Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Fellowship of Brethren Homes meets for annual forum.

Representatives from 11 Church of the Brethren retirement centers attended the Fellowship of Brethren Homes Annual Forum, a meeting for CEOs and administrative staff to exchange ideas and discuss the challenges of operating a nonprofit continuing care retirement community. The Fellowship of Brethren Homes is a ministry of the Association of Brethren Caregivers.

In the forum's opening keynote address, Parker Marden, retiring president of Manchester College, spoke about the quality of care provided by Brethren homes. He commented that potential collaboration between the colleges and homes could exist through curricular programs at the schools to train and staff the homes.

Rick Stiffney, CEO of Mennonite Health Services, led a series of discussions ranging from church and board relations, to charitable mission, to attracting and maintaining quality employees. "If you can come up with one or two ‘take aways' from these sessions, then it will have been a successful endeavor," said Stiffney. Several of the CEOs later commented that they had indeed gotten a few "take aways" and plan to implement them in their own organizations.

Don Fecher, director of the Fellowship of Brethren Homes, spoke about the "Brethren connection" and the future of the fellowship. "The quality of care provided by Church of the Brethren Homes far exceeds the standards that are required by law," he noted. "The type of care provided in a Brethren home is living the words, 'What would Jesus do?'"

The meeting was held at Timbercrest Church of the Brethren Home in North Manchester, Ind. Tours of the host facility were an important part of the forum, commented Fecher. He also noted that the gathering's relaxed atmosphere helped attendees to exchange ideas and learn from one another.

For more information about the ministries of the Association of Brethren Caregivers see

Source: 06/08/2005 Newsline

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