Friday, January 30, 2004

Global Food Crisis Fund allocates more than $33,000 in grants.

Two grants made by the Church of the Brethren Global Food Crisis Fund will support the Western Service Workers Association in Santa Ana, Calif., and the Mustard Seed Neighborhood Center in Wenatchee, Wash.

A grant of $20,000 will help retrofit the Western Service Workers Association's 3,000-square-foot structure, providing space for organizer training, clothing, and supplemental food distribution. A grant of $11,045 will support Mustard Seed's direct feeding program and nutrition education for low-income children ages 4 weeks to 12 years. The funds for Mustard Seed will be distributed in two parts: $7,045 in 2004 for the purchase of kitchen equipment and support of a half-time nutrition planner, and $4,000 in 2005 for the nutrition planner.

Source: Newsline 1/30/2004

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