Thursday, January 29, 2009

Outdoor Ministries Association holds annual meeting in Northwest.

Directors, managers, and other staff of the Church of the Brethren’s camps headed to the great Northwest this fall for their annual gathering. Camp Myrtlewood in Myrtle Creek, Ore., hosted the Outdoor Ministries Association (OMA) group for four-plus days of professional growth, business, hiking, sightseeing, networking, and fellowship. About 40 people attended.

Glenn Mitchell, a Brethren spiritual director from Spring Mills, Pa., provided leadership for sessions throughout the Nov. 16-20 event, focusing on Celtic Christianity and its relevance to church camping ministry. The sessions included devotional and reflection times using traditional Celtic prayers.

Each of the camps that were represented gave an update on recent activities and projects, with particular focus on the eco-stewardship activities occurring at the host camp. Natasha Stern, program coordinator at Camp Swatara in Bethel, Pa., was called as the new chair of the OMA Steering Committee, which next meets March 3-5 at Brethren Woods in Keezletown, Va.

OMA’s next major gathering will be in November, when it offers the OMA National Conference to the wider church Nov. 13-15 at Woodland Altars in Peebles, Ohio. The 2009 OMA directors, managers, and staff retreat will follow the conference.

--Walt Wiltschek is editor of the Church of the Brethren’s "Messenger" magazine.

Source: 1/29/2009 Newsline

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