- The Annual Conference office is seeking the following volunteers for Conference tasks: registration, ushers, tellers, unloading/loading crew, age groups (early childhood through young adults), information station, nurse. Please contact Rose Nolan at 800-323-8039 ext. 296 or e-mail RNolan_ac@brethren.org.
- The Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., has received an abundance of publicity recently. Articles in the Carroll County (Md.) Times and The Sun of Baltimore gave prominent coverage to the recent earthquake relief shipment sent to Iran via the New Windsor distribution center. Disaster News Network also carried a feature this month on the center's relief work and another feature highlighting Interchurch Medical Assistance, which is based at the center.
- The Sunshine State becomes a hub of Brethren activity over the course of the next month. The Council of District Executives, the Inter-Agency Forum, and the Mission and Ministries Planning Council all meet in Daytona Beach, Fla., in consecutive meetings during the first week of February. Brethren Volunteer Service, which is in the midst of a volunteer orientation unit at Camp Ithiel in Gotha, Fla., will hold an in-service retreat there Feb. 9-13 for current volunteers. And Feb. 20-21, Disaster Child Care offers a Level 1 training workshop in West Palm Beach.
- A maintenance manager is needed at Camp Bethel in Fincastle, Va., for a resident, full-time position. Duties include facilities and equipment maintenance, grounds upkeep, and custodial needs. For more information visit www.campbethelvirginia.org or call 540-992-2940. Send resume', salary history, and cover letter to: Camp Bethel Manager, 328 Bethel Rd., Fincastle, VA 24090; fax 540-992-2940; or e-mail camp.bethel@juno.com.
- The Lebanon Valley Brethren Home, Palmyra, Pa., is celebrating its 25th anniversary throughout 2004. Festivities will begin Feb. 21, the anniversary date of the home, with Living History presentations at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. The home's new president, Jeffrey Shireman, will be introduced to the home and the community at the presentations.
- The Brethren Homes Forum 2004 will be hosted by the Brethren Retirement Community in Greenville, Ohio, March 4-6. Highlights of the event will include major business presentations, dialog about homes and districts, an award and recognition dinner, entertainment and games, and a time of planning for the future. For more information contact Ralph McFadden at the Association of Brethren Caregivers, 800-323-8039.
- Sunday, March 21, is the suggested date of the 2004 One Great Hour of Sharing offering. This year's theme, "God Uses all Gifts for BIG PURPOSES," is based on John 6:9. Packets of information for congregations will be in the mail from the General Board the week of Feb. 2. Each packet includes a colorful poster, a sample offering envelope, a sample colorable fish coin box, worship resources, and children's materials. Standing orders for these materials will be sent simultaneously.
- A forum with presidential candidates Jan. 30-31 in Columbia, S.C.-reported in the Jan. 16 Newsline-will be used to launch a new National Anti-Poverty Effort by grassroots and faith-based groups including the National Council of Churches. MSNBC.com is planning to webcast segments of the event. The two-day event includes an interfaith service and a day of planning meetings, as well as the candidates' forum.
- Habitat for Humanity International has been welcomed as an international Christian organization by the World Council of Churches (WCC). Millard Fuller, founder and president of Habitat, visited the WCC headquarters in Switzerland Jan. 26-27 to explore opportunities for cooperation between the two organizations. In addition to solidifying relationships with the WCC, Fuller will meet with representatives from other organizations including the YWCA and YMCA, the World Student Christian Federation, the Lutheran World Alliance, the Council of European Churches, the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, and the Patriarchy of Moscow. "Everyone is needed if we are to rid the world of shacks," Fuller said.