Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Hymnal Supplement series is now complete.

Brethren Press has shipped Supplement 10, "Confessing/Reconciling," the final in the Hymnal Supplement Series. Publication of the series began in 2001. Previous instalments provided hymns for seasons of the church year as well as focuses on "Praising, Adoring," "Gathering, Sending," "Rituals and Ordinances," "Witnessing: Peace and Justice," along with other worship topics.

Members of the committee that guided development of the resource are Nancy Faus (chair), Lee-Lani Wright, Jonathan Shively, Michelle Grimm, and Brethren Press publisher Wendy McFadden.

At Annual Conference 2006, attendees will have an opportunity to "Sing Through the Hymnal Supplement" at an insight session this coming July.

Order Supplement 10 from Brethren Press for $1.50 each plus shipping and handling; order the complete "Hymnal Supplement," which comes unassembled with a navy blue binder that matches "Hymnal: A Worship Book," for $13.95 plus shipping and handling. Call 800-441-3712.

Source: 01/04/2006 Newsline

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