Seminary. Mutual Kumquat is singing Saturday evening.
- Nov. 2-3 Shenandoah District Conference meets at Mill Creek Church of the Brethren. Centered on the theme “Word. Truth. Faith,” the conference will feature stories from throughout the district on how the discipline of reading through the Bible this year has affected individuals, families, study groups and congregations. One story from each of the five district sections will be included in the Friday evening worship, and others will be woven into the schedule throughout the weekend, according to the district newsletter.
- Nov. 9-10 Virlina District Conference meets in Roanoke, Va., on the theme, “God Makes All Things New” (Romans 12:1-2). The 2012 Virlina District Conference officers will be Beth Middleton moderator, Frances Beam moderator-elect, and Rosalie Wood clerk.
- On Nov. 9-11 Pacific Southwest District Conference meets on the theme “People Serving with Devotion (PSWD)” (Matthew 25:35-40), led by moderator Jack Storne of Live Oak Church of the Brethren. “Meeting the Bible Again--For a Second Time,” is the title of a special pre-conference workshop led by Richard F. Ward on Nov. 9 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. “In our time together we will refresh our relationship with the Bible through storytelling, story listening, journaling, and contemplative prayer. Our goal is to open new windows into the Bible in fresh and meaningful ways,” said a district announcement. The workshop is designed for “preachers, ‘wanna be’ preachers. and all those who listen to preachers,” the announcement said. Ward is professor of Preaching and Worship at Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa, Okla. The workshop is free with District Conference registration and provides .5 continuing education units for ordained ministers.
- The John Kline Homestead Board of Directors will recognize contributors at a Donor Dinner on Friday, Nov. 9, 6 p.m., at Linville Creek Church of the Brethren in Broadway, Va. The Shenandoah District announces that the program includes Linda Waggy of Montezuma Church of the Brethren speaking on the importance of telling the John Kline story, and J. Paul Wampler speaking about why he is a donor to the John Kline Homestead. A visual review of events at the homestead over the past year, and highlights of development at the homestead, will invite guests to continue to support this Brethren heritage site. The dinner is $20 per plate. E-mail proth@eagles.bridgewater.edu or call 540-896-5001 to make reservations by Nov. 2.
- In more news from the John Kline Homestead, Candlelight Dinners will be held in November and December in the historic home of Civil War-era Brethren leader John Kline. The dinners are 6 p.m. on Nov. 16 and 17 and Dec. 14 and 15. Actors converse around each table as in the fall of 1862, sharing concerns about the continuing war, recent drought, and rampaging diphtheria. Enjoy a family-style meal and experience the daily struggles and resilient faith of the family and neighbors of Elder John Kline. Dinners are $40 per plate. Groups are welcome; seating is limited to 32. Call 540-896-5001 for reservations.
- The Leffler Lecture at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College originally scheduled for Oct. 31 has been postponed because of the extreme weather. A rescheduled event date will be announced. The lecture is to feature Marian Wright Edelman, founder of the Children’s Defense Fund.
- In more news from Elizabethtown, the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies will host famed pediatrician Dr. D. Holmes Morton who will present the Durnbaugh Lectures on Nov. 8. Morton will speak about his experiences working in Old Order Amish and Mennonite communities. The lectures take place in Gibble Auditorium. At 3:45 p.m., Morton presents "Caring for the Patient in the Time of Genomics: Small Science at the Clinic for Special Children." At 7:30 p.m., he presents "Plain People and Modern Medicine: The Clinic for Special Children as a Model for Health Care in North America's Plain Communities." Both lectures are free and open to the public. Morton is a graduate of Trinity College and Harvard Medical School. His work has included developing methods for diagnosing and treating the Amish variant of glutaric aciduria type 1, an inherited disorder in which the body is unable to properly process certain proteins. The Durnbaugh Lectures are funded by an endowment created to honor the work of Don and Hedda Durnbaugh, two of the original Young Center fellows.
- Bridgewater (Va.) College seniors are seeking entrepreneurial projects in Harrisonburg-Rockingham County. “Small businesses with big entrepreneurial plans sometimes can’t reach their goals due to limited creative manpower. That’s where a special service-learning project at Bridgewater College hopes to make a difference,” said a release from the college. Twenty seniors in an entrepreneurship course want to form working partnerships with five Harrisonburg and Rockingham County small businesses or non-profits for the spring 2013 semester. The goal is to help these businesses with marketing plans, consumer research, feasibility studies for new products or services, logo and publication development, and more. In order to participate, small businesses and nonprofits should present projects that are entrepreneurially oriented, designed to fit student capabilities, can be completed over a three-month period, and have enough substance to merit course credit. Express interest by contacting mlugo@bridgewater.edu or 540-828-5418. The deadline is Dec. 7.
- John McCarty, director of choral music at Bridgewater College, presents his debut choral concert directing the College Chorale, Concert Choir, and Oratorio Choir, on Nov. 4 at 3 p.m. at the Carter Center for Worship and Music. The centerpiece of the performance will be Carol Barnett’s “The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass,” to be performed with the 50-member Oratorio Choir and a five-member bluegrass band. The concert is free and open to the public.
- Frank Ramirez, pastor of Everett (Pa.) Church of the Brethren and a frequent contributor to Brethren Press publications, has written a new Christmas play, "Breakdown on Bethlehem Street." The play is available through CSS Publishing Company at www.csspub.com/christmas-dramas-nativity-dramas-3.html . Ramirez also is in his fifth year of writing Lectern Resource, which provides a number of worship resources such as a call to worship, prayers, offering message, and children’s story for each week of the year. It is published quarterly and is available from www.logosproductions.com/category/Worship%20Resources.
Newsline is produced by the news services of the Church of the Brethren. Contact the editor at cobnews@brethren.org. Contributors to this issue of Newsline include Jeff Boshart, Beth Carpentier, Stan Dueck, Elizabeth Harvey, Mary Kay Heatwole, Nancy Miner, Joe Vecchio, and editor Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of News Services for the Church of the Brethren.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Brethren Disaster Ministries monitors storm and calls for prayer, Children’s Disaster Services volunteers on alert
“CDS is busy,” reports Judy Bezon. As the storm called “Sandy”
assaults the East Coast, Children's Disaster Services has put volunteers
on alert and Brethren Disaster Ministries staff are calling for prayer
as they monitor the situation.
Brethren Disaster Ministries is requesting prayer for all affected by the storm, as it threatens the East Coast of the US after causing damage in a number of Caribbean nations including Haiti--where four Brethren families lost homes to flooding--as well as the Dominican Republic and Cuba.
Children’s Disaster Service prepares to respond
“We are deploying project managers to East Coast locations before Hurricane Sandy makes landfall,” reports Bezon, CDS associate director. “We've sent out an availability request to all our certified volunteers. When we know the needs, we'll know who we can send.”
CDS has assigned eight project managers to cover five American Red Cross regions and help with assessing the needs of children in the many shelters that have opened. CDS volunteers will not be able to deploy until Friday at the earliest, because of travel restrictions that are in place until the storm has passed. The Red Cross anticipates the most urgent need for CDS volunteers will be in the New York and New Jersey areas, where they predict shelters will be open for some time.
Brethren Service Center is closed
In the meantime, the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., is closed today and most probably tomorrow.
Roy Winter, associate executive director of Brethren Disaster Ministries, reported that most employees are not working today at the Brethren Service Center due to the incoming storm. Some disaster staff are working as necessary, and maintenance staff are present to monitor buildings for leaks and flooding from clogged drains.
Haitian Brethren congregation is affected
In Haiti, those who lost homes to flooding include four families from the Marin congregation of Eglise des Freres Haitiens (the Church of the Brethren in Haiti). The Marin church is located in the greater Port-au-Prince area, close to a river that apparently moved its banks as a result of the storm.
Three of the families now are staying in the church itself, and one
family is staying in a storage depot at the church, which used to be a
temporary home built by Brethren Disaster Ministries after the 2010
Eglise des Freres Haitiens has sent some of its national staff to assess the situation in Marin and start a response. Ilexene and Michaela Alphonse have delivered rice, spaghetti, beans, and oil to the families in the Marin church.
Reports still coming in from the DR
Reports are still coming in from Brethren in the Dominican Republic, says Jeff Boshart of the Global Food Crisis Fund. In the DR, pastor Onelys Rivas has reported flooding in the Bateys, but communication with other parts of the country is still not good. It will be some time before Dominican church leaders know more about the storm’s aftermath in rural areas in the southwest of the country.
CWS ready to respond in Cuba
In related news, Church World Service is ready to ship emergency aid to Cuba where the storm left damage and four people dead, CWS said in a release. The organization is prepared to respond in Cuba as soon as damage assessments are completed by the Cuban Council of Churches.
An initial shipment of blankets and emergency hygiene and baby kits has already arrived in Florida. CWS' initial shipment of aid to Cuba, valued at $176,490, includes 3,300 blankets, 9,000 baby kits, 1,125 hygiene kits and 1,500 school kits.
CWS also expects to be one of the agencies providing assistance following Sandy’s landfall along the Eastern corridor of the US.
More about the Church of the Brethren response to Sandy is expected once damage reports come in and staff can assess the response that is needed. Contributions to the Emergency Disaster Fund will support the church’s response to this disaster, go to www.brethren.org/edf.
Source: 10/29/2012 Newsline Special
Brethren Disaster Ministries is requesting prayer for all affected by the storm, as it threatens the East Coast of the US after causing damage in a number of Caribbean nations including Haiti--where four Brethren families lost homes to flooding--as well as the Dominican Republic and Cuba.
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Photo by Elaine Gallimore |
Above, Children's Disaster Services at work after Hurricane Isaac. CDS volunteers are now on alert, preparing to respond to Hurricane Sandy after the storm passes and travel restrictions end. |
“We are deploying project managers to East Coast locations before Hurricane Sandy makes landfall,” reports Bezon, CDS associate director. “We've sent out an availability request to all our certified volunteers. When we know the needs, we'll know who we can send.”
CDS has assigned eight project managers to cover five American Red Cross regions and help with assessing the needs of children in the many shelters that have opened. CDS volunteers will not be able to deploy until Friday at the earliest, because of travel restrictions that are in place until the storm has passed. The Red Cross anticipates the most urgent need for CDS volunteers will be in the New York and New Jersey areas, where they predict shelters will be open for some time.
Brethren Service Center is closed
In the meantime, the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., is closed today and most probably tomorrow.
Roy Winter, associate executive director of Brethren Disaster Ministries, reported that most employees are not working today at the Brethren Service Center due to the incoming storm. Some disaster staff are working as necessary, and maintenance staff are present to monitor buildings for leaks and flooding from clogged drains.
Haitian Brethren congregation is affected
In Haiti, those who lost homes to flooding include four families from the Marin congregation of Eglise des Freres Haitiens (the Church of the Brethren in Haiti). The Marin church is located in the greater Port-au-Prince area, close to a river that apparently moved its banks as a result of the storm.
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Photo by courtesy of FEMA |
A FEMA map of the path of Hurricane Sandy as it threatens the East Coast |
Eglise des Freres Haitiens has sent some of its national staff to assess the situation in Marin and start a response. Ilexene and Michaela Alphonse have delivered rice, spaghetti, beans, and oil to the families in the Marin church.
Reports still coming in from the DR
Reports are still coming in from Brethren in the Dominican Republic, says Jeff Boshart of the Global Food Crisis Fund. In the DR, pastor Onelys Rivas has reported flooding in the Bateys, but communication with other parts of the country is still not good. It will be some time before Dominican church leaders know more about the storm’s aftermath in rural areas in the southwest of the country.
CWS ready to respond in Cuba
In related news, Church World Service is ready to ship emergency aid to Cuba where the storm left damage and four people dead, CWS said in a release. The organization is prepared to respond in Cuba as soon as damage assessments are completed by the Cuban Council of Churches.
An initial shipment of blankets and emergency hygiene and baby kits has already arrived in Florida. CWS' initial shipment of aid to Cuba, valued at $176,490, includes 3,300 blankets, 9,000 baby kits, 1,125 hygiene kits and 1,500 school kits.
CWS also expects to be one of the agencies providing assistance following Sandy’s landfall along the Eastern corridor of the US.
More about the Church of the Brethren response to Sandy is expected once damage reports come in and staff can assess the response that is needed. Contributions to the Emergency Disaster Fund will support the church’s response to this disaster, go to www.brethren.org/edf.
Source: 10/29/2012 Newsline Special
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Newsline: October 18, 2012
- Kauffman to retire as executive of Northern Indiana District.
- On Earth Peace announces new development staff.
- Brethren Volunteer Service Unit 299 begins work.
- Resources are offered for ‘One People, One King’ worship emphasis.
- Mission Alive conference to be viewable by webcast.
- Seminary to webcast Hornbacker’s professorial lecture.
- ‘Journey Through the Bible’ is theme for Holy Land trip in 2013.
- McPherson’s automotive program featured on 'Chasing Classic Cars.'
Older Adult Ministry offers advice for getting best value for Medicare Part D dollars.
Older adults may be paying more for medications than they need to if
they have Medicare Part D coverage for prescription drugs, reports the
denomination’s Older Adult Ministry office. The Medicare website offers
tools to help choose the best plan for medication needs during open
enrollment, Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 this year.
“By entering your medications, you can see the annual cost for all the plans in your area. You may be surprised by what you find,” says Kim Ebersole, director of Older Adult Ministries.
Ebersole says there are more things to consider when choosing a Part D plan than just the monthly premium. The price a participant pays for medications can vary significantly from plan to plan, so the total cost--premiums plus the price of prescriptions--should be considered when making a decision about a plan.
It is especially important to make sure all of a participant’s medications are on the formulary (list of drugs covered) for the plan you choose. If they are not, the person may pay full price for those drugs, which can make the cost go up significantly.
“I did a test comparison between Part D plans for three medications that treat health conditions older adults often experience: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and acid reflux,” Ebersole reported. “I found the annual cost for those medications, plus the plan premiums, ranged from $384 to $3,660 at a retail pharmacy, and from $512 to $3,471 for mail order. That is quite a difference for the same three medications. It pays to do some checking before signing up to ensure you are getting the best value for your money.”
Whether signing up for Part D coverage for the first time during the initial enrollment period, or deciding whether to stay with a current plan or switch to another during the open enrollment period, the Medicare website makes it easy to check to see what the total annual costs through Part D insurers will be based on a person’s current medications. Not computer savvy? Call Medicare at 1-800-633-MEDICARE (800-633-4227).
For more about the church’s Older Adult Ministries go to www.brethren.org/oam.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
“By entering your medications, you can see the annual cost for all the plans in your area. You may be surprised by what you find,” says Kim Ebersole, director of Older Adult Ministries.
Ebersole says there are more things to consider when choosing a Part D plan than just the monthly premium. The price a participant pays for medications can vary significantly from plan to plan, so the total cost--premiums plus the price of prescriptions--should be considered when making a decision about a plan.
It is especially important to make sure all of a participant’s medications are on the formulary (list of drugs covered) for the plan you choose. If they are not, the person may pay full price for those drugs, which can make the cost go up significantly.
“I did a test comparison between Part D plans for three medications that treat health conditions older adults often experience: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and acid reflux,” Ebersole reported. “I found the annual cost for those medications, plus the plan premiums, ranged from $384 to $3,660 at a retail pharmacy, and from $512 to $3,471 for mail order. That is quite a difference for the same three medications. It pays to do some checking before signing up to ensure you are getting the best value for your money.”
Whether signing up for Part D coverage for the first time during the initial enrollment period, or deciding whether to stay with a current plan or switch to another during the open enrollment period, the Medicare website makes it easy to check to see what the total annual costs through Part D insurers will be based on a person’s current medications. Not computer savvy? Call Medicare at 1-800-633-MEDICARE (800-633-4227).
- Go to www.medicare.gov and click on “Find health & drug plans.”
- Enter your ZIP code and click on “Find Plans.”
- Answer the questions about your current coverage and click on “Continue to Plan Results.”
- Follow the directions to enter your drugs. When you have entered all of them, click on “My Drug List is Complete.”
- Select your pharmacies and click “Continue to Plan Results.”
- Select “Prescription Drug Plans (with Original Medicare)” and click on “Continue to Plan Results.”
- Scroll down to see Prescription Drug Plans. Click on “View 50” to see more plans on your screen.
- Choose “Lowest Estimated Annual Retail Drug Cost” to sort results, then click “Sort” button.
- Scroll down the list. The annual prices of both retail pharmacy and mail order are in the left hand column.
- You can click on individual plans to see more information about coverage and costs with that plan. You can also select up to three plans at a time to compare pricing by checking the box next to the plans and clicking on “Compare Plans.”
- If you decide to remain with your current 2012 plan for 2013, you do not need to do anything. If you wish to switch plans during the open enrollment period (Oct. 15-Dec. 7), you can enroll online by selecting the plan and clicking on “Enroll” or you can enroll by phone with the number provided by the plan.
- The tools can also be used when you sign up for Part D for the first time.
For more about the church’s Older Adult Ministries go to www.brethren.org/oam.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
Kauffman to retire as executive of Northern Indiana District.

Kauffman was licensed to the ministry in April 1971 and ordained in June 1976 at Maple Grove Church of the Brethren in New Paris, Ind. He is a graduate of Manchester College (now Manchester University) in N. Manchester, Ind., having earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting, and graduated from Bethany Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree.
His call into ministry included a number of summer chaplaincy, student, and intern ministries, followed by pastorates at Columbia City (Ind.) Church of the Brethren 1976-79, Lafayette (Ind.) Church of the Brethren 1979-87, Painesville (Ohio) Church of the Brethren 1987-90, and Everett (Pa.) Church of the Brethren 1991-94.
After retirement, he plans to continue living in Nappanee, Ind., while exploring future possibilities including part-time ministry or local volunteer opportunities.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
On Earth Peace announces new development staff.
On Earth Peace has announced two staff members who will be working in the area of development for the organization: Bob Gross and Elizabeth Schallert. On Earth Peace is an agency of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, rooted in Christian faith, with a goal of cultivating individuals and communities who advance justice and build a peaceful world.
Bob Gross has been named Development director for On Earth Peace. As part of a leadership transition process planned in 2010, he has moved from the role of executive director to this new position. This change took place during the summer, as Bill Scheurer assumed the executive director responsibilities. “I’m very glad for this change, and for the opportunity to continue with On Earth Peace,” said Gross. “It will be good to be able to focus in one area of responsibility and I look forward to working more closely with our many supporters and partners.”
Elizabeth Schallert has been named Development assistant. Since May of 2011, she has been assisting in a variety of development-related projects with On Earth Peace, and is now working in a quarter-time contract role. She will work primarily with program staff to expand opportunities through grant funding. She holds a master’s degree in Social Work, with a focus in community development, and resides in North Manchester, Ind.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
Bob Gross has been named Development director for On Earth Peace. As part of a leadership transition process planned in 2010, he has moved from the role of executive director to this new position. This change took place during the summer, as Bill Scheurer assumed the executive director responsibilities. “I’m very glad for this change, and for the opportunity to continue with On Earth Peace,” said Gross. “It will be good to be able to focus in one area of responsibility and I look forward to working more closely with our many supporters and partners.”
Elizabeth Schallert has been named Development assistant. Since May of 2011, she has been assisting in a variety of development-related projects with On Earth Peace, and is now working in a quarter-time contract role. She will work primarily with program staff to expand opportunities through grant funding. She holds a master’s degree in Social Work, with a focus in community development, and resides in North Manchester, Ind.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
Brethren Volunteer Service Unit 299 begins work.
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Photo by Brethren Volunteer Service |
Members of Brethren Volunteer Service Unit 299, the fall 2012 orientation unit for BVS, are: (first row, from left) Hannah Button-Harrison,Jocelyn Snyder, Lena Deutschkaemer, Tricia Ziegler, Adam Braun; (second row) Rebecca Jolliff, Kayla Robbins, Kirsten Stopher, Krista Mauger, Hannah Monroe; (third row) Rayce Reynoldson, Nicole Sprenger, Sophie Thomas, Michelle Geus, Merle Koester; (fourth row) Jan Hunsaenger, Chloe Hockley, Katie Cummings, Rebekka Adelberger, Bryan Hanger; (fifth row) Nils Kohm, Dennis Droll, Frederik Blum, Paul Zelder, Elena Hodapp. |
Following are the new volunteers, their home congregations or home towns, and the projects where they will serve through BVS:
Rebekka Adelberger of Velbert, Germany, will serve with Sisters of the Road in Portland, Ore.
Frederik Blum of Blaustein, Germany; Nicole Sprenger of Altenmedingen, Germany; and Nils Kohm of Wiesloch, Germany, all are going to Project PLASE in Baltimore, Md.
Adam Braun of Pleasant Dale Church of the Brethren in Decatur, Ind., will work with Brethren Disaster Ministries in New Windsor, Md.
Hannah Button-Harrison of Ames, Iowa, will serve at the Capital Area Food Bank in Washington, D.C.
Katie Cummings of Summit Church of the Brethren in Bridgewater, Va., and Tricia Ziegler of Sebring (Fla.) Church of the Brethren, are working with the Workcamp Ministry at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill.
Dennis Droll of Buehl, Germany, and Michelle Geus of Leverkusen, Germany, are serving at the Interfaith Hospitality Network in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bryan Hanger of Oak Grove Church of the Brethren in Roanoke, Va., is an intern at the Church of the Brethren’s Advocacy and Peace Witness office in Washington, D.C.
Chloe Hockley of Elizabethtown (Pa.) Church of the Brethren, will work at Cincinnati (Ohio) Church of the Brethren.
Jan Hunsaenger of Kamp-Bornhofen, Germany, will serve with Human Solutions in Portland, Ore.
Rebecca Jolliff of Newberg, Ore., is going to the Center on Conscience and War in Washington, D.C.
Hannah Monroe of University Park Church of the Brethren in Hyattsville, Md., will go to the L’Arche community in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Rayce Reynoldson of Antelope Park Church of the Brethren in Lincoln, Neb., is serving at Camp Courageous in Monticello, Iowa.
Kayla Robbins of Wolgamuth Church of the Brethren in Dillsburg, Pa., will work for the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund in Washington, D.C.
Jocelyn Snyder of Hartville (Ohio) Church of the Brethren will be serving with the African Inland Church Secondary School of Torit, South Sudan, in a seconded position with the Church of the Brethren Global Mission and Service program.
Kirsten Stopher of Archbold, Ohio, will work at Abbé Pierre Emmaüs Center in Esteville, France.
Sophie Thomas of Westminster, Md., is going to the New Community Project in Harrisonburg, Va.
Paul Zelder of Braunschweig, Germany, will work with Abode Services in Fremont, Calif.
Four of the new BVS volunteers--Lena Deutschkaemer of Unterkirnach, Germany; Elena Hodapp of Sasbach, Germany; Merle Koester of Koenigslutter, Germany; and Krista Mauger of Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren in Quarryville, Pa.--are all going to work at the Family Abuse Center in Waco, Texas.
For more about Brethren Volunteer Service go to www.brethren.org/bvs .
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
Resources are offered for ‘One People, One King’ worship emphasis.
“One People, One King” is the theme for a special worship emphasis in
the Church of the Brethren, being planned for Sunday, Nov. 25.
Scheduled for an unusual Sunday that falls this year between
Thanksgiving and the start of Advent--traditionally called “Christ the
King” or “Reign of Christ” Sunday in the church calendar--this worship
emphasis invites believers to be reminded, before a season of waiting,
of whom we await.
In a year of contention and partisan rhetoric surrounding the national election, Christians also threaten to become a people divided. For the potentially divisive time after the election, a group of denominational staff have planned a worship emphasis based instead on the New Testament understanding that followers of Christ are a people with one ruler, from Philippians 3:20:
“But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Original resources written by a number of church leaders are available at www.brethren.org/onepeople to help invite congregations entering into preparations for Christmas to spend this Sunday recalling that “our citizenship is in heaven”:
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
In a year of contention and partisan rhetoric surrounding the national election, Christians also threaten to become a people divided. For the potentially divisive time after the election, a group of denominational staff have planned a worship emphasis based instead on the New Testament understanding that followers of Christ are a people with one ruler, from Philippians 3:20:
“But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Original resources written by a number of church leaders are available at www.brethren.org/onepeople to help invite congregations entering into preparations for Christmas to spend this Sunday recalling that “our citizenship is in heaven”:
- A brief reflection by Annual Conference moderator Robert Krouse, pastor at Little Swatara Church of the Brethren in Bethel, Pa.
- A prayer written by Annual Conference moderator-elect Nancy S. Heishman, interim co-pastor at West Charleston Church of the Brethren in Tipp City, Ohio
- A sermon outline by Tim Harvey, pastor of Roanoke (Va.) Central Church of the Brethren
- A litany, including scripture, written for four readers and congregation by Ray Hileman, pastor of First Church of the Brethren in Miami, Fla.
- A responsive prayer by Jennifer Hosler of Washington (D.C.) City Church of the Brethren
- A video clip titled “Kingdom Citizens,” in which renowned Latin American theologian and author Rene Padilla discusses Christian citizenship and God's sovereignty
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
Mission Alive conference to be viewable by webcast.

The webcasting is provided by Brethren videographer David Sollenberger and Enten Eller of the Bethany Seminary staff.
Following is the schedule of sessions that will be webcast at www.brethren.org/webcasts/MissionAlive (all times are eastern):
- Friday, Nov. 16, 3-5 p.m., plenary session with Jonathan Bonk, Mennonite minister and executive director of the Overseas Ministries Study Center in New Haven, Conn., and editor of “The International Bulletin of Missionary Research”
- Friday, Nov. 16, 7-9 p.m., plenary session with Josh Glacken, Mid-Atlantic regional director for Global Media Outreach
- Saturday, Nov. 17, 9-10:15 a.m., plenary session with Samuel Dali, president of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria)
- Saturday, Nov. 17, 2-4 p.m., plenary session with Suely Zanetti Inhauser, family therapist and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren who is a pastor in Igreja da Irmandade (Brazil) and co-coordinator for a Brazilian church planting project
- Saturday, Nov. 17, 4:15 p.m., a workshop about the new Global Mission Advocate Network
- Saturday, Nov. 17, 7-8:15 p.m., plenary session with Jay Wittmeyer, executive director of Global Mission and Service for the Church of the Brethren
- Sunday, Nov. 18, 9-10:15 a.m., worship at Lititz (Pa.) Church of the Brethren with preacher Samuel Dali, president of the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria
Connect to Mission Alive webcasts by going to www.brethren.org/webcasts/MissionAlive.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
Seminary to webcast Hornbacker’s professorial lecture.
Bethany Theological Seminary professor Tara Hornbacker will present
her professorial lecture on Saturday, Oct. 27, at 7:15 pm (eastern time)
in honor of her promotion to full professor of ministry formation.
Entitled “Incarnational Education and Improvisational Evangelism,” the lecture is open to the public and will be webcast live from Nicarry Chapel on the seminary campus in Richmond, Ind.
Hornbacker will explore the practice of theatrical improvisation as a method for evangelism that is both appropriate for a pluralistic society and coherent with the Anabaptist-Pietist understanding of incarnational love. Having begun her professional life in the theater, she finds a natural connection in relating that earlier dramatic training to current contextual challenges for sharing the gospel.
Beginning with Acts 17:16-33 as a model for contextual theology, the presentation will explore several New Testament texts from the perspective of improvisational evangelism. The audience can anticipate participation in improvisation exercises, encounters with biblical texts, and fresh expressions of the gospel story.
Viewers will be able to join the webcast by going to www.bethanyseminary.edu/news/hlecture and following the instructions. The webcast will also be archived on Bethany’s website at www.bethanyseminary.edu/webcasts for future viewing.
-- Jenny Williams is director of Communications and Alumni/ae Relations for Bethany Seminary.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
Entitled “Incarnational Education and Improvisational Evangelism,” the lecture is open to the public and will be webcast live from Nicarry Chapel on the seminary campus in Richmond, Ind.
Hornbacker will explore the practice of theatrical improvisation as a method for evangelism that is both appropriate for a pluralistic society and coherent with the Anabaptist-Pietist understanding of incarnational love. Having begun her professional life in the theater, she finds a natural connection in relating that earlier dramatic training to current contextual challenges for sharing the gospel.
Beginning with Acts 17:16-33 as a model for contextual theology, the presentation will explore several New Testament texts from the perspective of improvisational evangelism. The audience can anticipate participation in improvisation exercises, encounters with biblical texts, and fresh expressions of the gospel story.
Viewers will be able to join the webcast by going to www.bethanyseminary.edu/news/hlecture and following the instructions. The webcast will also be archived on Bethany’s website at www.bethanyseminary.edu/webcasts for future viewing.
-- Jenny Williams is director of Communications and Alumni/ae Relations for Bethany Seminary.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
‘Journey Through the Bible’ is theme for Holy Land trip in 2013.
“Join us on our Holy Land Trip!” says an announcement from the
Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, which is offering a study
tour to the Middle East in June 2013.
“The dream of a lifetime? A way to undergird ministry and bring scripture alive? A pilgrimage of devotion to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Whatever urges you to consider this invitation,
we want you to know that we will be delighted to have you as a part of this life changing, educational travel experience!” said the announcement.
Dan Ulrich, professor of New Testament Studies at Bethany Theological Seminary, and Marilyn Lerch, coordinator of the Training in Ministry (TRIM) program at the academy, will lend their expertise to that of top-notch guides the study group will enjoy through Educational Opportunities, an organization that has been taking groups to the Holy Land for years.
The theme of the tour is “Journey Through the Bible” and the itinerary will include many sites that are part of the Christian faith story, from Bethlehem to Nazareth, including the Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Mount of Olives, and the place where it is said Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. Scriptures will be read on location. Participants also will get a glimpse of the Middle East today. Ulrich and Lerch will provide additional information and lead devotional moments along the journey.
The 12-day trip departs from JFK airport in New York on June 3, with other departure cities also available. Basic cost of the trip is $3,198 and includes, among other expenses, round trip airfare from New York, all lodging, breakfast and dinner daily, guide sightseeing, and deluxe motor coaches. An initial deposit is required.
Current students at Bethany Seminary and students in the TRIM and Education for Shared Ministry (EFSM) programs will earn course credit (TRIM and EFSM students may apply for financial assistance to take part in this study tour). Clergy traveling with the group may earn 4 continuing education units. Lay members of the church are welcome to join the group as well. Participants will receive a suggested reading list, some of which may be required to earn academic credit or continuing education units.
All participants must carry a passport that is valid for a minimum of six months after the tour is complete, and must provide passport information by Feb. 18, 2013. US citizens do not need a visa for entry to Israel.
Brochures are available on the Brethren Academy website at www.bethanyseminary/academy/courses. A paper travel brochure is available on request from the Brethren Academy Office, call 765-983-1824. To register, either fill out the form in the brochure or register online at www.eotravelwithus.com by clicking on “Find a Trip” and entering the following codes: HL13 in the “Tour” box, 060313 in the “Departure date” box and clicking on “B” in the adjacent drop down menu, and 31970 as the “Group Leader Id #.”
For more information contact: Marilyn Lerch, 814-494-1978 or lerchma@bethanyseminary,edu ; or Dan Ulrich, 765-983-1819 or ulricda@bethanyseminary.edu.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
“The dream of a lifetime? A way to undergird ministry and bring scripture alive? A pilgrimage of devotion to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Whatever urges you to consider this invitation,
we want you to know that we will be delighted to have you as a part of this life changing, educational travel experience!” said the announcement.
Dan Ulrich, professor of New Testament Studies at Bethany Theological Seminary, and Marilyn Lerch, coordinator of the Training in Ministry (TRIM) program at the academy, will lend their expertise to that of top-notch guides the study group will enjoy through Educational Opportunities, an organization that has been taking groups to the Holy Land for years.
The theme of the tour is “Journey Through the Bible” and the itinerary will include many sites that are part of the Christian faith story, from Bethlehem to Nazareth, including the Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Mount of Olives, and the place where it is said Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. Scriptures will be read on location. Participants also will get a glimpse of the Middle East today. Ulrich and Lerch will provide additional information and lead devotional moments along the journey.
The 12-day trip departs from JFK airport in New York on June 3, with other departure cities also available. Basic cost of the trip is $3,198 and includes, among other expenses, round trip airfare from New York, all lodging, breakfast and dinner daily, guide sightseeing, and deluxe motor coaches. An initial deposit is required.
Current students at Bethany Seminary and students in the TRIM and Education for Shared Ministry (EFSM) programs will earn course credit (TRIM and EFSM students may apply for financial assistance to take part in this study tour). Clergy traveling with the group may earn 4 continuing education units. Lay members of the church are welcome to join the group as well. Participants will receive a suggested reading list, some of which may be required to earn academic credit or continuing education units.
All participants must carry a passport that is valid for a minimum of six months after the tour is complete, and must provide passport information by Feb. 18, 2013. US citizens do not need a visa for entry to Israel.
Brochures are available on the Brethren Academy website at www.bethanyseminary/academy/courses. A paper travel brochure is available on request from the Brethren Academy Office, call 765-983-1824. To register, either fill out the form in the brochure or register online at www.eotravelwithus.com by clicking on “Find a Trip” and entering the following codes: HL13 in the “Tour” box, 060313 in the “Departure date” box and clicking on “B” in the adjacent drop down menu, and 31970 as the “Group Leader Id #.”
For more information contact: Marilyn Lerch, 814-494-1978 or lerchma@bethanyseminary,edu ; or Dan Ulrich, 765-983-1819 or ulricda@bethanyseminary.edu.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
McPherson’s automotive program to be featured on 'Chasing Classic Cars.'
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Photo by Essex Television Group |
Ferrari expert and master car restorer Wayne Carini visits with automotive restoration students at McPherson College. |
The episode airs Oct. 23 on Velocity Channel by Discovery at 10 p.m. (eastern time).
The show, hosted by Ferrari expert and master car restorer Wayne Carini, follows his adventures as he seeks out, restores, and sells rare and unique collector cars. Carini has owned and operated three classic car and restoration businesses in Portland, Conn., and has a special interest in getting young people involved in the collector car hobby.
"We want these young people to take over our own businesses or start their own someday," Carini said, while attending the 13th annual C.A.R.S. Club Car Show at McPherson College last spring. "If we don't have that, all of this is going to go away."
The episode featuring McPherson College focuses on Carini's search for an apprentice from among the automotive restoration students at McPherson. Viewers of the program will see Carini meet and interview students, watch a team of students assemble a Model T from parts to running in less than 10 minutes, and attend the C.A.R.S. Club Car show.
Carini was the special guest at "An Evening with Automotive Restoration" dinner on May 4 this year. He stayed on through Saturday to attend the student-run car show and to interview candidates for a summer intern.
"We were so pleased to have Wayne visit us and to recognize the high-quality, artistic automotive restorers coming from McPherson College," said Amanda Gutierrez, vice president of automotive restoration. "Now this national program will bring McPherson College into homes and living rooms across the United States and inspire the next generation of young restorers and car enthusiasts to discover how much McPherson has to offer them."
To view schedules for the premiere as well as rebroadcasts of the episode--which is Episode 516: "Wayne's Apprentice"--visit velocity.discovery.com and click on "TV Schedules." Visit www.mcpherson.edu for more information about McPherson College.
-- Adam Pracht is coordinator of Development Communications for McPherson College.
Source: 10/18/2012 Newsline
Brethren bits: Remembrances, personnel, jobs, Camp Mack campaign, and much more.
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Photo by Carol Smith |
A student learns using shape puzzles at the Comprehensive Secondary School in Nigeria. Carol Smith, who took this photo, is continuing as a teacher and mission worker at the school connected with Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). See a note below in Brethren bits about her work at the school. |
- Remembrance: Robert G. “Bob” Greiner, 94, who served for several decades as treasurer for the former Church of the Brethren General Board, passed away Oct. 3 at Timbercrest Healthcare in N. Manchester, Ind. He was born June 11, 1918, in Lancaster County, Pa., to Noah and Anna (Geib) Greiner. He attended Elizabethtown (Pa.) College for two years, later graduating from Northwestern University with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business Law. On Oct. 31, 1942, he married Edna M. Mosemann. After being drafted in 1941, he chose to enter Civilian Public Service and served first at Camp Lagro, Ind., and after a year was transferred to the Treasurer’s Office of the Church of the Brethren General Board in Elgin, Ill., where for the next three years he was the accountant for the CPS camps throughout the nation. From 1945-1952, he was assistant treasurer of the General Board. He was then appointed treasurer, serving in that leadership position for the denomination until his retirement in 1981. Following his retirement from the Church of the Brethren, he was a real estate agent at Hoover-Burnidge Realtors in Elgin from 1981-91. In 1993, he and his wife Edna moved to Timbercrest. He enjoyed traveling with his wife through most of the United States, Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and in 1973 to the Church of the Brethren Mission in Nigeria. Edna preceded him in death in 2004. He is survived by daughters Donna (Jerry) McKee of North Manchester, and Beverly (Brian) Graham of Warsaw, Ind., as well as grandchildren and great grandchildren. A memorial service will be held Sunday, Oct. 21, at 2 p.m., at Timbercrest Chapel in N. Manchester with pastor Kurt Borgmann officiating. The family will receive friends following the service. Memorial contributions are received to Timbercrest Senior Living Community or Manchester Church of the Brethren.
- Remembrance: Ralph A. Royer, 80, who spent many years in mission work in Africa with his first wife, Florence (“Flossie”) Royer, died Oct. 14 in N. Manchester, Ind. He was born July 26, 1932, in the village of Virgwi, Nigeria, to missionary parents Harold (“Red”) and Gladys Royer, and attended Hillcrest School in Jos, Nigeria. After two years at McPherson (Kan.) College he returned to Nigeria as a conscientious objector and there met Flossie S. Miller, a nurse from Grantville, Pa. They were married April 17, 1955. She died Feb. 25, 2005. After doing his alternative service, he returned to the US and completed his college degree. The couple returned to Nigeria where they were Church of the Brethren missionaries for 18 years. Their three daughters were born in Nigeria. Ralph was supervisor of the mission primary schools until 1969, when the mission school system was turned over to state governments. From 1969-72 he was superintendent of schools in Waka, which included Waka Teacher’s College and Waka Secondary School. When in 1973 the Waka Schools were turned over to the state, the Royers became houseparents at Hillcrest School in Jos, Nigeria. In 1976 they moved to Niger, which was suffering a devastating drought. There he was director of Church World Service (CWS) for 11 years, and was an appropriate technology consultant. Later, for a time in the early 1990s, the couple served with CWS in Liberia. Returning to Indiana in 1986 he worked in construction for the next 20 years. Since then, his volunteer work included serving on a delegation to Haiti with Christian Peacemaker Teams, eight years on the Grant Review Panel for the Global Food Crisis Fund, participation in workcamps and disaster relief, and organizing reunions of Hillcrest alumni. He also poured time, energy, and love into Eel River Community Church of the Brethren in Silver Lake, Ind., and the surrounding community. On April 29, 2006, he married Barbara (Peters) McFadden. For the last six years Barbara has joined Ralph in his efforts. Surviving are his wife, Barbara; daughters Linda Shankster of Elkhart, Ind., Roxane (Carl) Hill of Abilene, Texas, and Sylvia (Andrew) Taussig of Oklahoma City, Okla.; grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. A memorial service was held yesterday, Oct. 17, at Eel River Community Church of the Brethren. Memorial gifts are received to Kulp Bible College, a ministerial training school for Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) care of McKee Mortuary ( http://mckeemortuary.com ).
- Remembrance: Mary Blocher Smeltzer died at home in La Verne, Calif., on Oct. 8. Her long life of service and peace witness included teaching in the Manzanar internment camp for Japanese Americans during World War II, with her late husband Ralph Smeltzer. They were among several teachers who volunteered to join their students in the camps after 110,000 people of Japanese descent were incarcerated following the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Smeltzers helped about 1,000 people leave the camps and resettle elsewhere. After a few months at Manzanar, with the help of M.R. Zigler who was then head of Brethren Service, and with participation from Bethany Seminary, they set up a hostel in Chicago for Japanese American evacuees. A second hostel in New York, which housed evacuees 1944-46, was met with “noisy opposition from New York Mayor LaGuardia and New Jersey Governor Edge,” according to a “Messenger” report. Ralph went on to become director of peace and social education and later Washington Office representative for the Church of the Brethren. He died in 1976. In recent decades Mary was active in many peace and justice efforts including founding Womaen’s Caucus, which she served for several years as co-chair and which has instituted an award in her name; serving in the Peace Corps in Botswana; serving as host at the World Friendship Center in Hiroshima, Japan, 1981-82; and in 1985 addressing a Brethren gathering during the tying of a Peace Ribbon around the Pentagon. In 1983 she was the denomination’s delegate to the World Council of Churches Sixth Assembly. In her 70s, she was arrested for civil disobedience at the Nevada nuclear test site. In 2010 “Brethren Voices”--a cable television show produced by Portland (Ore.) Peace Church of the Brethren--featured her work at Manzanar (view it at www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppm_Ohm3Ewk ). In 2005 at age 89 she was among 200 educators honored by the Japanese American National Museum. Interviewed by the “Los Angeles Times” on that occasion, she was asked why she reached out to internees. She said, “It’s just part of me. It’s just part of being a Christian, being a peace person, part of doing what I think is right.” She enjoyed the companionship of her partner, Chuck Butterfield, from 1998 until his death in 2011. Also preceding her in death was daughter Janet, who died at age 9 in a car accident. Surviving are children Marty Smeltzer West of Davis, Calif., Patricia Himes of La Verne, Calif., and Ken (Bonnie) Kline Smeltzer of Boalsburg, Pa., grandchildren, and great grandchildren. A memorial service will be held Friday, Oct. 19, at 10:30 a.m. at La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren. Memorial contributions are received to the La Verne Church, designated for a peace camp, and to the Janet Smeltzer Scholarship Fund at the University of La Verne.
- The Church of the Brethren’s Advocacy and Peace Witness office welcomes Bryan Hanger as a new Brethren Volunteer Service worker. He was a member of the BVS Unit 299, which recently completed orientation, and will work in Washington, D.C., with Nathan Hosler, advocacy officer for the Church of the Brethren and the National Council of Churches, and Jonathan Stauffer, a BVS intern in the Advocacy and Peace Witness office.
- The Church of the Brethren seeks a program assistant for the director of Donor Relations and the associate director of Donor Communications, to work at the church’s General Offices in Elgin, Ill. This newly created fulltime hourly position will support and assist in developing connections with donors and friends of the denomination through electronic and print correspondence, individual and congregational contacts, special offerings, and stewardship education resources. Key performance accountabilities include communication with individuals, communication with congregations, and donor support. Tasks include assisting with production, printing, proofreading, and other development of materials; communication with contributors to various projects; assisting with donor relations contacts, schedules, files, and databases. A complete list of tasks is included on the position description. Required skills and knowledge include a high level of skill in oral and written communication; a positive, creative, and collaborative working style; technological savvy and ability to learn new technology quickly; proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Word, Excel, and Outlook; ability to become familiar with other software programs including Adobe Acrobat Pro, Photoshop, InDesign, and Convio. A bachelor’s degree or equivalent work experience is required. Experience in communications, fundraising, public relations, administration, or marketing is desired. For an application form and a full job description contact the Office of Human Resources, Church of the Brethren, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120; 800-323-8039 ext. 367; humanresources@brethren.org .
- The University of La Verne, Calif., seeks an associate provost for Faculty Affairs, and a director for the Center of the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. The associate provost will provide support and assistance to the Provost for all faculty affairs as well as units within the Academic Affairs Division that directly support faculty professional development, the teaching and learning process, the assessment of teaching and learning, WASC accreditation, faculty scholarship, research and creative work, and associated support services. The associate provost will supervise the associate vice presidents, the director of the Library, the director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, and the director of Sponsored Programs. The director for the Center of the Advancement of Teaching and Learning manages the center and works collaboratively with academic leadership and faculty to develop and implement faculty development programming, instructional technology initiatives, pedagogical innovations, action research, manages university wide assessment, and provides expert leadership to the Provost and the Academic Affairs Team. Find links to fuller information about these open positions and more job openings at http://sites.laverne.edu/hr/job-openings .
- The Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board holds fall meetings Oct. 18-21 at the denomination’s General Offices in Elgin, Ill. For this meeting the regular schedule has shifted forward a day, with new member orientation and the Executive Committee starting today, and an all-board education event planned for tomorrow afternoon. Open sessions of the full board will be Saturday, Oct. 20, and Sunday morning, Oct. 21. On the agenda: a budget for 2013, a financial review of 2012, follow up on Annual Conference actions regarding the district representation on the board and the future of the denomination’s ecumenical witness, a report from process observers who attended Annual Conference among several other reports, and a Board Development Session, among other business.
- The Children’s Aid Society receives congratulations from Church of the Brethren general secretary Stan Noffsinger in a video clip that may be viewed on the denomination’s home page www.brethren.org . The society is a ministry of Southern Pennsylvania District, and last weekend held the first event in a year-long celebration of its 100th anniversary.
- In related news, on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 21, the Children's Aid Society holds a Free Community Event at Sovereign Bank Stadium in York, Pa., on the Brooks Robinson Plaza. Highlights are "York’s Got Talent" and "Minute to Win It" contests (entry fee for contestants is $25). “York’s Got Talent” will feature singing, dancing, and juggling in an effort to win a grand prize of $1,000. In “Minute to Win It” businesses will compete for a chance to win prizes. Child artists may contribute pieces to a Children’s Art Auction. Other activities for the whole family include a petting zoo, face painting, play area, booths by community businesses and organizations, children’s safety information from the police department, and painting of a large mural that will be displayed at the Lehman Center in downtown York. For more information go to www.cassd.org/index_files/Page898.htm .
- Global Mission and Service announces preparations for three workcamps, each scheduled to take place early next year. A workcamp to Nigeria in January 2013 will include construction on the headquarters of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN--the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). A workcamp to Burundi is projected to begin around the last week of February, led by John Braun in service to the Twa Pygmies. A workcamp to South Sudan next spring will include construction of a new Brethren ministry center. Indicate interest in any of these workcamps by e-mailing mission@brethren.org .
- In more news from Africa, mission worker Carol Smith is continuing this year as a math teacher at the Comprehensive Secondary School of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria. In a recent interview, made in preparation for the Mission Alive conference, she explains the three things she attempts to teach in the classroom: 1. character and honesty, 2. learning skills, and 3. math skills. Smith views her role as a teacher as encouraging future leaders of the church and of Nigeria to believe in themselves and to act with honesty and good character, reports Anna Emrick in the denomination’s Global Mission and Service office. Smith has been teaching in Nigeria since early 2011.
- New online at www.brethren.org is the most recent Brethren Volunteer Service newsletter, “The Volunteer,” at www.brethren.org/bvs/updates with stories from a new BVS project site in Japan, and the first EIRENE volunteer in BVS, among others. Also newly posted is the fall newsletter from the Global Food Crisis Fund, go to www.brethren.org/gfcf/stories .
- Doris Abdullah, Church of the Brethren representative to the United Nations, is offering opening remarks for a forum today at the UN Plaza in New York. Tiled “The Impact of Religion, Spirituality, and Beliefs on Racism, Migration, and Development” is sponsored by the committee she chairs, the NGO Sub-Committee for the Elimination of Racism. Featured speakers are Hardayal Singh, director of the United Sikhs; Victoria Edmond, a major in the Salvation Army; and John Rafferty, president of the Secular Humanist Society of New York. Offering closing remarks will be Bruce Knotts, chair of the NGO Committee on Human Rights and representative of the Unitarian Universalist UN Office.
- “Growing from the Ashes” is the name of the Camp Mack campaign to raise funds to build Becker Retreat Center on the site of the former Becker Lodge. The lodge was lost to a fire in July 2010. After the June 2011 completion of the John Kline Welcome Center to replace the food service and office functions formerly housed in the lodge, Camp Mack now needs to replace lodging and meeting areas. The campaign goal is $2,466,000 toward the project goal of $3,766,000. As a part of the campaign, Camp Mack has been holding fundraising dinners throughout Indiana on Saturday and Sunday evenings. The first dinners were held Sept. 22 at Camp Mack, in Kokomo on Sept. 30, and in N. Manchester on Oct. Upcoming dinners are scheduled for Fort Wayne on Oct. 20, Indianapolis on Nov. 4, Mishawaka on Nov. 17, Richmond on Dec. 1, and a final dinner at Camp Mack on Dec. 9. Information about the campaign, the dinners, and an opportunity to donate, are at www.campmack.org . Reservations for a dinner may be made by calling Camp Mack at 574-658-4831.
- West View Manor, a Church of the Brethren related retirement community in Wooster, Ohio, has changed its name to West View Healthy Living as part of a recently completed strategic planning process. A letter from administrator Jerrold E. Blackmore announced the change.
- Beavercreek (Ohio) Church of the Brethren is celebrating 200 years of ministry, the oldest worshiping congregation in Southern Ohio District. The church began meeting in 1805 and received recognition as a congregation in 1812, according to a district announcement. On Oct. 27, at 7 p.m., Beavercreek holds an evening of music titled “Celebrating 200 Years in Song and Script.” Also featured are appearances by Alexander Mack and Dan West, and the story of the congregation’s response to the 1974 Xenia tornado disaster. On Oct. 28 at 10:15 a.m. the church will worship “old style” followed by a carry-in meal, with historical displays and an art exhibit. RSVP to beavercreekcob@yahoo.com or 937-429-1434.
- The 100th Anniversary of the Dranesville Church of the Brethren building is planned for Oct. 21. An invitation notes that the first service in the building was on Oct. 27, 1912. The church is located in Herndon, Va.
- “The Times of Our Lives” is a workshop event hosted by Manchester Church of the Brethren in N. Manchester, Ind., and provided free of charge by South/Central Indiana District on the morning of Saturday, Oct. 27. A caramel roll and fruit breakfast starts the day at 8 a.m. followed by a keynote address “Politicians, the Public, and Polarization” by Leonard Williams, professor of Political Science at Manchester University. A number of workshops will follow including a “Conversation About Polarization” with professor Williams, and “Cactus Blooms and the Search for Hope” led by district executive minister Beth Sollenberger, among others.
- A weekend of workshops by Sharon Ellison, author of “Taking the War Out of Our Words,” has been initiated by Westminster (Md.) Church of the Brethren after a Sunday school class studied her book of the same name. An all-day workshop led by Ellison takes place Nov. 10, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., at Carroll Community College which is a partner in the event. Social workers and ministers receive continuing education units. Cost to attend in person (includes lunch) or to view the webinar: Carroll County resident $75, Maryland resident $80, Maryland resident over 60 $55 (plus $5 out-of-county fee), not a Maryland resident $85, students $25 (plus $5 out-of-county or $10 out-of-state fee). Register at www.carrollcc.edu/instantenrollment , use course #AHE-238-A2 (students use #AHE-238-A2S) or for the webinar use course #AHE-238-A2W (students use #AHE-238-A2SW). Register by phone at 410-386-8100. Ellison will preach at Westminster on Sunday, Nov. 11, at 10 a.m., and will lead a workshop at the church from 2-4 p.m. on “Taking Power Struggles Out of Parenting” (fee is $25). Sponsors include Bethany Theological Seminary, the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, and Mid-Atlantic District. Register for the Sunday workshop at www.davidebaugh.name/parenting.html . In-home hospitality is offered through the Westminster Church or at local hotels at participant’s expense, an airport shuttle may be arranged; contact 410-848-8090 or PersonalizingPeace@gmail.com .
- Womaen's Caucus has announced live webcasting of the Progressive Brethren Gathering on Oct. 26-28 at La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren. Go to http://new.livestream.com//enten/ProgressiveBrethren2012 to view webcasts and for a tentative schedule. With the theme, "Holy Work: Becoming a Beloved Community," the gathering will feature speakers Abigail A. Fuller, associate professor of Sociology and chair of the Department of Sociology and Social Work at Manchester University in N. Manchester, Ind.; and Katy Gray Brown, associate professor of Philosophy and Peace Studies at Manchester University. To attend the gathering in person register at http://progressivebrethrengathering-es2.eventbrite.com .
- West Marva District has given special recognition to Harvey Vance for 33 years of service as district disaster coordinator. He was presented with a plaque during the recent district conference.
- On Oct. 26-28 the Gathering 2012 will be held by Western Plains District. This has become an annual highlight for the district, offering exciting and fun activities for church members and their families. The Gathering is at Webster Conference Center in Salina, Kan. ( www.wpcob.org ).
- The 158th Southern Ohio District Conference is Oct. 19-20 at W. Charleston Church of the Brethren in Tipp City, Ohio, on the theme, “Thy Kingdom Come.” Special leadership is provided by Bethany Seminary academic dean Steve Schweitzer. Two district worship services have led up to the conference, one held in March at Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren and the other Aug. 10 at Oakland Church of the Brethren.
- In connection with its district conference, Southern Ohio District is offering a workshop for youth leaders and others interested in youth ministry, led by Bekah Houff, coordinator of Outreach Programs at Bethany Seminary. “Youth do best when the whole church cares about them and youth leaders do best when the whole church cares about youth ministry,” explained an announcement. “We’ll talk about how to form a mentoring program, start an intergenerational Sunday school class, or plan a youth-led Sunday worship service. Together we’ll help the church to see its youth leaders less as pied pipers and more as bridge-builders.” The workshop will be at W. Charleston Church of the Brethren in Tipp City, Ohio, on Oct. 20 www.sodcob.org/_forms/view/9276 ).
- Also holding district conference on Oct. 19-20 is Middle Pennsylvania District, with Bedford Church of the Brethren and Snake Spring Valley Church of the Brethren as hosts. The theme will be “Pray, Seek, Listen” (Jeremiah 29:11-13). Conference Office director Chris Douglas is the opening preacher. The Breezewood Trucker Traveler Ministries is the Outreach Project.
- On Oct. 20, Western Pennsylvania District Conference meets at the Fred M. Rogers Center at St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pa. This year’s offering will again be received in the form of disaster relief kits or clean-up buckets.
- The 16th Annual Pleasant Hill Village Benefit Dinner and Auction is Oct. 20 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Virden, Ill. Doors open at 5 p.m., dinner is at 6. More than $242,000 has been raised at the retirement community’s annual benefit dinner and auction over the past 15 years, reports the Illinois and Wisconsin District newsletter. The goal for 2012 is $23,000. For more information visit www.pleasanthillvillage.org .
- Camp Eder near Fairfield, Pa., holds its 34th Annual Fall Festival on Saturday, Oct. 20.
- Camp Bethel reports that its 28th annual Brethren Heritage Day Festival was an “excellent day of wonderful fellowship and fun” with approximately 1,850 guests and helpers enjoying food, crafts, apple butter, and other activities. The event raised $32,804 for the camp's ministries.
- Manchester University dedicates its new pharmacy campus today, Oct. 18. The $20 million, 82,000-square-foot structure is at Dupont and Diebold roads just east of Interstate 69 in Fort Wayne, Ind. The architect was Design Collaborative, general contractor Michael Kinder and Sons Inc., both of Fort Wayne. A $35 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. put Manchester on the path to the “built from scratch” campus, said a release. The public was invited to the dedication where Indiana Senator David C. Long and others will speak, followed by a reception and campus tours. For more visit www.manchester.edu/pharmacy or call 260-470-2700.
- McPherson (Kan.) College celebrates its 125th anniversary with Homecoming on Oct. 19-21. Highlighting the celebration is a “Bulldog Bash” starting at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20, in and around the Student Union. Saturday morning will include events for the whole family, automotive restoration students assembling a Model T, a tailgate lunch, and a faculty and staff celebration. The football game was cancelled in honor of Tabor football player Brandon Brown, who died in September, and instead will be alumni basketball games and a special cycling event in memory of McPherson sophomore Paul Ziegler, who died in truck/bicycle accident on Sept. 23. "Pedals for Paul" invites participants to a 20-mile bicycle ride starting at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, or to log miles on stationary bikes in the sport center, or to ride on their own and send the number of miles to wiensc@mcpherson.edu by 4 p.m. Oct. 20. The weekend wraps up with a 125th anniversary worship service at 10 a.m. on Sunday in Brown Auditorium, recognizing the college's deep roots in the Church of the Brethren. The message will be delivered by campus minister Steve Crain. The service will be webcast at https://new.livestream.com/McPherson-College/125thAnniversary . Find the weekend schedule at www.mcpherson.edu/alumni .
- The University of La Verne, Calif., holds its Homecoming Weekend Oct. 19-21. “This tradition-packed weekend includes a dinner and dance at the beautiful Sheraton Fairplex Hotel and Conference Center on Friday evening,” said an invitation. “Then on Saturday, events include a 5k fun run/walk, street fair, picnic lunch, Celebrate La Verne parade, and football game vs. Pomona-Pitzer.” For a complete list of events visit www.ulv.edu .
- Elizabethtown (Pa.) College will receive a two-year grant from the Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program, under the auspices of the US Department of Education. The grant of $93,669 in the first year, combined with matching funding from the college and partners, will strengthen Asian Studies and Languages as signature programs of the college, launch a new Chinese language program, add four new Asian Studies courses and related co-curricular activities, enhance the Japanese language program with needed faculty and instructional support, and host an on-campus national conference titled "Teaching Japan." Additionally, the funding will expand the college's International Studies program through innovative programing in partnership with international NGOs and intergovernmental organizations. Visit www.etown.edu for more about Elizabethtown College.
- In more news from Elizabethtown College, lectures in the areas of peacemaking and care for children have been announced:
On Oct. 23 the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies welcomes Keith Graber Miller as Dale W. Brown Book Award recipient for 2012. He will speak about "Prophetic Peacemaking: Selected Writings of J.R. Burkholder." Miller is professor of Bible, religion, and philosophy at Goshen (Ind.) College. The award honors long-time Church of the Brethren scholar Dale W. Brown.
On Oct. 31 at 7:30 p.m. Children's Defense Fund founder and president Marian Wright Edelman will give the 2012 Leffler Memorial Lecture on the importance of defending and addressing the needs of children and how the defense of children in the US relates to issues of diversity and inclusion. She is a graduate of Spelman College and Yale Law School, and was the first black woman to be admitted to the Mississippi Bar. She began her professional career in the mid-1960s as director of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund office in Jackson, Miss., and in 1968 was counsel for the Poor People's Campaign organized by Martin Luther King Jr. Tickets are free but must be reserved by calling 717-361-4757.
On Nov. 1 Matthew Southworth, the 2012 Elizabethtown College Alumni Peace Fellow, will speak on "A More Peaceful Future: Making Change in an Election Year" at 7:30 p.m. at the Bucher Meetinghouse at the Young Center. He is a military veteran turned anti-war activist, and Washington, D.C., chapter president of Iraq Veterans Against the War and on the board of directors for Veterans for Peace. This event is free and open to the public.
- Bridgewater (Va.) College will hold a CROP Meal from 4:45-7 p.m. on Oct. 25. Faculty, staff, and members of the community purchase CROP Meals surrendered by Bridgewater students and enjoy “dinner out” in the main campus dining hall. The meals have been paid for on the student meal plan, and proceeds go to CROP’s hunger relief, education, and development programs in 80 countries around the world, with a portion given to the Bridgewater Area Inter-Church Food Pantry. Cost is $6 for adults, $4 for children 12 and under.
- The October "Brethren Voices," the community television program produced by Portland (Ore.) Peace Church of the Brethren, features the Brethren Historical Library and Archives and its director Terry Barkley. Viewers are taken on a tour of the archive at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill., including demonstration of a historic pipe organ once owned by Henry Kurtz. Host Brent Carlson takes a look at the digitized website connected with the BHLA featuring publications of the Church of the Brethren and other Brethren groups. In November, "Brethren Voices" visits the Arctic Wildlife Refuge in Alaska with David Radcliff of the New Community Project. The program marks the 90th edition of "Brethren Voices," now in its 9th year. For a complete list of programs, contact Ed Groff at groffprod1@msn.com .
- Members of the Brubaker family from Antioch Church of the Brethren have been honored by the Virginia Livestock Hall of Fame, according to the “Roanoke Times.” Brubaker brothers Daniel, Galen, Cline, and Emory were inducted into the hall of fame on Sept. 22 at Virginia Tech. Cline Brubaker, 68, has been owner since 1967 of the Franklin County farm where he was born, serves on the Franklin County Board of Supervisors, and has been president of the American Guernsey Association and the World Guernsey Cattle Federation. Emory Brubaker, 84, was general manager for 20 years of Virginia-North Carolina Select Sires, and is a former member of the Franklin County School Board. Galen Brubaker, who ran Gale-Ru Dairy in Franklin County, died in June at the age of 87. Daniel, 81, operated a dairy farm in Rockingham County, has been president of a poultry cooperative, and a board member of the Rockingham Farm Bureau. Read the story at www.roanoke.com/news/roanoke/wb/315080 .
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