A 2012 budget for the denominational ministries was the top business
item at the spring meeting of the Church of the Brethren Mission and
Ministry Board. Chair Ben Barlow led the March 9-12 meeting, which was
held at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md.
Also on the agenda were an allocation from the Global Food Crisis
Fund, the Ministerial Leadership paper, an appointment to the Brethren
Historical Committee, and a number of items presented for conversation
and input from the board including financial policies related to
self-funding ministries, the proposed denominational Vision Statement,
and an emerging effort of Congregational Life Ministries called “Vital
Ministry Journey.”
The Ecumenical Call to Just Peace document also was presented for
board conversation. World Council of Churches (WCC) representative
Michael Hostetter and general secretary Stan Noffsinger invited the
board into conversation about the content of the paper, with special
attention to its relevance to the Church of the Brethren. The document
comes to the next Assembly of the WCC in 2013.
Photo by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford |
Ben Barlow (center) chaired the
Spring 2012 meeting of the Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry
Board. At right is vice chair Becky Ball-Miller, with general secretary
Stan Noffsinger shown at left. |
Finances and 2012 budget
Treasurer LeAnn Wine presented financial reports for 2011 (see her report in the Feb. 22 issue of Newsline, go to
) as well as a proposed 2012 budget for denominational ministries. The
board had delayed approval of a 2012 budget because of financial
decisions in late 2011.
The board approved a total budget for denominational ministries
(including self-funding ministries) of $8,850,810 income, $8,900,080
expense, with an expected net loss of $49,270. The net loss is related
to the closure of the New Windsor Conference Center. The conference
center will continue to host groups and retreats until it closes June 4.
The denomination’s other ministries at the Brethren Service Center are
Wine also informed the board of staff discussions about policies
related to self-funding units. A review of those policies is part of the
organization’s strategic plan, which has a directional goal on
“sustainability.” The self-funding programs include Brethren Press,
Brethren Disaster Ministries, New Windsor Conference Center, Global Food
Crisis, Material Resources, the Conference Office, and “Messenger”
Although many different internal policies govern these self-funded
ministries, one aspect gained the attention of the board: a practice of
charging interest on interfund borrowing by self-funding departments.
The board asked the treasurer to do additional study and bring a
recommendation on whether this practice should be discontinued.
GFCF grant
The board approved a grant of $58,000 to support agricultural
development in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea).
This grant for the Ryongyon Community Development Program continues
long-term Brethren support for four farm cooperatives that feed and are
home to 17,000 people. The program is carried out in cooperation with
other members of the Foods Resource Bank, and is directed by Dr. Pilju
Kim Joo of Agglobe International.
“The need for food security is great,” said the grant request.
“Caritas reports that floods, a harsh winter, poor farming
infrastructure, and rising global food prices have left two-thirds of
the 24.5 million population without enough to eat.” Find out more about
the church’s work in North Korea at
Ministerial Leadership paper
The board reviewed the provisional approval it gave at its last
meeting to a draft of the Ministerial Leadership document, and approved
the document to be brought to the 2012 Annual Conference. The proposal
to the Conference will be to approve the document as a study paper,
before it comes back for final adoption. The document reviewed by the
board at this meeting included revisions from the previous version, with
a new section of “Scriptural Theological Perspective,” as well as new
sections of additional recommendations and a glossary of terms, among
other smaller revisions. For more information go to
Photo by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford |
A new concept of "Share and Prayer
Triads" was experienced at the Mission and Ministry Board meeting.
Congregational Life Ministries executive Jonathan Shively led the board
in small group Bible study, personal sharing, and prayer. The model is
part of the Vital Ministry Journey initiative that Congregational Life
is putting into place in collaboration with districts. |
Vital Ministry Journey
An emerging effort of Congregational Life Ministries, the “Vital
Ministry Journey” is a new way for denominational staff to partner with
congregations and districts toward holistic health. Built around
conversation, Bible study, prayer, and storytelling, the first phase
seeks to identify churches that are ready to grow their “mission
Initially developed with Middle Pennsylvania District, which plans to
launch the process in September, the Vital Ministry Journey is a work
in progress said Jonathan Shively, executive director of Congregational
Life Ministries. As he presented an outline of the goals and steps
envisioned for the two phases of the journey, Shively emphasized that at
its core the process is adaptable and intended to be customized by
congregations and districts.
Practices supporting the process include coaching, training,
networking, mutual support, and the cultivation of shared mission among
congregations. Shively led the board in an experience of “Share and
Prayer Triads,” three-member study groups that will be in place for 60
days in a congregation, a time intended for self-study and discernment
of a church’s state of health, calling as a community, and next steps in
In other business
The Executive Committee appointed Dawne Dewey to a four-year term on
the Brethren Historical Committee. She is head of special collections
and archives at Wright State University in Ohio and attends Pleasant
Hill Church of the Brethren in Southern Ohio District.
Board members worshiped with Frederick (Md.) Church of the Brethren,
attending two of the four Sunday morning services held by the
congregation. Frederick is the largest Church of the Brethren in the US.
Following worship, the board was given lunch by the congregation, and
pastor Paul Mundey led the board in a private workshop on “Developing
Leadership Skills in Turbulent Times.” The board also held a
conversation in closed session (see a release from the board below).
During the board meetings, Annual Conference moderator Tim Harvey led
devotions focused on the proposed Vision Statement for the Church of
the Brethren coming to the 2012 Conference. On behalf of the Conference
officers, who also were meeting in New Windsor over the weekend, he made
a recommendation that the Church of the Brethren as a whole and each
congregation spend a month this fall focusing on the Vision Statement
through Bible studies and small group discussions. Find the proposed
statement, a study guide, a new theme hymn, and worship resources at
Release from the Mission and Ministry Board: Executive Session Report
Recognizing the importance in the life of a board for generative
time, the Mission and Ministry Board entered into executive session on
Sunday afternoon, March 11, at the Frederick Church of the Brethren.
Photo by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford |
Pastor Paul Mundey preaches at
Frederick (Md.) Church of the Brethren. The denomination's Mission and
Ministry Board during its Spring meeting worshiped with the Frederick
congregation. The events on Sunday, March 11, 2012, also included a
lunch provided by the host church, and an afternoon session that Mundey
led for the board on "Developing Leadership Skills for Turbulent Times." |
As a board development component of the afternoon, Frederick pastor
Paul Mundey led the board through a seminar on “Developing Leadership
Skills in Turbulent Times.”
General Secretary Stan Noffsinger brought a progress report on the
New Windsor Conference Center closure and potential retasking of
conference center facilities.
The board then entered into a conversation about how best to
communicate with each other and with the wider church. The board focused
on decisions made in the past year regarding BVS [Brethren Volunteer
Service] project approvals. Specifically, the board spoke about the
approval of the Brethren Mennonite Council’s BVS project application.
The timeline and the process that led toward the decision was shared by
the General Secretary and the board Chair.
In January 2011, the Executive Committee discussed the approval
process for BVS projects in general and potential placements with BMC in
particular. The Executive Committee affirmed that all BVS volunteers
must be engaged in service consistent with the values of the Church of
the Brethren as articulated by Annual Conference statements and
policies. The Executive Committee further affirmed that any project
placement meeting this criterion and not involving advocacy against
Church of the Brethren positions should receive consideration. The
Executive Committee then instructed the General Secretary and an
Executive Committee member to engage in conversation with BMC
representatives to determine whether potential BMC placements could meet
those criteria and, if so, consider such placements. The General
Secretary determined that the BMC project met the criteria articulated
by the Executive Committee.
The board agreed that, going forward, all BVS projects should be reviewed periodically to assure that they meet these criteria.
The board acknowledged that the Executive Committee could have
communicated this decision and its rationale more effectively with the
wider board and the larger church and expressed regret for the confusion
and pain that resulted.
Given that experience, the board committed itself in the future to
find ways to communicate more effectively with the larger church. The
board seeks in all of its work to be a unifying force that is respectful
of all members of the Church of the Brethren.
The board ended its closed session in prayer, seeking God’s wisdom and guidance in its role in providing leadership for the Church of the Brethren.
Source:3/22/2012 Newsline