of Life, Lead Us to Justice and Peace” is the theme for the World
Council of Churches 10th Assembly on Oct. 30-Nov. 8 in Busan, South
Korea. Congregations may walk alongside the church delegates preparing
to travel to South Korea this fall through use of special study and
worship resources titled “Pilgrimage to Busan: An Ecumenical Journey
into World Christianity.”
The WCC is an ecumenical fellowship of 345 member denominations
representing more than 500 million Christians in over 110 countries. Its
general assemblies are considered the largest gathering of Christians
worldwide, and occur only once every seven years. WCC assemblies have
been key turning points for the worldwide church, times when the Holy
Spirit has moved in unexpected ways to guide the Christian movement into
new directions of discipleship and witness.
This year’s assembly theme invites congregations to join in study of
how the living God leads Christians to seek justice and peace, building
on the Decade to Overcome Violence. “Pilgrimage to Busan” is designed
for use by study groups, adult forums, or for retreats.
Each unit or "station stop" draws participants into a specific
situation--for example that of Orthodox churches in Eastern Europe, or
Dalit Christians in India--and focuses on a key theme: Station One:
Christian Unity, Station Two: Called to Witness, Station Three: Living
with People of Other Faiths, Station Four: Working for God's Justice,
Station Five: Praying for Peace, Station Six: Transformative
Spirituality for Discipleship.
A leader's guide offers coordinators background on the sites, themes,
and issues of each unit, along with links to further resource material.
A participant's guide structures the reflection and discussion and
suggests possibilities for practical engagement. Download both guides in
pdf format from wcc2013.info/en/resources/pilgrimage-to-busan.
Source: 8/8/2013 Newsline
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